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Turkey's Erdogan Visits Iran to Improve Ties After Split Over Syria

:welcome: We now official have a Zionist Saudi member supporting Israel and believing the mouth of a Zionist propaganda.

@Hazzy997 :pop:


The obsessed Farsi troll/double user is back I guess.:welcome:

Not every Jew is a Zionist. Saying that ordinary Jews and Arabs make business has nothing to do with supporting Israel.

You are just dumb but that's hardly a surprise, is it? If you are honest.:lol:
Aside from the well-known historical disputes and rivalries that exist between large parts of the Arab world and Iran.
Saudi is not a large part of the arab world, It is even smaller than Algeria alone.
Elam, which is actually a Semitic word, was located in what is now the southwestern corner of Iran. The civilization was close to those found in nearby Mesopotamia and those found across the Gulf. It is not the traditional heartland of Iran by any means. I mean none of the living people of Iran can claim that civilization since it had nothing to do with any Iranian peoples let alone Turkic people who came much later. That was my point. Today it is regarded as an Iranian civilization solely because the territory it lied in is located in what is now called Iran today. So by that virtue you can claim them as "Iranian" when in fact they were not since they predate the very notion of "Iranian". But it is if like Americans of which 99% are new arrivals would claim some old native Indian civilizations.
No sane person in the world has claimed that Elam is semitic. Obviously, They were not semitic, like Caspis, and Jiroft, and a bunch of others in Iranian plateau who absorbed indo-europeans. Obviously, you have zero knowledge about Achaimanids, otherwise you would know that how much influence, Elamites had on Achaimanids. BTW, your native indian civilization is ridiculous, since even current genetic studies shows that Iranian people who live in the west part of Iranian plateau ,aka Iran, are more genetically related to their pre indo-european ancestors, such as Elamite, Caspis, ... BTW, you proved that your knowledge regarding Iran is very low ;)
I am talking about UAE since that's the country. Dubai is just one city. The various emirates are just provinces with autonomy to varies degree who are all part of the UAE.
Mullah's agents? Huh? Which empty words? What I wrote were just mere facts. The trade is completely one-sided and in favor of UAE. The Sheikh of Dubai has no love for Iran or the Mullah's and only seeks greater economic growth. That's all.
That's nonsense. The relationship with KSA and UAE does not get more close than it already is. Should a conflict happen between the Arab world and Iran we all know which side they will be on. It is self-explanatory. It is a outrageous claim to make if one beliefs anything else. There are about 200.000 Iranians in Dubai but 99% of them are not even nationals. They could get deported every second.
haha, it seems that you don't know too much about UAE either. Go and ask from some UAE citizens that how UAE actually works. It is a federal state not just some provinces with minor authorities. they share the currency and officially one army, although different emirates buy different weapons for their own. Go and teach your self about UAE 7abibi. rest of your comment was empty words and propaganda, again.
PS. Dubai is the most well known city of the south persian gulf region, in the world and it is the most world known economical center of the UAE.
Broadcasts them 24/7? I have never heard talk about them in the media. In fact 90% of all Arabs probably don't even know what a Baluch is or what Baluchistan is in the first place. Also I very much doubt that KSA would support separatists in Pakistan - a major ally.
You are supporting them to find a way to penetrate into the Iranian borders.
Lastly half of all the Jews in Israel are Jews of Arab origins and they do not hate any Arabs. In fact most Arabs and Jews have no problems with each other and do business outside of the ME and recognize our close ties on all important level such as language, culture, history, ancestry, religion etc.
Another super ridiculous claim. Arab jews are only a part of Mizrahi jews, who are about 1.4 millions in Israel. Arab jews can be next to 1/5 of Israel population at the most case. BTW, even using the term arab jews is a pretty new thing which is invented during WW1. BTW, all of them are jews and consider themselves as jews, no matter of how much they have lived with arabs, and they are loyal to their state and ethnicity no less than Ashkenazis. Go and ask @500 , I guess he is a Mizrahi jew. ask him whether he identifies himself as an arab or as a jew. I think they even find it offensive to be called arab jews.
PS: KSA supports the national council of Syria and the FSA which are the recogznied Syrian opposition by the world society, UN, the Arab League etc. So what you were saying about Syria is nonsense. Also I have never seen any Syrian opposition claiming tiny Hatay. It is something the Child-Murderer which the Mullah's support claim.
If you spend some of your time to read useful news of the opposition side, instead of troll wars, you would have seen it. BTW, every one in the world knows that who supports Al-Nusrah and many others. It is no longer a secret ;)
PS. probably you have mistaken your country with Qatar.
Saudi is not a large part of the arab world, It is even smaller than Algeria alone.

