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Turkish Economy - News & Updates

What is the driving force behind Turkish Economic problem?

  • The on going Trump attack on Turkish Economy

    Votes: 29 19.9%
  • Jewish Agenda to weaken adjacent countries to Israel

    Votes: 36 24.7%
  • Internal Turkish economic problems

    Votes: 50 34.2%
  • Falling Exports for Turkey

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Loss of Tourism income for Turkey

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • External Loans or Debt impacting Economy

    Votes: 25 17.1%

  • Total voters
Fitch upgrades Turkey to investment grade

Fitch Ratings has upgraded the Republic of Turkey’s Long-term foreign currency Issuer Default Rating (IDR) to ‘BBB-’ from ‘BB+’ and the Long-term local currency IDR to ‘BBB’ from ‘BB +’. The Outlooks on the Long-term ratings are Stable. The agency has also upgraded Turkey’s Short-term foreign currency IDR to ‘F3′ from ‘B’ and the Country Ceiling to ‘BBB’ from ‘BBB-’.

The upgrade to investment grade reflects a combination of an easing in near-term macro-financial risks as the economy heads for a soft landing and underlying credit strengths including a moderate and declining government debt burden, a sound banking system, favourable medium-term growth prospects and a relatively wealthy and diverse economy.

Fitch Ratings - Dedicated to providing value beyond the rating

At last!! This has probably been the longest market wait in any asset class…and Fitch will certainly not regret having been the first to move. Turkey’s fiscal backdrop is the best in either western or eastern Europe and it also has the most attractive multi-decade population dynamics in the region (meaning an increase in the income tax base) Now we should expect another upgrade from Moody`s very soon..They already announced last month it would assess the country for a possible upgrade if its economic fragility was reduced..
Fitch upgrades Turkey to investment grade

Fitch Ratings has upgraded the Republic of Turkey’s Long-term foreign currency Issuer Default Rating (IDR) to ‘BBB-’ from ‘BB+’ and the Long-term local currency IDR to ‘BBB’ from ‘BB +’. The Outlooks on the Long-term ratings are Stable. The agency has also upgraded Turkey’s Short-term foreign currency IDR to ‘F3′ from ‘B’ and the Country Ceiling to ‘BBB’ from ‘BBB-’.

The upgrade to investment grade reflects a combination of an easing in near-term macro-financial risks as the economy heads for a soft landing and underlying credit strengths including a moderate and declining government debt burden, a sound banking system, favourable medium-term growth prospects and a relatively wealthy and diverse economy.

Fitch Ratings - Dedicated to providing value beyond the rating

At last!! This has probably been the longest market wait in any asset class…and Fitch will certainly not regret having been the first to move. Turkey’s fiscal backdrop is the best in either western or eastern Europe and it also has the most attractive multi-decade population dynamics in the region (meaning an increase in the income tax base) Now we should expect another upgrade from Moody`s very soon..They already announced last month it would assess the country for a possible upgrade if its economic fragility was reduced..

Excellent news of today indeed :partay:
. .
Good news but there is a serious gap (about 16 million) between us and Italy. Wow, i never thought Italy attracts that much of tourist.
Rome man, they have protected their historical legacy much better than us.

Plus vatican attracts catholics from all over the world so there's that "religious tourism"
Rome man, they have protected their historical legacy much better than us.

Plus vatican attracts catholics from all over the world so there's that "religious tourism"

How about Spain? The gap is even bigger with them (+25 million)


despite the fact that we're more 'interesting' than Spain :D
The problem is that most of our tourists are cheap *** tourists, we have to get more culture interested tourists, instead of the stereotypical Alanya tourists.
The problem is that most of our tourists are cheap *** tourists, we have to get more culture interested tourists, instead of the stereotypical Alanya tourists.
For that we need to bring back billions of dollars worth historical artifacts and relics to Turkey.

