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Turkish Missile Programs

But why buy both the aircraft? Buying of Typhoon as well as JSF would shoot up the operational costs and skyrocket maintenance headache. Let us discuss this in a separate thread.

After TAI-LockheedMartine applied a CCIP modernization for all Turkish F-16's, It is expected that Turkish F-16's operation times will be exceeded until 2020. After this date, Turkey will need a new Air-Air combat aircraft similar with F-16. It will be most probably EF-2000 EuroFighter after 2020.

Turkey will mostly use F-35's for Air-Ground missions...

TuAF will have a similar fleet like this in 2014-15;

But why buy both the aircraft? Buying of Typhoon as well as JSF would shoot up the operational costs and skyrocket maintenance headache. Let us discuss this in a separate thread.

Now coming to this topic, has Turkish government considered exporting these missiles to foreign countries? I can already see some inquisitive members here asking for its induction into their countries' services.

Turkey startet to develop it's indigenous Aircraft some Years ago, the first indigenous Aircraft is a basic Trainer called "Hurkus". The Aircraft is named after the turkish Aviation Pioneer Vecihi Hurkus. Now in 2010 the first assembled Prototype will make it's Rollout and probably it's first Flight

Some Informations about Hurkus: http://http://www.tai.com.tr/prog.aspx?contentDefID=6&page=___Programs__NONE_____INTEGRATED]TURKISH AEROSPACE INDUSTRIES INC. AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS__NONE_____DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS__NONE_____T.B.T.E.U.-HURKUS__PROGRAM__6

Biography about Vecihi Hurkus: http://earlyaviators.com/ehurkus4.htm]

I read Rumors that TAI will develop it's first Jet Tariner until 2015 and the first turkish Aircraft jet Engine should also get ready until 2015. The Development of an 4,5th or 5th Generation Fighter Aircraft need enogh Experience, Know - How and Huge ammounts of Money, which can Turkey not afford alone by itself. When Turkey will get a new 4,5th or 5th Generation Fighter Aircraft it have the choice to particapate in a multinational Cooperation, for example Turkey particapate in the JSF Development as Level-3 Partner.

Sooner or later I hope Turkey join the Development of korean KF-X Fighter, to replace F-16C/D Block50 after 2020/25.

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Turkey wants to gain technologies thats why they might buy typhoons fighters.
pure for techs so they can develop indigenous theirself.
Turkey wants to gain technologies thats why they might buy typhoons fighters.
pure for techs so they can develop indigenous theirself.


We have to introduce our official truths. If It is about your wishes, You have to note it in your text. At current aspect, Turkey will not develop any fighter jet on her own. SSM prepares the R&D and strategic roadway for future plans and It is also not issued any of developing a fighter jet until 2016-2020 at official SSM sheets but We will participate (or participated) multi-national defence programs including fighter-jet's and UCAV's...
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We have to introduce our official truths. If It is about your wishes, You have to note it in your text. At current aspect, Turkey will not develop any fighter jet on her own. SSM prepares the R&D and strategic roadway for future plans and It is also not issued any of developing a fighter jet until 2016-2020 at official SSM sheets but We will participate (or participated) multi-national defence programs including fighter-jet's and UCAV's...

Yes i know.
Turkey wont really develop a fighter yet by his own.
But they are gaining techs to produce and develop 100% of its arsenal.
they have crossed 60% the defence ministir said.
I seriously think that Pakistan should get couple of samples of this product and test it with the Bakhtar Shikan on old tanks.

I believe the Turks are getting very advance technology from Israel and Europe and their missles are better then our soviet based Bakhar Shikan. No wonder we had to buy the TOW 2 even though we already have many bakhar shikans.

the Turks would be more then willing to sell the technology for this missle to pakistan.
I seriously think that Pakistan should get couple of samples of this product and test it with the Bakhtar Shikan on old tanks.

I believe the Turks are getting very advance technology from Israel and Europe and their missles are better then our soviet based Bakhar Shikan. No wonder we had to buy the TOW 2 even though we already have many bakhar shikans.

the Turks would be more then willing to sell the technology for this missle to pakistan.

Turks are not getting technology from Israel or Europe about this missiles, There are two experienced Turkish firms Aselsan and Roketsan this joint corporations are developing things on their own...

This firm has more than 1700 engineers...

