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Turkish Air Force does not have the ability to establish no-fly zone in Syr

Why should we fight for France or some other countries? Don't meddle, let themselves sort it out!

They have the money, weapons and the fighters!.. what's going on with you?

We should close the borders.. and stop interfere their domesticities..It is none of our concern.

The only sane voice here.

Do Turks honestly want their country to fight an unnecessary war for Israel and Saudi Arabia?
well ,
I wonder why Israel doesn't want do this and why USA ordered Turkey to act like this ...

do it and in the end Arab nation would remember Ottoman empire and their hate against Turks would rise .... one stone and two birds for western countries ...

but if Syria army see that as war declaration and attack your soil with missiles , then what !?
well ,
I wonder why Israel doesn't want do this and why USA ordered Turkey to act like this ...

do it and in the end Arab nation would remember Ottoman empire and their hate against Turks would rise .... one stone and two birds for western countries ...

but if Syria army see that as war declaration and attack your soil with missiles , then what !?
what happened to Yugoslavia (SERBIAN), Libya, Iraq ? did their arms work ?
As much as I would like to see Tukey join in Militarily on Syria/Iran.. I don't think it will look good in regards to the muslum/arab population in the middle east. We need Turkey to be a major power in the region with good influence among the people in the middle east...

However, if Turkey does join... Nato will fully support Turkey money and military wise.
As much as I would like to see Tukey join in Militarily on Syria/Iran.. I don't think it will look good in regards to the muslum/arab population in the middle east. We need Turkey to be a major power in the region with good influence among the people in the middle east...

However, if Turkey does join... Nato will fully support Turkey money and military wise.
sorry..we are not printing dollars nor pumping oil...ask for it from Greek Cypriots
Counter-question: What do you need for a No-fly zone?
Counter-question: What do you need for a No-fly zone?

1- Enough funds (Money, money, money)
2- Reconnaissance for determining airdefence systems and airbases of your enemy (recon satellites, recon planes, some James Bonds etc)
3- Equipment for destroying airdefence systems and airbases of your enemy (Cruise missiles, precise hit capability artillery armaments, bombs etc)
4- Radar systems for surveillance of no-fly zone
5- Enough fighters, attack helicopters, ground to air missile systems and manpower to secure the area.
6- More funds (Money money money)
lol that syrian is in another world i think lol who is syria?? who are they? little rabbits? lol they are nothing , nothing in the world a little rabbit little country of the ottoman empire got ruled HAHAHAH and now a little fish
Turkey can establish no fly zone over Europe , syria is nothing but no need for syria
Turkey can establish no fly zone over Europe , syria is nothing but no need for syria

good joke ....

what happened to Yugoslavia (SERBIAN), Libya, Iraq ? did their arms work ?

and what would happen to your economic !?
beginning of war is easy ...
but I should thank you , I didn't know that Turkey was the one who bombed those countries not USA and Europe's countries ....
at least answer me , if Syria army fight back then what would you achieve !?
I'm sure if they was such easy target , Israel and USA could invade them long time ago ...

hey are nothing , nothing in the world a little rabbit little country of the ottoman empire got ruled HAHAHAH and now a little fish

keep your ideas and in the end Arabs nation would see your country as an enemy ...
I'm sure Arabs never like Ottoman empire from beginning ...
and what would happen to your economic !?
beginning of war is easy ...
but I should thank you , I didn't know that Turkey was the one who bombed those countries not USA and Europe's countries ....
at least answer me , if Syria army fight back then what would you achieve !?
I'm sure if they was such easy target , Israel and USA could invade them long time ago ...
You asked me what happens if Syria attack to Turkiye
do you know that Turkiye is a NATO member..will Syria fight against 28 state?
within 6 hour an air superiority can be establish over Syria...because of second class arms of Russian.. like Yugoslavia , Libya, Iraq
Israel and USA could not invade them, because they dont want...if Syria has big power why they not invide to Israel? :meeting:
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