Suffice to say it's not an easy thing. People smuggle whatever ancient piece they put their hands on. Greedy sons of b.tches cost this country of it's historical and cultural legacy.
. .
Turkish economic success dominates debates in Rome


Turkish exports hit record $134.6 billion in 2011. (Photo: Today's Zaman)

12 November 2012 / SEVGİ AKARÇEŞME, ROME
Turkey’s economic success dominated the debates at the 9th Turkish-Italian Forum organized by the Center for Strategic Research (SAM) of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome on Nov. 12-13.

Held jointly with Italian Unicredit, the forum convened with a theme on the impact of the eurozone crisis on the Mediterranean basin and was attended by academics and bureaucrats from both Italy and Turkey.

The chairman of the first session and the director of ISPI, Paolo Magri, asked participants whether the eurozone crisis influenced the Arab Spring, as he pointed out the decreasing level of financial sources to the former oppressive regimes in the Arab world after the economic crisis in Europe.

Vittorio Da Rold, a senior international correspondent at Il Sole 24 Ore, on the other hand, stated the economic difficulties that North African countries are going through and their disappointment in the transition process as he talked about the ever-increasing unemployment rates in Tunisia, now at 16 percent.

Former Industrialists and Businessmen's Association (MÜSİAD) Chairman Ömer Bolat said oppressive regimes, corruption and poverty triggered the Arab Spring as he also added that these countries were influenced by the Turkish example, which succeeded in “simultaneously developing as a Muslim and secular country,” while also suggesting that Turkey and Italy lead a peace initiative to provide a roadmap to these countries.

Lokman Gündüz from the Turkish Central Bank, on the other hand, said Turkey owes its success to the “lessons it took from previous economic crises,” while also mentioning the positive impact of the “diversification of its exports.”

In a similar vein, Unicredit President Giuliano Amato emphasized the importance of the Turkish model for the Arab Spring countries as he suggested that “Turkey and Italy go to this region together to support them and prevent any ambiguities in terms of developments in the region.” Amato, however, admitted that Italy had for a long time “remained indifferent to the idea of a Mediterranean Union.”

Along with several other participants, former Italian Ambassador to Turkey Carlo Marsili said, “Turks should be exempt from visas” and reminded the audience that he had suggested it as a brave move while serving in Ankara. Marsili also added that “EU negotiations with Turkey should not be taken hostage by the Cyprus issue and that Turkey should be given a specific date for membership.”

Turkish economic success dominates debates in Rome
extra warm cash into turkish economy...although belated
Türkmenistan’da faaliyet gösteren Türk inşaat şirketleri, bu ülkenin imarına büyük katkı sağlıyor. Türk şirketleri tarafından inşa edilen mermer kaplı beyaz binalar bir birinin ardından hizmete açılıyor.

