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Turkish Geopolitics/ Foreign Affairs

How was Nasser MB, he jailed and ousted Sayyid Qutb who stood for everything the MB represents

Yes, as a young man. Dictators have these tendecies to get rid of commpetion.Big mistake. But they survied Nasser, Sadat, Mubarak and won the fucking election almost in landslide. UAE price MBZ, admited that he was a member too. Thats why hie is the most er againt them, Aftet Egypt, Tunisa... got scared fort his princy *** being former member, he know that they are threat to his monarhy cause they would probably win election in UAE if there was ever any.


Will you please delete those Arab-related posts due to off-topic to the thread or move to the Arab related threads?


why, its geopolitic thread, and Turkey kinda living and has interests in the this gesphere, its not really offtopic.
Guys take the Morsi posts to the Middle East forum, thank you.

Sure, Turkey is no where near of Meadle East. And Turkish president didn just gave exclusive statment about it. And Morisis overthrow and imprisonment had no impact on Egypt - Turkey relations, turkih foreign affairs. Executon will neather. No conncevtion what so ever. But ok. You d boss
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this forum is a joke, censorship more than north korea

dont push it. Turkish section is one of the best sections if not the best. With lots of serious members and smart ppl, good info.... ME forum is a shitshow.

I found this map literally interesting to be honest. Turkey has such a great position no wonder it is a regional power.

Turkey also holds a sway of influence in the Islamic World and many Muslim countries even look towards it as a role model.

Turkey is literally the bridge the between Europe and Asia and this advantage is very important when it comes to Geopolitics.
View attachment 565701

I found this map literally interesting to be honest. Turkey has such a great position no wonder it is a regional power.

Turkey also holds a sway of influence in the Islamic World and many Muslim countries even look towards it as a role model.

Turkey is literally the bridge the between Europe and Asia and this advantage is very important when it comes to Geopolitics.

and every major power centar in the world knows that. And many of those have their own interested in these arenas that they want to keep and safeguard. And will, some more, some less try to hinder Turkish role and influence there. Anyone think French are happy that turkish maschinery and other products are coming to the market of Western Africa, taking the share of their market? for exmpl Of course, the are other things too in the mix. Frence isnt feeding Africa, its kinda the other way around.
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this forum is a joke, censorship more than north korea

Rule #1: You never go full SJW - Never

I mean, KSA and UAE bankrolled the cuop. US, France, UK gave it international legitimacy and recognized Sissi cupe goverment after watching live on TV execution of worst massacre of civilians in jEgypt modern historx at Raba.. Jonny Kerry even didnt want to call it a coup in official statment. Its has reseblance to the palestinian election in 2004, they were all for free and fair democracy and election, until Hamas won. Then, what did they do, didnt revognize the results, and election were heavily monitored by imternational observes, but still, 'wrong party' won.

Turkish big political parties should stop with polarazing rethorick. Its no coincidence that russian and now bSaudis by Intependent turskih are entering turksih media landscape. Erdogan and AKP should lead this effort. Work together, make conciessos, not against eached eather. I liked how Imamoglue went to visit Erdogan in his palace before the election. Anyway, this is optopic.

History will Judge Kerry as probably one of the Worst Secretaries of State

from the lack of Military Response to Assads chem massacre in 2013, Egyptian Coup, weak on Russia and bringing Iran back in to the international fold despite their involvement in the war in siurya
Rule #1: You never go full SJW - Never

History will Judge Kerry as probably one of the Worst Secretaries of State

from the lack of Military Response to Assads chem massacre in 2013, Egyptian Coup, weak on Russia and bringing Iran back in to the international fold despite their involvement in the war in siurya

Kerry, Rhodes, McGurk share this resposobility with Obama, of course. He made the final decisions.
Some sources claim that in Libya Haftar teror organization had declared war on Turkey. They will arrest Turkish citizens.
Is this a great opportunity to send our troops to secure Turkishmen in Libya? If they had declared war on us they must face with the consequences.
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