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Turkish Missile Programs

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The war against Assad is a great lesson for turkey for the need to develop cruise missiles and missiles with heavy pay load
Anti ship missiles Incase Russia plays naughty

Sounds nice, but we need something that can deal with russian airplanes, like new manpads
Man pads are effective against only low flying objects like helicopters or drones
Firing trials of Turkish Manpads with a warhead will be performed in this year.
This coming very late. This project should have started long ago at least at the start of the syrian revolution in 2011. Everybody knew manpad was the need of the day all throughout the Syrian revolution. It couldve helped rebels to lessen the barrel bombing

How about Kuzgun ? I think that ammo will be very famous in the near future. Just because his potentional is very high. I mean he have very high guide and warhead alternatives he have good cost and good range. I'm seeing him a future claws of a turkish war machine.

But we can use him on the naval also. Yes we are r&d railguns for navy but railguns need a very long time for high ranged and guided projectile launchable projectiles.


Usa and sweden add a rocket booster and lanch sdb-II from land ;

And he have 150 km range.


We can add kuzgun to tr-122mm rokcket fuel section and engine for booster and thats can be reach him around 130-150 km

They will be slow but they have swarm capability , we can make a saturation and swarm attacks to naval ships and all enemy coastline easy way. He have radar seeker and radar datalink but 1-2 ship based uav can be make a target designation also.

This system can give us low-medium range attack capabilty and also gezgin long range.

I prefer the this kind of ammo on i clas and barbaros. With this way we can locate 8x vls for 32 essm/g-40 behalf of 8 x ssm of 16 on the ship and use standart 16x vls's for siper.

127mm guns for very good for him.
I prefer to see air launched BORA Ballistic Missile similar to Russian KINZHAL air launched Ballistic Missile can be launched from modernized F-4 Fighter Jets with range of 1000km to target air bases , air defense systems even Destroyers and Aircraft Carriers

BORA air launched Ballistic Missile variant can provide Turkiye substantial strategic leverage
Warhead : 480 kg
Speed : mach 3
Guidance : INS , GPS , + optical homing system
Accuracy : 1-3 meters

KHAN/BORA Tactical Balistic Missile hit target located 280 km away with point precision ( 1m )

2000km KINZHAL is air launched variant of 500km ISKANDER Ballistic Missile
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Do we have thermobaric warheads for smaller munitions like MAM group of glide bombs produced by Roketsan? I think they would be a game changer given that they would be easy and short time taking to develop, thus a significant force multiplier for our existing UCAV capabilities.
Smaller, portable aa missiles would be so good. If troops could carry around missiles with 8-10 km range the deterrent effect would be better.
Latest news from TEMREN:

The studies for the integration of the TEMREN Guided Ammunition of S ‑ 70B Sea Hawk Helicopters in the Turkish Navy inventory are ongoing.

GPS / INS-guided Miniature Bombs (MB) that can be used against long-range, hard targets that are required by the Turkish Air Force Command and the Multiple Transport Area that can carry four MBs have been successfully developed on 12.12.2019.


Latest news from TEMREN:

The studies for the integration of the TEMREN Guided Ammunition of S ‑ 70B Sea Hawk Helicopters in the Turkish Navy inventory are ongoing.
View attachment 612653

GPS / INS-guided Miniature Bombs (MB) that can be used against long-range, hard targets that are required by the Turkish Air Force Command and the Multiple Transport Area that can carry four MBs have been successfully developed on 12.12.2019.

View attachment 612654

View attachment 612655

Hmm good news about Temren. Seems like the missile is ready and integration process continues. This is a project of which i ve been hoping to hear for a long time
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