AŞKABAT (CİHAN)- Türkmenistan’da faaliyet gösteren Türk inşaat şirketleri, bu ülkenin imarına büyük katkı sağlıyor. Türk şirketleri tarafından inşa edilen mermer kaplı beyaz binalar bir birinin ardından hizmete açılıyor.
Türk Merv İnşaat firması tarafından başkent Aşkabat’a 35 kilometre mesafede bulunan Izgant köyünde inşa edilen sosyal amaçlı tesisler, Devlet Başkanı Gurbanguli Berdimuhamedov’un katılımıyla hizmete açıldı. Türk şirketi, bu köyde Medeniyet Köşkü ve Spor Kompleksi inşa etti. Medeniyet Köşkü’ne Devlet Başkanı’nın babası olan Malikguli Berdimuhammedov’un ismi verildi.
Berdimuhamedov, Türkmenistan’ın bağımsızlığının 21.yıldönümü dolayısıyla düzenlenen açılış etkinliğine katıldı. Medeniyet Köşkü’nün açılış töreninde binanın konferans salonunda bir toplantı düzenlendi. Toplantıda konuşan Berdimuhamedov, bağımsızlık gününün en büyük bayramları olduğunu kaydederek, Türkmen halkının bağımsızlığını kazanarak, hür ve özgür bir ülke olduğunu söyledi. Türkmenistan’ın istikrarlı ekonomik kalkınma ile dünyanın hızlı kalkınan ülkelerinin biri haline geldiğini belirten Berdimuhamedov, “Türkmenistan açık kapılar siyaseti ile dünya ülkeleri ile eşit çıkarlar doğrultusunda işbirliği yapıyor. Dünyada barış ve güvenliğin sağlanması yönünde ileri sürdüğümüz dış politika inisiyatiflerimiz uluslararası toplum tarafından takdirle karşılanıyor” diye konuştu.
2012 yılında Bağımsız Devletler Topluluğu’nun (BDT) dönem başkanlığını yaptıklarını belirten Türkmen lider, önümüzdeki Kasım ayında BDT Devlet Başkanları Zirvesi’ne ev sahipliği yapacaklarını belirtti.
Berdimuhamedov, Türk şirketi tarafından inşa edilen Medeniyet Köşkü ve Spor Kompleksi’ni gezdikten sonra açılış alanından ayrıldı.
Açılışa, Aşkabat’taki yabancı misyon şefleri, bakanlar, Türkmenistan’ın yurtdışındaki büyükelçileri, Türk işadamları ve çok sayıda davetli katıldı.
Merv İnşaat’ın inşa ettiği 500 kişilik Medeniyet Köşkü 17 milyon dolara mal oldu. Bu merkezde, nikah odası, internet kafe, 150 kişilik sinema salonu, müze ve sergi alanı bulunuyor. 11.5 milyon dolara mal olan Spor Kompleksi’nde sporun çeşitli branşlarına ait odalara yer alıyor. Ayrıca, kapalı ve açık spor sahaları mevcut.
Türk müteahhitlerin en çok iş aldıkları ülkelerden olan Türkmenistan'da, Türk inşaat şirketleri önemli projeler yürütüyor. Şirketlerin yılın 8 ayında aldıkları işlerin bedeli 3 milyar 785 milyon doları buldu. Türk firmaları, Türkmenistan'da konut, okul, kreş, yol, petrol ve doğalgaz platformları, tekstil fabrikaları, köprü, enerji nakil hatları, boru hattı, demiryolları, hastane, otel ve dinlenme tesisleri gibi birçok projenin yapımını üstlendi. Türk şirketlerinin, Türkmenistan'da aldıkları işlerin bedelinin, yıl sonuna kadar 5 milyar doların üstüne çıkması bekleniyor. Geçen sene yaşanan küresel krize rağmen Türk şirketleri, Türkmenistan'da 63 projeyi hayata geçirdi.
Turkish Airlines gets 200th plane

Turkish Airlines, which has delivered its 200 plane, is in talks to with Lufthansa, Europe’s largest air carrier, Minister Şimşek confirms. THY Chairman Topçu is hopeful of regional sector leadership
Turkish Airlines gets 200th plane

Turkish Airlines, which has delivered its 200 plane, is in talks to with Lufthansa, Europe’s largest air carrier, Minister Şimşek confirms. THY Chairman Topçu is hopeful of regional sector leadership

More cheap tourists on the way...

Turkish airlines does need desperate leadership from Lufthansa, or hell even any real airline operations.....good luck.
More cheap tourists on the way...

Tourism revenue grew by one-tenth to $23 billion last year in Turkey more than Armenia`s GDP :lol:
Tourism revenue grew by one-tenth to $23 billion last year

On the other hand, Armenia is in lower income group alongside with Angola, Belize, Bhutan..Nice work there :tup:


Turkish airlines does need desperate leadership from Lufthansa

How does a rapidly growing airliner need a desperate leadership from some other organization? Is it armenian way? oh sorry my mistake, there is nothing rapidly growing on armenian side but only jealousy..:)

or hell even any real airline operations

an armenian wouldnt know what a real airline operation means..go, take a hike little girl :coffee:

good luck.



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