No sane person in the world has claimed that Elam is semitic. Obviously, They were not semitic, like Caspis, and Jiroft, and a bunch of others in Iranian plateau who absorbed indo-europeans. Obviously, you have zero knowledge about Achaimanids, otherwise you would know that how much influence, Elamites had on Achaimanids. BTW, your native indian civilization is ridiculous, since even current genetic studies shows that Iranian people who live in the west part of Iranian plateau ,aka Iran, are more genetically related to their pre indo-european ancestors, such as Elamite, Caspis, ... BTW, you proved that your knowledge regarding Iran is very low ;)

haha, it seems that you don't know too much about UAE either. Go and ask from some UAE citizens that how UAE actually works. It is a federal state not just some provinces with minor authorities. they share the currency and officially one army, although different emirates buy different weapons for their own. Go and teach your self about UAE 7abibi. rest of your comment was empty words and propaganda, again.
PS. Dubai is the most well known city of the south persian gulf region, in the world and it is the most world known economical center of the UAE.

You are supporting them to find a way to penetrate into the Iranian borders.

Another super ridiculous claim. Arab jews are only a part of Mizrahi jews, who are about 1.4 millions in Israel. Arab jews can be next to 1/5 of Israel population at the most case. BTW, even using the term arab jews is a pretty new thing which is invented during WW1. BTW, all of them are jews and consider themselves as jews, no matter of how much they have lived with arabs, and they are loyal to their state and ethnicity not less than Ashkenazis. Go and ask @500 , I guess he is a Mizrahi jew. ask him whether he identifies himself as an arab or as a jew. I think they even find it offensive to be called arab jews.

If you spend some of your time to read useful news of the opposition side, instead of troll wars, you would have seen it. BTW, every one in the world knows that who supports Al-Nusrah and many others.
PS. probably you have mistaken your country with Qatar.

Algeria is the only Arab country that is bigger than KSA. Algeria happens to be the 10th biggest country in the world while KSA is number 13th. Anyway why are you suddenly talking about geography? That has nothing to do with how most Arabs view your Mullahs and country which is negative.

Who said anything about them being Semitic? Do you even read what is written? I said that the name ELAM is of Semitic origins. That's all. Well the point is that they were not Iranians. The only people who can claim partial relation to them are people who lived in the nearby regions.

I know that UAE is a federal state. I happened to write about that not long ago. Thanks for stating the obvious.
What is it exactly that you call "propaganda". Is stating facts now propaganda because you do not like it? I already elaborated on Dubai and said that it is a leading place on many fronts in the region. How does that change the fact that 1; that the trade between UAE/Iranians/Iran has been totally one-sided and in favor of UAE, 2; that the about 200.000 Iranians who live in Dubai are not nationals and that they can be thrown out every second and 3; that the Sheikh of Dubai told that for the sake of economy and not out of any love for a particular people.

In your imaginary. Find some proofs of that being the case. You did not answer me. Why should KSA support Baluch separatists when Pakistan is a major ally? We would gain nothing from it.

Al-Nusra is apparently supported by Qatar and Turkey. KSA supports the Syrian National Council and The National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces. You have to do some reading. I am talking about the government of KSA.

Even a thread about Turkey, turned into Iran vs KSA again. :rolleyes:

We should set a rule like "If Iranians first to post in a thread related to Turkey, Arab posters should refrain themselves from joining the conversation and vise-versa" :meeting:

Even a thread about Turkey, turned into Iran vs KSA again. :rolleyes:

We should set a rule like "If Iranians first to post in a thread related to Turkey, Arab posters should refrain themselves from joining the conversation and vise-versa" :meeting:

As you can witness for yourself Full Moon started to blabber about Safavid nonsense and it ultimately led to this.
They are obsessed and pathological creatures.
As you can witness for yourself Full Moon started to blabber about Safavid nonsense and it ultimately led to this.
They are obsessed and pathological creatures.

My first post here was just a pure historical fact that eventually triggered some angry responses. I owe nobody an apology for saying it.
My first post here was just a pure historical fact that eventually triggered some angry responses. I owe nobody an apology for saying it.

It was off-topic.
Yeah, until Assad decided to slaughter his own people.
since day one, Turkey (AKP) interfered in Syrian businesses, and till this day AKP hosts and trains F$A terrorists, which will prolong the war, if you think AKP cares about Syrians, it would have ended all the terrorists, weapons and money entering Syria illegally, heck many western news reports admit that every terrorists in this world travels to Turkey, and from there he is easily entering Syria, that either means weakens in Turkish intelligence for allowing terrorist to enter Turkey, or AKP intelligence facilitate their entrance into Syria... and you should understand something, I have nothing against Turkish people, my talk here is about AKP, and if that offends you, well that is the truth...

and Alasad is not slaughtering Syrians, if he was, he wouldn't last a minute, because all Syrians will rise up against him, however he is still in power because Syrians only decide, his power comes from the people.
As you can witness for yourself Full Moon started to blabber about Safavid nonsense and it ultimately led to this.
They are obsessed and pathological creatures.

