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Turkish Land Vehicle Programs

Mayına Karşı Korumalı Zırhlı Muharebe Aracı

06.12.2016 SSM

Amaç : Jandarma birliklerinin görev etkinliğinin arttırılması, personel zayiatının önlenmesi, sevk ve intikallerin daha da güvenli hale getirilmesi amacıyla Mayına Karşı Korumalı Zırhlı Muharebe Aracı (MKKZMA) tedariki

Kapsam : 6X6 konfigürasyonda, arazi yeteneğine sahip, yüksek mayın, balistik ve EYP koruması olan, % 60 dik, % 30 yan meyilde hareket edebilme kabiliyetine haiz 10 adet Mayına Karşı Korumalı Zırhlı Muharebe Aracı (MKKZMA) tedarik edilecektir.

what are the candidates?
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Finally after years of waiting and seeing them being exported to foreign countries. Wonder what the final push was? Just typical delays or do they think more 6x6 = more room for Cobra 1/2/MRaps and less ZPT's?

Because we don't use BTRs in active duty anymore? Mostly for base protection...
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Finally after years of waiting and seeing them being exported to foreign countries. Wonder what the final push was? Just typical delays or do they think more 6x6 = more room for Cobra 1/2/MRaps and less ZPT's?

Because we don't use BTRs in active duty anymore? Mostly for base protection...

When will the Army start getting new IFV's and APC's, we are still using M113 even though our turkish companies have modern options that are top of the line. What are they waiting for?
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Qatar placed order for 35 Amazon.
Kirpi MRAP production for Turkmenistan and Pakistan proceeding.

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Vuran seems like a beast. Aggressive looking beast.

I really liked it bro.

Awesome job BMC.
. . . .
New Details: MMWT - FNSS

Weight: ~35 Ton
Maximum Speed: 70 km/h
Power/Weight Ratio: ~20 hp/ton
Armament: 105 mm Gun and 7.62 mm Coaxial

2 Prototype will be produced. One of them will be produced in Turkey and another will be produced in Indonesia.

The Indonesian Armed Forces will buy a total of 400 units.

Cockerill CT-CV 105HP ( Autoloader)
Oto Melara HITFACT 105mm/52 calibre (Manual Loading) (Optional)

You talk about a lightweight tank?
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