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Turkey's Erdogan Visits Iran to Improve Ties After Split Over Syria

But that would mean Assad would remain in power. Only if Assad leaves I can see deal with Iran. Otherwise there will be no deal. That is what I mean there is no way back,
The big question here is whether the opposition would be better than Assad or not. Although, Assad is definitely an a$$hole, but if his oppositions are worse than him, we should not wish for opposition to win. That's what I call being flexible and using practical wisdom(Aristotle wisdom as they say in philosophy). Currently, Al-Nusrah, ISIS, and jabha islamiyah are the most strongest ones. FSA which was the sane part of the opposition has been weakened and now has less importance than ISIS for say.
Template:Syrian civil war detailed map - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
wiki maps are pretty updated, and you can see the influence of ISIS alone, compared to rest of the opposition. let alone the FSA. The bottom line of my thought is that turkey needs to seek her own interests in this conflict. If it is satisfied by the presence of Assad, Turkey should not sacrifice her own interests here for the crazy vahabi and salafists. Do not forget that these people, arabs, have betrayed Turks multiple times and they are not our brothers and they have never treated us with good will, and have not seek turks interests at all. So, we do not have any responsibility about them. from the humanitarian point of view, Turkey hosts many of their refugees, with the situations much more better than their arab brother countries, and has done too many political actions to solve the conflict in a civil way. In which these actions are more than enough for them.
wahabi saoodis in the thread, surprise surprise.
Turkey and Iran need to cooperate much more, it would benefit booth if Iran would fix its relations to West.
Once sanctions are lifted the Iranian Economy would explode which also would bring new opportunities for Turkey.

Oftopic: the half of this thread and ME section are the perfect exsample why Muslim world is still backwarded, muslim use their resources for sensless sectarian fights instead of Science and Education. With this mindset muslim will allways be backwarded and looked down from rest of the world.
Hard words but its the truth.
Turkish borders is pretty long so I don't blame them and this shouldn't be discussed since it happened in Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries, they aren't the only one and probably they can't afford to monitor smugglers or those wanting to join the takfiris from in and out except refugees.

This is a good news and indeed Arabs here are just jelly. With having enormous natural resources and the Caspian Sea door for international trades, the West and Turkey should co'operate with Iran if they want to increase oils and energy use, this would be a nightmare for Saudis.:smokin:
Turkish borders is pretty long so I don't blame them and this shouldn't be discussed since it happened in Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries, they aren't the only one and probably they can't afford to monitor smugglers or those wanting to join the takfiris from in and out except refugees.
Tell this to the Assad supporters, they think its no problem to control a 800km border, we have even problems with controlling a much smaller and better observed border with Iraq, pkk enters on daily basis there.

And there are also refugees on syrian border, its definately not an easy task to control this border.
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Dear @rmi5 I can't say how much sorry I feel for some of these members here like this @Full Moon or that guy @al-Hasani. based on their lack of experience on the field of being a nation sometimes they say some words that make me laugh all day long.
this @al-Hasani guy calls @Surenas a stateless Kurd while he can't understand Iran is @Surenas's state. he can't understand the meaning of "he is for Iran and Iran is for him" because he has never experienced to be a nation in his history. he even calls some tribal colonies in the territory of current SA as a civilization while he can't understand the meaning of civilization.
It is better for guys like @Full Moon to understand that the beauty of a historical nation like Iran is that there is no Persian, or Azeri, or Kurd or Lur, or Arab, in it. it is all about Iran and being Iranian, sometimes I love some of my Turk friends more than my so called Persian friends. and this property is not restricted to just Iranians but other great nations like Egyptians or Turks or ...
Iran should be careful, Turkey (AKP) is not a trusted partner, I remember Syria's and Turkish ties, they were the best even better than Syria-Russia ties... but Turkey (AKP) betrayed Syria and the Syrian people and followed the west, after all, Turkey is part of NATO... Iran need to be careful...

Yeah, until Assad decided to slaughter his own people.

