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Turkish Air Force does not have the ability to establish no-fly zone in Syr

Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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Experts said that the Turkish Air Force does not have the ability to establish no-fly zone in Syria


Turkish Air Force Materiel US-made F-16 fighter

According to British media reports that Turkey intends to set up the no-fly zone in northwestern Syria, in order to protect the Syrian anti-government organization. The Middle East Media analysts believe that the no-fly zone plan to be implemented, on the one hand, Turkey can be an excuse for the protection of the safety of civilians in Syria, and direct military intervention; the other hand, the United States in accordance with NATO’s mutual defense clause, to help Turkey crack down on Syria. So, Turkey has the ability to set up no-fly zone in Syria do?

Turkey For the leading force

Recently, Western countries and the Arab world continue to put pressure on Syria, have recalled the ambassador in the classification. The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) decided to expel the ambassador of Syria in the members of the Organization. In addition, the EU’s external action of the Executive Secretary, Pierre mattes, February 8, said in Brussels, the EU will make a decision on new sanctions against Syria on the 27th of this month. The sanctions include the freezing of the Central Bank of Syria assets in Europe, the ban on EU member states phosphates, precious metals and oil and other imports from Syria. However, most to Syria to influence the country is Turkey. February 8

Turkish Foreign Minister Davutoglu said that Turkey plans to “fastest” joint regional forces and the world’s major countries, launched an international intervention, the Syrian crisis. The British “Daily Telegraph” reported that, in northwestern Syria, Turkey intends to set up no-fly zone to protect the Syrian anti-government organizations, and is in consultation with the U.S. government. Allegedly, Turkey plans to set up the no-fly zone is likely to be Syria’s northwestern city of Idlib four weeks. No-fly zone set up after President Bashar al-controlled army can not enter, or NATO, Turkey or the Arab countries will be sent warplanes airstrikes.

Turkey and Syria have long stretches of the border, is the only NATO in the neighboring countries and Syria. Turkey, once a close relationship with Syria, but later with Bashar Government enemies. Syrian opposition military armed groups — “freedom of the Syrian army” (Free the Army) headquarters is located in Turkey, claiming more than 1,500 members, 22 branches spread in various regions of Syria, the group says The goal is to overthrow the current regime of Syria. Some analysts believe that the freedom of military personnel in the last few months to expand rapidly, from October last year, thousands of thousands of people to the current.

then, free military weapons from where it? A freelance military members said that their source of arms for ample, part of the weapons smuggling from Turkey and Iraq, there is to corrupt army officers to purchase, in addition to them in the crossfire but also from government forces there seized a part of. However, whether smuggled or purchased, clearly can not do without the financial support of external forces.

Turkish Air Force headquarters located in Ankara, under the 1, 2 Air Command, an Air Training Command an Air Logistics Command, 11, 12 independent Air Force transport base. Turkish Air Force has 21 air squadrons (eight fighter-bomber squadron, seven air defense fighter squadrons, two reconnaissance squadrons, and four coaches fighter squadron), the Air Training Command has five dedicated to the training squadron and a series of support units, in addition to the five transport aircraft squadron, a transport – tanker squadron.

present, the Turkish Air Force, equipped with more than 240 F-16C/D fighters, about 200 US-made F-4E/F, F-5 type aircraft, four of the “Peace Eagle” AWACS, 7 KC-135 tanker, constitute a relatively long-range strike system. In addition, Turkey has 100 Harpy anti-radar attack UAVs, 2 “goshawk” long-endurance UAV, as well as part of the U.S. MQ-1 and MQ-9 unmanned aerial vehicle.

in air-to-air guided weapons, Turkey in 2004 to buy 225 AIM-9X Sidewinder missile, had also purchased the AIM-7 and AIM-120B air-to-air missiles, relying on these advanced missiles, Syria “MiG fighters is hard to find their opponents.

in air-to-ground guided weapons, Turkey has at least 50 of the AGM-154A, 54 AGM-154C Joint long-range weapons. In addition, Turkey also has a production of Israel “stare” series of precision-guided bombs, AGM-of Poplar 84K air-to-ground missiles, “Ham” series of anti-radiation missile, and multi-type laser-guided bombs.

