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Turkey will closely follow Greek plans to revive oil bid in Aegean, says FM

There are big answers, Read carefully!
A- 1- In the Aegean the territorial waters claimed by both sides are still at 6 miles. Wikipedia Aegean dispute
2- United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Wikipedia
You will see Turkey has not signed! Why A-1 ? The answer is A-2. Bro OK?
Countries that have not signed
Eritrea, Israel, Peru, Syria, Turkey, United States of America, Uzbekistan, Venezuela
landlocked: Andorra, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, San Marino, South Sudan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Vatican City
states with limited recognition
B- The islands --> Demilitarized status Lausanne 1923 and Paris Peace 1947
C- The airspace is 6 miles. Why? Because territorial waters is 6 miles ok!
D- ......
E- ......

I hope you have understood this.

The current situation is waters at 6 miles, air space at 10 miles as Greece claims.
Turkey hasn't signed the Treaty, true as true it is for the other countries you mentioned but the US who has not ratified the Treaty. But about the rest of the world has.
Some of the islands are a demilitarised zone, which have begun have defence forces after 1974 and someone's invasion into an island.. cough cough.. get it ?
The current situation is waters at 6 miles, air space at 10 miles as Greece claims.
Turkey hasn't signed the Treaty, true as true it is for the other countries you mentioned but the US who has not ratified the Treaty. But about the rest of the world has.
Some of the islands are a demilitarised zone, which have begun have defence forces after 1974 and someone's invasion into an island.. cough cough.. get it ?


It is really annoying to see Greeks playing victims. There were many Muslim Turks in Crete, how about now then? You killed them, forced them to flee their homes. You tried to do the same in Cyprus, but Turkey was there and saved its compatriots.
Turkey used its legal right to interfere to the island, Greece however, doesn't have the legal justification for arming its Aegean islands.
The current situation is waters at 6 miles, air space at 10 miles as Greece claims.
Turkey hasn't signed the Treaty, true as true it is for the other countries you mentioned but the US who has not ratified the Treaty. But about the rest of the world has.
Some of the islands are a demilitarised zone, which have begun have defence forces after 1974 and someone's invasion into an island.. cough cough.. get it ?

Read all carefully!
Answer to first your sentence->> C- Territorial waters of a country at same time is airspace of it. So Greece has 6 miles at airspace and territorial waters. Do know that? And Don't talk you dont know about the matters.

Answer to second your sentence->> Do you know world war laws? Turkey considers the convention as res inter alios acta, i.e. a treaty that can only be binding to the signing parties but not to others.

Answer to third your sentenec-->> Greece is breaking Demilitarized status Lausanne 1923 and Paris Peace 1947. This is a casus-belli. Turkey cant agree as a excuse. The treaties become clear! And you can't pretend not to see these treaties!

Lets look Cyprus!
Don,t forget Turkey is a guarantor country of Cyprus London and Zurich Agreements. The Greek military junta of 1967–1974 "The Regime of the Colonels".
In 1974, seven years after the intercommunal violence between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, an attempted coup d'état by Greek Cypriot nationalists and elements of the Greek military junta with the aim of achieving enosis (union of the island with Greece) took place. Turkey used this as a pretext to invade the northern portion of the island. Turkish forces remained after a cease-fire, resulting in the partition of the island; an objective of Turkey since 1955.
The Turkish invasion of Cyprus, launched on 20 July 1974, was a Turkish military invasion in response to a Greek military junta backed coup in Cyprus. It is known in Turkey as the "Cyprus Peace Operation" (Turkish: Kıbrıs Barış Harekâtı), "Cyprus Operation" (Kıbrıs Harekâtı) or by its Turkish Armed Forces code name Operation Atilla (Atilla Harekâtı).

1- If Turkey invades, it is 100 percent of Cyprus. Why it is 40%? Becacuse this is Cyprus Peace Operation. Turkey saved Turkish-Cypriots in 1974. It is always going to protect their rights.
2- The latest Annan Plan to reunify the island which was endorsed by the United States, United Kingdom and Turkey was accepted by a referendum by Turkish Cypriots but overwhelmingly rejected in parallel referendum by Greek Cypriots, after Greek Cypriot Leadership and Greek Orthodox Church urging the Greek population to vote No. Why no? Because Greek Cypriots dont want a peace. Greek Cypriots rejected the UN settlement plan in an April 2004 referendum. On 24 April 2004, the Greek Cypriots rejected by a three-to-one margin the plan proposed by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan for the settlement of the Cyprus dispute.

