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Turkish Air Force (HVKK)


You are right. The old Sentry's have 22 hours with air refueling.
Boeing writes more than 11 hours for HIK without air refuel, whatever it means.
Seems that it depend on mission equipment and engines.

A comparison between P-8 shows (platform 737-800) that our HIKs have a range of more than 9250 km and the P-8 Poseidon's range only 7500 km;
P-8 Poseidon's max weight is 85,820 kg max and HIK max 151,955 kg ? Very confusing and Interesting figures.

P-8A Poseidon - Royal Australian Air Force


Curious, Boeing provides very confusing Data

Boeing: Airborne Early Warning and Control
You are right. The old Sentry's have 22 hours with air refueling.
Boeing writes more than 11 hours for HIK without air refuel, whatever it means.
Seems that it depend on mission equipment and engines.

A comparison between P-8 shows (platform 737-800) that our HIKs have a range of more than 9250 km and the P-8 Poseidon's range only 7500 km;
P-8 Poseidon's max weight is 85,820 kg max and HIK max 151,955 kg ? Very confusing and Interesting figures.

P-8A Poseidon - Royal Australian Air Force


Curious, Boeing provides very confusing Data

Boeing: Airborne Early Warning and Control
our HIK plane is somewhat different from koreas and australias so some basic performance can vary accordingly
Turkey to build its own C-130 Gunship

Turkey to arm C-130s

19 C-130s of TurAF have been upgraded to C-130T level with a cooperation with TAI and Aselsan under the Erciyes Programme. Two C-130Ts will be armed with missiles and cannons similar to American AC-130 in the first phase.

30mm GAU-28 cannon and Griffin-A (AGM-176) missiles has been offered to Turkey, also Turkish Roketsan offered Cirit and UMTAS missiles for the project. The plane will be fitted by Aselsans electro optic FLIR, SAR radar, Datalink and Fire control systems which has been used on GÖREN-1 system. A Gunship will give boots on the ground better fire support during engagements.

C-130s has been serving within TurAF since late 1950s, Airbus A400Ms will be assign for the military transportation role and some older C-130s will be phased out.

CMDS-AIDEWS Integration

EHSiM CMDS and Advanced Integrated Defensive Electronic Warfare Suite, AIDEWS, (V)9 Pod integration work has just started.

EHSiM CMDS provides protection to host aircraft against RF guided and heat seeking missiles by dispensing Chaff, Flare and other payload. EHSiM CMDS was designed and developed by EHSiM and flies on Turkish Air Force F-16 and F-4E/2020 aircraft since 2008.

AIDEWS (V)9 pod is a self protection EW suite. There are internal versions of AIDEWS system as well. AIDEWS (V)9 pod will be used on Turkish Air Force F-16 Blok 50D aircraft.

Official info from HIK commander @ 13:40.;)

Without refueling 8-10 hours
With refueling 18-20 hours

it's like a ship really, it could stay in the air indefinitely but it doesn't have the living quarters a ship would have... the crew would be like a bunch of zombies at the end of the 20 hour mission
20 hour mission

Bro. Believe me or not I made a non-stop trip Berlin-Istanbul in 20 hours by car.
Only stop was 3 times refueling,customs stops- cake and coffee in the car. It was round about 2500 km.
I am living and not a Zombie:tup:
All depends on physics.
Turkey to build its own C-130 Gunship

Turkey to arm C-130s

19 C-130s of TurAF have been upgraded to C-130T level with a cooperation with TAI and Aselsan under the Erciyes Programme. Two C-130Ts will be armed with missiles and cannons similar to American AC-130 in the first phase.

30mm GAU-28 cannon and Griffin-A (AGM-176) missiles has been offered to Turkey, also Turkish Roketsan offered Cirit and UMTAS missiles for the project. The plane will be fitted by Aselsans electro optic FLIR, SAR radar, Datalink and Fire control systems which has been used on GÖREN-1 system. A Gunship will give boots on the ground better fire support during engagements.

C-130s has been serving within TurAF since late 1950s, Airbus A400Ms will be assign for the military transportation role and some older C-130s will be phased out.

no C-130 is planned to phased out but C-160 atlas,ten of them already left as A400M get in more C-160s will be out,may be two of them will remain as an Elint/sting aircraft
As a friend i suggest turkey to be smart not to trust nato and us choose friends wisely friendship with russian will be gain for turks
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