Why are you upset about them moaning about Safavids? I personally enjoy it that their butthurt persisted over centuries :D
My first post here was just a pure historical fact that eventually triggered some angry responses. I owe nobody an apology for saying it.

Oooh, a rebel, I'm trembling

Why are you upset about them moaning about Safavids? I personally enjoy it that their butthurt persisted over centuries :D

Perhaps not as much persistence as the pain resulted from the Arab 7th century conquest of Persia ;).
Perhaps not as much persistence as the pain resulted from the Arab 7th century conquest of Persia ;).
Last time I checked, Iran still stands and the last battle was won by us. At the turn of the 20th century, there was an arab majority province in Iran called arabistan (khouzistan province today). By the 1950's a demographic shift was well under way. Today, Persians/Turks outnumber arabs 3 to 1 in that province. They have a far higher birth rate than all other demographics, but their representation went from an absolute majority to an absolute minority within a century. We emptied an entire province of your kind and the deletion is still underway.

P.S. the obsession you guys feel for us is not an arab trait. Arabs don't care much about us, you khaleejis do. Ask Iraqis and other arabs and they will explain this obsession better than anyone. Wahabism was invented with the Parsi obsession as its central pillar.
This explains everything:

The Arab World Fears the ‘Safavid’
In an interview on Al-Jazeera this past May, the commander of the Free Syrian Army, Brig. Gen. Salim Idris, explained that the diversion of Hezbollah forces from Lebanon to Syria to take part in the civil war was part of a “Safavid” plan for the Middle East region.

This past January, an article in the influential Lebanese daily As-Safir accused Iraq’s Shiite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki of receiving assistance from his “Safavid allies.” After the powerful Sunni Muslim leader, Sheikh Yousuf al-Qaradawi, condemned Iran for its actions in Syria, the Muslim Scholars Association of Lebanon warned that the Sunni Arabs were facing “the spreading Safawi project.”

Indeed, over the last decade, the term “Safavid” has become a commonly used derogatory word among Arab leaders for the Iranians. American journalist Bob Woodward describes a harsh diplomatic exchange in one of his books between King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and a high-level U.S. official about the 2003 Iraq War, in which the Saudi leader states: “You have allowed the Persians, the Safavids, to take over Iraq.” By using the term Safavid, Arab leaders were making reference to the Safavid Empire and imputing hegemonic motivations to the current Iranian government, suggesting that Iran is seeking to re-establish their country’s former imperial borders.
Perhaps not as much persistence as the pain resulted from the Arab 7th century conquest of Persia ;).

Well, you do certainly have many fanboys in Iran ;)
Talking about Moo-slims over there.

Last time I checked, Iran still stands and the last battle was won by us. At the turn of the 20th century, there was an arab majority province in Iran called arabistan (khouzistan province today). By the 1950's a demographic shift was well under way. Today, Persians/Turks outnumber arabs 3 to 1 in that province. They have a far higher birth rate than all other demographics, but their representation went from an absolute majority to an absolute minority within a century. We emptied an entire province of your kind and the deletion is still underway.

P.S. the obsession you guys feel for us is not an arab trait. Arabs don't care much about us, you khaleejis do. Ask Iraqis and other arabs and they will explain this obsession better than anyone. Wahabism was invented with the Parsi obsession as its central pillar.

Dear Abii actually non-Arab Iranians were always a dominant population in that region, anyway majority of Iranian-Arabs fought in Iran-Iraq war alongside the Iranian forces, even their language is different (I had to put it out there), we can't really classify our own Arabs as "The Arabs".
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Last time I checked, Iran still stands and the last battle was won by us. At the turn of the 20th century, there was an arab majority province in Iran called arabistan (khouzistan province today). By the 1950's a demographic shift was well under way. Today, Persians/Turks outnumber arabs 3 to 1 in that province. They have a far higher birth rate than all other demographics, but their representation went from an absolute majority to an absolute minority within a century. We emptied an entire province of your kind and the deletion is still underway.

P.S. the obsession you guys feel for us is not an arab trait. Arabs don't care much about us, you khaleejis do. Ask Iraqis and other arabs and they will explain this obsession better than anyone. Wahabism was invented with the Parsi obsession as its central pillar.

I know it hurts.

Thanks for confirming by the way that the Persian identity prevails over Iranian identity in Iran. I have already noticed that the most anti-Persian sentiments in the Internet are not coming from Saudis. Rather, from Ahwazi Arabs (in Khuzestan) - despite them being majority Shia. Whenever there is any Iran related topic in Arabic website (which is usually about a negative subject), they do bitterly complain. You are now cheering for hateful discrimination against your own fellow Iranian citizens just for the fact they are Arabs. I am not sure who is the obsessed then?
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