Lets turn back the reason
Between 21 and 26 December 1963, the conflict centered in the Omorphita suburb of Nicosia, which had been an area of tension in 1958. The participants now were Greek Cypriot irregulars and Turkish Cypriot civilians and former TMT members, known as the "fighters" during the Cyprus problem, the Turkish fighters were less powerful, outnumbered and were held down in "ghettos" from the superior Greek Cypriot side who were supplied with stored EOKA guns and eventually guns from foreign powers. Many Greek and Turkish Cypriot civilians who were caught in the crossfire and chaos that ensued over the Christmas week were killed, others were massacred by Greek or Turkish irregulars and had their homes looted and burnt down in small villages as the problem developed.
700 Turkish hostages, including women and children, were taken from the northern suburbs of Nicosia. By 1964, 193 Turkish Cypriots and 133 Greek Cypriots were killed, with a further 209 Turks and 41 Greeks missing, presumed dead. The British Daily Telegraph later called it the "anti Turkish pogrom".
In the spring of 1974, Greek Cypriot intelligence discovered that EOKA-B was planning a coup against President Makarios which was sponsored by the military junta of Athens. The junta had come to power in a military coup in 1967 which was condemned by the whole of Europe but had the support of the United States. In the autumn of 1973 after the 17 November student uprising there had been a further coup in Athens in which the original Greek junta had been replaced by one still more obscurantist headed by the Chief of Military Police. On 2 July 1974, Makarios wrote an open letter to President Gizikis complaining bluntly that 'cadres of the Greek military regime support and direct the activities of the 'EOKA-B' terrorist organization'. He also ordered that Greece remove some 600 Greek officers in the Cypriot National Guard from Cyprus. The Greek Government's immediate reply was to order the go-ahead of the coup. On 15 July 1974 sections of the Cypriot National Guard, led by its Greek officers, overthrew the government. n the meantime, Nikos Sampson was declared provisional president of the new government. Sampson was a Greek ultra nationalist who was known to be fanatically anti-Turkish and had taken part in violence against Turkish civilians in earlier conflicts. The Sampson regime took over radio stations and declared that Makarios had been killed.but Makarios, safe in London, was soon able to counteract these reports. In the coup itself, 91 people were killed (All Greek-Cypriots). The Turkish-Cypriots were not affected by the coup against Makarios one of the reasons was that Ioannides did not want to provoke a Turkish reaction. Turkey invaded Cyprus on Saturday, 20 July 1974.

I hope you have understood.


It is really annoying to see Greeks playing victims. There were many Muslim Turks in Crete, how about now then? You killed them, forced them to flee their homes. You tried to do the same in Cyprus, but Turkey was there and saved its compatriots.
Turkey used its legal right to interfere to the island, Greece however, doesn't have the legal justification for arming its Aegean islands.

I will not dignify this with an answer. You are delusional. And if you still feel you are not, get a passport, and a ticket and fly to those places and find out for yourself.

Read all carefully!
Answer to first your sentence->> C- Territorial waters of a country at same time is airspace of it. So Greece has 6 miles at airspace and territorial waters. Do know that? And Don't talk you dont know about the matters.

Answer to second your sentence->> Do you know world war laws? Turkey considers the convention as res inter alios acta, i.e. a treaty that can only be binding to the signing parties but not to others.

Answer to third your sentenec-->> Greece is breaking Demilitarized status Lausanne 1923 and Paris Peace 1947. This is a casus-belli. Turkey cant agree as a excuse. The treaties become clear! And you can't pretend not to see these treaties!

Lets look Cyprus!
Don,t forget Turkey is a guarantor country of Cyprus London and Zurich Agreements. The Greek military junta of 1967–1974 "The Regime of the Colonels".
In 1974, seven years after the intercommunal violence between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, an attempted coup d'état by Greek Cypriot nationalists and elements of the Greek military junta with the aim of achieving enosis (union of the island with Greece) took place. Turkey used this as a pretext to invade the northern portion of the island. Turkish forces remained after a cease-fire, resulting in the partition of the island; an objective of Turkey since 1955.
The Turkish invasion of Cyprus, launched on 20 July 1974, was a Turkish military invasion in response to a Greek military junta backed coup in Cyprus. It is known in Turkey as the "Cyprus Peace Operation" (Turkish: Kıbrıs Barış Harekâtı), "Cyprus Operation" (Kıbrıs Harekâtı) or by its Turkish Armed Forces code name Operation Atilla (Atilla Harekâtı).

1- If Turkey invades, it is 100 percent of Cyprus. Why it is 40%? Becacuse this is Cyprus Peace Operation. Turkey saved Turkish-Cypriots in 1974. It is always going to protect their rights.
2- The latest Annan Plan to reunify the island which was endorsed by the United States, United Kingdom and Turkey was accepted by a referendum by Turkish Cypriots but overwhelmingly rejected in parallel referendum by Greek Cypriots, after Greek Cypriot Leadership and Greek Orthodox Church urging the Greek population to vote No. Why no? Because Greek Cypriots dont want a peace. Greek Cypriots rejected the UN settlement plan in an April 2004 referendum. On 24 April 2004, the Greek Cypriots rejected by a three-to-one margin the plan proposed by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan for the settlement of the Cyprus dispute.