Overall, the Turkish Air Force of about 60,000 people, equipment, aircraft, over 930, is the third largest air force in NATO after the United States and the United Kingdom. Only 4 million people, Syrian Air Force 870 aircraft of various types, of which only 570 combat aircraft

Set up a “no-fly zone” alone is difficult

from the military perspective, the advantage of the Turkish Air Force defeated the Syrian Air Force will not have much suspense Turkey alone to establish no-fly zone in Syria are facing many problems:

First of all, Syria has a strong air defense forces.

Syrian air defense forces have 40,000 active forces (25 air defense brigade), the main equipment of Russian (Soviet) system for air defense missiles, including 320 “Sam,” -2,148 “Sam” -3 48 “Sam” -5,200 Ministry “Sam” -6,60 Ministry “Sam” -8,48 “Sam” -10,48 “Sam,” 11 and 50, “Sa Tim “-22, called the Museum of Russian-made anti-aircraft missiles. In addition, there are more than 4,000 anti-aircraft guns. Those old-fashioned anti-aircraft missiles and antiaircraft guns, but technically not difficult to deal with. But one of the “Sam” -10 is known as the S300 range air defense missile, an advanced level of performance in today’s point of view, can pose a larger threat to cross-border Turkish warplanes. Thus, Syria has no state-of-the-art combat aircraft, Turkey is difficult to establish an effective no-fly zone.

Secondly, Turkey is the lack of sufficient international prestige and influence.

To undermine the sovereignty of his country’s territory to establish no-fly zone, if there is no United Nations mandate, even NATO, the Arab League’s regional organizations lack of international prestige, not to mention Turkey only a regional power, the lack of global influence. In addition, once the outbreak of war between Turkey and Syria, there is likely to stir up religious and ethnic strife, the region’s security situation is even more confusion. Al-Qaida and other extremist groups may also intervene where, to fish in troubled waters.

Finally, the no-fly zone to maintain long-term task, it will take a great deal of military and economic costs.

Libyan war last year to start the “no-fly zone”, although many Western analysts have billed as “high-tech, low cost and shrewd political interference” characterized by “new mode of war, according to the United States Vice President Joe Biden’s statement is “not to hurt a single soldier reached the goal” to provide a new method for the United States new prescription, but the time span of up to six months, to spend money is by no means a small figures – NATO warplanes have carried out 26,000 vehicles combat missions (of which about 9,000 times with air strikes), the United States alone spent $ 1.1 billion in military action against Libya, to participate in air strikes, NATO countries, and even the inventory of a variety of bomb throwing empty. Syria’s military capabilities far exceeding the long-term blockade of Libya, Turkey is difficult with the force of a country long-term maintenance of a no-fly zone in Syria.

In summary, the present situation, Turkey’s strategy is only advocated to establish no-fly zone in Syria. Wishful thinking to get the full support of the United States and NATO, and then pulled a number of countries of the region to join in, it can do so to become the leading forc
Experts said that the Turkish Air Force does not have the ability to establish no-fly zone in Syria


Turkish Air Force Materiel US-made F-16 fighter

According to British media reports that Turkey intends to set up the no-fly zone in northwestern Syria, in order to protect the Syrian anti-government organization. The Middle East Media analysts believe that the no-fly zone plan to be implemented, on the one hand, Turkey can be an excuse for the protection of the safety of civilians in Syria, and direct military intervention; the other hand, the United States in accordance with NATO’s mutual defense clause, to help Turkey crack down on Syria. So, Turkey has the ability to set up no-fly zone in Syria do?