Also Iran in general since the government reflects the people in most cases. Aside from the well-known historical disputes and rivalries that exist between large parts of the Arab world and Iran.
Elam, which is actually a Semitic word, was located in what is now the southwestern corner of Iran. The civilization was close to those found in nearby Mesopotamia and those found across the Gulf. It is not the traditional heartland of Iran by any means. I mean none of the living people of Iran can claim that civilization since it had nothing to do with any Iranian peoples let alone Turkic people who came much later. That was my point. Today it is regarded as an Iranian civilization solely because the territory it lied in is located in what is now called Iran today. So by that virtue you can claim them as "Iranian" when in fact they were not since they predate the very notion of "Iranian". But it is if like Americans of which 99% are new arrivals would claim some old native Indian civilizations.

I never made such a claim. So not sure what you are talking about?

I am talking about UAE since that's the country. Dubai is just one city. The various emirates are just provinces with autonomy to varies degree who are all part of the UAE.
Mullah's agents? Huh? Which empty words? What I wrote were just mere facts. The trade is completely one-sided and in favor of UAE. The Sheikh of Dubai has no love for Iran or the Mullah's and only seeks greater economic growth. That's all.
That's nonsense. The relationship with KSA and UAE does not get more close than it already is. Should a conflict happen between the Arab world and Iran we all know which side they will be on. It is self-explanatory. It is a outrageous claim to make if one beliefs anything else. There are about 200.000 Iranians in Dubai but 99% of them are not even nationals. They could get deported every second.
Broadcasts them 24/7? I have never heard talk about them in the media. In fact 90% of all Arabs probably don't even know what a Baluch is or what Baluchistan is in the first place. Also I very much doubt that KSA would support separatists in Pakistan - a major ally.
Lastly half of all the Jews in Israel are Jews of Arab origins and they do not hate any Arabs. In fact most Arabs and Jews have no problems with each other and do business outside of the ME and recognize our close ties on all important level such as language, culture, history, ancestry, religion etc.

PS: KSA supports the national council of Syria and the FSA which are the recogznied Syrian opposition by the world society, UN, the Arab League etc. So what you were saying about Syria is nonsense. Also I have never seen any Syrian opposition claiming tiny Hatay. It is something the Child-Murderer which the Mullah's support claim.
Turkey and Iran need to cooperate much more, it would benefit booth if Iran would fix its relations to West.
Once sanctions are lifted the Iranian Economy would explode which also would bring new opportunities for Turkey.

Oftopic: the half of this thread and ME section are the perfect exsample why Muslim world is still backwarded, muslim use their resources for sensless sectarian fights instead of Science and Education. With this mindset muslim will allways be backwarded and looked down from rest of the world.
Hard words but its the truth.
Not muslims,just the ME muslims;)
most Arabs and Jews have no problems with each other

This must be a joke.
This must be a joke.

No, most Arabs and Jews outside of Israel/Palestine have no problems with each other. After all half of the Israeli Jews are Jews from Arab countries. I had several Jewish friends when I lived in Paris.

Israelis have no reason to have problems with Moroccans, Yemenis, Saudi Arabians, Kuwaitis, Libyans etc.

Hell, 20% of Israel's population are Arabs and people live together, cooperate and make business. Ask some of the Israeli users here. They told it themselves and you can read about such things on the world wide web. In any case I don't think that you have a clue about this matter.
Hell, 20% of Israel's population are Arabs and people live together, cooperate and make business. world wide web. In any case I don't think that you have a clue about this matter.

Arabs are second class citizens

Bombing of gaza

Illegal settlements and land grabs

Arabs firing rockets and Israeli bombing cities

Do I have to go on?


Arabs are second class citizens

Bombing of gaza

Illegal settlements and land grabs

Arabs firing rockets and Israeli bombing cities

Do I have to go on?

Mate try to stay out of sectarian fights if possible.

So when you are left with no arguments you use photos of Gaza when I already said that the conflict is between Palestinians and Israelis. Say what? You failed miserably again.

The Arabs living in Israel have the same rights from what I am aware of and are even part of the government and have their own political parties.

Read the quoted post of mine again and come back to me.

Palestinians form 2% of all Arabs btw.
Hell, 20% of Israel's population are Arabs and people live together, cooperate and make business. Ask some of the Israeli users here. They told it themselves and you can read about such things on the world wide web. In any case I don't think that you have a clue about this matter.
:welcome: We now official have a Zionist Saudi member supporting Israel and believing the mouth of a Zionist propaganda.

@Hazzy997 :pop:
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