Having better defence technology needs having a better education syestem and better universties so better engineers and better defence firms... That is not even enough, you gotta pay crazy money to R&D...

You cant go too long with technology that given by someone else but brother helps brother...
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Cabatli when would you guys start receiving F-35's

Around late 2015 begin 2016.
There has been some delays..
Hope there wont be delay again.
And we might buy some squadrons of Eurofighter Typhoons.
Or maybe buy and produce them now(turkey has been offered for 100% produce lincense plus full tech transfer which will gain for Turkey alot of capabilities just like we gained from JSF program).
to fullfill the delays of f35.

According to Turkish ministery of National Defence 2009 Activity Report;

(5) Hassas Güdümlü Stand-Off Mühimmat Projesi ile, Hava savunma
sistemlerinin menzili dsnda kalarak düsman imkân ve kabiliyetlerini etkisiz hale
getirmek için önceden veya havada programlanabilen, alçak ve yüksek irtifadan
atlabilen güdümlü bir mühimmatn gelistirilmesi,

"Precision guided stand-off Air Launchable missile development Program" in order to engage the air defence battaries from stand-off ranges. It will be programmed in air...
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(8) Kanatl Güdüm Kiti Gelistirilmesi Projesi ile Hv.K.K.lg envanterinde
bulunan klasik mühimmatn akll hale dönüstürülmesini saglayacak özgün güdüm
kitlerinin millî olarak gelistirilmesi amaçlanmaktadr.Kanatl Güdüm Kitinin gelistirilmesi
ile envanterdeki klasik mühimmatlar millî imkanlar kullanlarak güdümlü (akll) hale
getirilecek, vurus etkinligi ve menzilleri artrlacaktr.

"HGK JDAM with side wings project" is already been known. It is to develop a new Tubitak SAGE-HGK JDAM kits based on Tubitak-SAGE HGSS with side wings to reach more longer ranges...

Referance picture, Boeing !!!

(1) HTPB Yakt Polimeri Gelistirilmesi Projesi ile, Kompozit roket
yaktlarnda baglayc olarak kullanlan HTPB (Hidroksil Uç gruplu Poli Bütadien)
polimer malzemesinin, öncelikle laboratuvar ölçeginde sentezlenmesi ve daha sonra 6
ton/yl kapasiteli pilot üretim alt yapsnn kurulmas amaçlanmstr. Proje ile; Füze
Teknolojileri Kontrol Rejimi kapsamnda yer alan ve bu nedenle her türlü satn alm
belirli izinlere bagl olan HTPB polimerik malzemenin yurt içinde üretimi

It is told above passage that "HTPB polimer rocket fuels project" has been prohibited to purchase by Missile Technology Control Regime but With this project, Turkey will produce those strategic fuels 6 tonnes per year...
''(2) Öldürücü Olmayan Silah Sistemleri Projesinin Amac; Komuta Kontrol Sistemleri, Güdüm Sistemleri, Seyrüsefer Sistemleri gibi sistemlerde kullanlan elektronik teçhizat ve gerektiginde personeli öldürmeden etkisiz hale getirmek maksadyla Yüksek Güçlü Mikrodalga Silah (YGMDS) gelistirilmesine yönelik yaplabilirlik etüdünün hazrlanmasdr. Proje ile; Elektrik-elektronik donanml silah, araç ve sistemleri, çevreye zarar vermeden kalc veya geçici olarak, hedef personeli ise, kalc hasara yol açmadan etkisiz hale getirebilecek silah sistemleri konusunda tasarm kabiliyeti kazanlmstr.''

"Non-lethal Weapon System Program"

-Main purpose of this program is to develop a MicroWave Weapon system to destroy(Temporary-Permanent) Enemy Command-Control Systems, Guidance system, Navigation systems, Electronic devices.

Gelistirilmis Gizleme Ag Sistemi Projesi kapsamnda, düsmann
yapacag kesif, gözetleme ve hedef tespit faaliyetlerine kars Gelistirilmis Gizleme Aglar üretilerek; yakn infrared, termal, görüs tespit cihazlarndan ve radarlardan korunma saglanmas amaçlanmaktadr.

"Advanced secreting Network system program"

Main purpose of this program is to develop and produce advanced network systems to defend oneself from enemy infrared, termal, sighting and radar detection devices to engage enemy surveillance, reconnaisannce, target detection activities over motherland, Turkey...

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