Turkey For the leading force

Recently, Western countries and the Arab world continue to put pressure on Syria, have recalled the ambassador in the classification. The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) decided to expel the ambassador of Syria in the members of the Organization. In addition, the EU’s external action of the Executive Secretary, Pierre mattes, February 8, said in Brussels, the EU will make a decision on new sanctions against Syria on the 27th of this month. The sanctions include the freezing of the Central Bank of Syria assets in Europe, the ban on EU member states phosphates, precious metals and oil and other imports from Syria. However, most to Syria to influence the country is Turkey. February 8

Turkish Foreign Minister Davutoglu said that Turkey plans to “fastest” joint regional forces and the world’s major countries, launched an international intervention, the Syrian crisis. The British “Daily Telegraph” reported that, in northwestern Syria, Turkey intends to set up no-fly zone to protect the Syrian anti-government organizations, and is in consultation with the U.S. government. Allegedly, Turkey plans to set up the no-fly zone is likely to be Syria’s northwestern city of Idlib four weeks. No-fly zone set up after President Bashar al-controlled army can not enter, or NATO, Turkey or the Arab countries will be sent warplanes airstrikes.

Turkey and Syria have long stretches of the border, is the only NATO in the neighboring countries and Syria. Turkey, once a close relationship with Syria, but later with Bashar Government enemies. Syrian opposition military armed groups — “freedom of the Syrian army” (Free the Army) headquarters is located in Turkey, claiming more than 1,500 members, 22 branches spread in various regions of Syria, the group says The goal is to overthrow the current regime of Syria. Some analysts believe that the freedom of military personnel in the last few months to expand rapidly, from October last year, thousands of thousands of people to the current.

then, free military weapons from where it? A freelance military members said that their source of arms for ample, part of the weapons smuggling from Turkey and Iraq, there is to corrupt army officers to purchase, in addition to them in the crossfire but also from government forces there seized a part of. However, whether smuggled or purchased, clearly can not do without the financial support of external forces.

Turkish Air Force headquarters located in Ankara, under the 1, 2 Air Command, an Air Training Command an Air Logistics Command, 11, 12 independent Air Force transport base. Turkish Air Force has 21 air squadrons (eight fighter-bomber squadron, seven air defense fighter squadrons, two reconnaissance squadrons, and four coaches fighter squadron), the Air Training Command has five dedicated to the training squadron and a series of support units, in addition to the five transport aircraft squadron, a transport – tanker squadron.

present, the Turkish Air Force, equipped with more than 240 F-16C/D fighters, about 200 US-made F-4E/F, F-5 type aircraft, four of the “Peace Eagle” AWACS, 7 KC-135 tanker, constitute a relatively long-range strike system. In addition, Turkey has 100 Harpy anti-radar attack UAVs, 2 “goshawk” long-endurance UAV, as well as part of the U.S. MQ-1 and MQ-9 unmanned aerial vehicle.

in air-to-air guided weapons, Turkey in 2004 to buy 225 AIM-9X Sidewinder missile, had also purchased the AIM-7 and AIM-120B air-to-air missiles, relying on these advanced missiles, Syria “MiG fighters is hard to find their opponents.

in air-to-ground guided weapons, Turkey has at least 50 of the AGM-154A, 54 AGM-154C Joint long-range weapons. In addition, Turkey also has a production of Israel “stare” series of precision-guided bombs, AGM-of Poplar 84K air-to-ground missiles, “Ham” series of anti-radiation missile, and multi-type laser-guided bombs.

Overall, the Turkish Air Force of about 60,000 people, equipment, aircraft, over 930, is the third largest air force in NATO after the United States and the United Kingdom. Only 4 million people, Syrian Air Force 870 aircraft of various types, of which only 570 combat aircraft

Set up a “no-fly zone” alone is difficult

from the military perspective, the advantage of the Turkish Air Force defeated the Syrian Air Force will not have much suspense Turkey alone to establish no-fly zone in Syria are facing many problems:

First of all, Syria has a strong air defense forces.

Syrian air defense forces have 40,000 active forces (25 air defense brigade), the main equipment of Russian (Soviet) system for air defense missiles, including 320 “Sam,” -2,148 “Sam” -3 48 “Sam” -5,200 Ministry “Sam” -6,60 Ministry “Sam” -8,48 “Sam” -10,48 “Sam,” 11 and 50, “Sa Tim “-22, called the Museum of Russian-made anti-aircraft missiles. In addition, there are more than 4,000 anti-aircraft guns. Those old-fashioned anti-aircraft missiles and antiaircraft guns, but technically not difficult to deal with. But one of the “Sam” -10 is known as the S300 range air defense missile, an advanced level of performance in today’s point of view, can pose a larger threat to cross-border Turkish warplanes. Thus, Syria has no state-of-the-art combat aircraft, Turkey is difficult to establish an effective no-fly zone.

Secondly, Turkey is the lack of sufficient international prestige and influence.

To undermine the sovereignty of his country’s territory to establish no-fly zone, if there is no United Nations mandate, even NATO, the Arab League’s regional organizations lack of international prestige, not to mention Turkey only a regional power, the lack of global influence. In addition, once the outbreak of war between Turkey and Syria, there is likely to stir up religious and ethnic strife, the region’s security situation is even more confusion. Al-Qaida and other extremist groups may also intervene where, to fish in troubled waters.

Finally, the no-fly zone to maintain long-term task, it will take a great deal of military and economic costs.

Libyan war last year to start the “no-fly zone”, although many Western analysts have billed as “high-tech, low cost and shrewd political interference” characterized by “new mode of war, according to the United States Vice President Joe Biden’s statement is “not to hurt a single soldier reached the goal” to provide a new method for the United States new prescription, but the time span of up to six months, to spend money is by no means a small figures – NATO warplanes have carried out 26,000 vehicles combat missions (of which about 9,000 times with air strikes), the United States alone spent $ 1.1 billion in military action against Libya, to participate in air strikes, NATO countries, and even the inventory of a variety of bomb throwing empty. Syria’s military capabilities far exceeding the long-term blockade of Libya, Turkey is difficult with the force of a country long-term maintenance of a no-fly zone in Syria.

In summary, the present situation, Turkey’s strategy is only advocated to establish no-fly zone in Syria. Wishful thinking to get the full support of the United States and NATO, and then pulled a number of countries of the region to join in, it can do so to become the leading forc

Where is the source?
Turkey thinks its some sort of super power, Syrian along with hezbollahs have the most number is missiles second only to Iran in the region.

if turkey tries anything they will loose alot, they economy will be send back a long time...they would be stupid to try and please their zionist master by doing this.
Turkey thinks its some sort of super power
No we don't. We can't stop perceived as such though.
if turkey tries anything they will loose alot, they economy will be send back a long time...
Turkey will be effected thats for sure but I'm not sure about the "a lot" part.

they would be stupid to try and please their zionist master by doing this.
I don't think Turkey gives a damn about what Zionists thinks atm.
Turkey thinks its some sort of super power, Syrian along with hezbollahs have the most number is missiles second only to Iran in the region.

if turkey tries anything they will loose alot, they economy will be send back a long time...they would be stupid to try and please their zionist master by doing this.

this is just a barking ... turks are really Proud & it's very dangerous for them
Turkey thinks its some sort of super power, Syrian along with hezbollahs have the most number is missiles second only to Iran in the region.

if turkey tries anything they will loose alot, they economy will be send back a long time...they would be stupid to try and please their zionist master by doing this.

We certainly aren't a super power, but a regional power. Comparing Syrian military to ours is laughable at best. You think like we have nothing to attack and defend with and that shows how much you know ---> Jack shhit! I am sure Syria has state of the art military equipment that we can't handle. pfff
this is not turkey war if isreal and us want to destroy the syrian army what is in it for the turks ? i wish if there will be a war the us should fight this war alone and i think the lesson of saddam is learend and every army in the region is pereparing for this
haha, the author thinks that a country establishes a air dominance before taking out vital military equipment, what an idiot.

NATO didn't just fly to Yugoslavv airspace and started bombing. they took out excisting threats first and then started patrolling.
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