Lets turn back the reason
Between 21 and 26 December 1963, the conflict centered in the Omorphita suburb of Nicosia, which had been an area of tension in 1958. The participants now were Greek Cypriot irregulars and Turkish Cypriot civilians and former TMT members, known as the "fighters" during the Cyprus problem, the Turkish fighters were less powerful, outnumbered and were held down in "ghettos" from the superior Greek Cypriot side who were supplied with stored EOKA guns and eventually guns from foreign powers. Many Greek and Turkish Cypriot civilians who were caught in the crossfire and chaos that ensued over the Christmas week were killed, others were massacred by Greek or Turkish irregulars and had their homes looted and burnt down in small villages as the problem developed.
700 Turkish hostages, including women and children, were taken from the northern suburbs of Nicosia. By 1964, 193 Turkish Cypriots and 133 Greek Cypriots were killed, with a further 209 Turks and 41 Greeks missing, presumed dead. The British Daily Telegraph later called it the "anti Turkish pogrom".
In the spring of 1974, Greek Cypriot intelligence discovered that EOKA-B was planning a coup against President Makarios which was sponsored by the military junta of Athens. The junta had come to power in a military coup in 1967 which was condemned by the whole of Europe but had the support of the United States. In the autumn of 1973 after the 17 November student uprising there had been a further coup in Athens in which the original Greek junta had been replaced by one still more obscurantist headed by the Chief of Military Police. On 2 July 1974, Makarios wrote an open letter to President Gizikis complaining bluntly that 'cadres of the Greek military regime support and direct the activities of the 'EOKA-B' terrorist organization'. He also ordered that Greece remove some 600 Greek officers in the Cypriot National Guard from Cyprus. The Greek Government's immediate reply was to order the go-ahead of the coup. On 15 July 1974 sections of the Cypriot National Guard, led by its Greek officers, overthrew the government. n the meantime, Nikos Sampson was declared provisional president of the new government. Sampson was a Greek ultra nationalist who was known to be fanatically anti-Turkish and had taken part in violence against Turkish civilians in earlier conflicts. The Sampson regime took over radio stations and declared that Makarios had been killed.but Makarios, safe in London, was soon able to counteract these reports. In the coup itself, 91 people were killed (All Greek-Cypriots). The Turkish-Cypriots were not affected by the coup against Makarios one of the reasons was that Ioannides did not want to provoke a Turkish reaction. Turkey invaded Cyprus on Saturday, 20 July 1974.

I hope you have understood.

We have covered these issues before, and many times over. Perhaps you should re read some of the older posts in this forum. I don't want to write again again the same things.

I am slightly disappointed though, because although Greeks have made significant efforts to admit their own mistakes and accept responsibility over whatever is their end, you still insist on the same things your fathers insisted 40 years ago. I mean really, there is no progress in the way of thinking at all ?

Perhaps Turkey joining the EU will benefit you guys more than you think or know.
I will not dignify this with an answer. You are delusional. And if you still feel you are not, get a passport, and a ticket and fly to those places and find out for yourself.
I'm sorry, but I'm not delusional as much as Greeks. Kindly tell us why did Cretan Muslims flee from their homelands to Syria and to Asian Minor? Why is state of Greece trying to hide ethnicity of Turks (and Pomaks) living in Greece with calling them as "Hellenic" Muslims?
I will not dignify this with an answer. You are delusional. And if you still feel you are not, get a passport, and a ticket and fly to those places and find out for yourself.

We have covered these issues before, and many times over. Perhaps you should re read some of the older posts in this forum. I don't want to write again again the same things.

I am slightly disappointed though, because although Greeks have made significant efforts to admit their own mistakes and accept responsibility over whatever is their end, you still insist on the same things your fathers insisted 40 years ago. I mean really, there is no progress in the way of thinking at all ?

Perhaps Turkey joining the EU will benefit you guys more than you think or know.

Why u want to write again again the same thing? I say Bullshit! You cant prove to be right about the matters!
Last sentence, You don't threaten with EU-negotiations. You cant prove to be right about the matters!!
dikkat ettiyseniz daldan dala daldan dala zıplıyor deniz sınırından kıbrıs sorununa ordan da avrupa görüşmlerine geldi cevapları veriyorum gözünü yumuyor daldan dala daldan dala zıplıyor zıpzıp seni kaçtın mı yunan kardeş.
Why u want to write again again the same thing? I say Bullshit! You cant prove to be right about the matters!
Last sentence, You don't threaten with EU-negotiations. You cant prove to be right about the matters!!

Sorry I am afraid I didn't catch what you are trying to say with this post. Can you try again please?

I'm sorry, but I'm not delusional as much as Greeks. Kindly tell us why did Cretan Muslims flee from their homelands to Syria and to Asian Minor? Why is state of Greece trying to hide ethnicity of Turks (and Pomaks) living in Greece with calling them as "Hellenic" Muslims?

Yes you are. Way too delusional I am afraid.

First and most importantly, Pomaks are muslims but they are not turkish. Second, most of the muslims in thrace are converted Greeks. Even they know this. There is ofcourse a number of actual turkish muslims leaving in Thrace. And they are trying really hard to convince every muslim that they are all turkish, but hey...

We call them hellenic muslims, because that is what they are, Greeks with an islamic religion. After all they are Greek citizens.
Yes you are. Way too delusional I am afraid.

First and most importantly, Pomaks are muslims but they are not turkish. Second, most of the muslims in thrace are converted Greeks. Even they know this. There is ofcourse a number of actual turkish muslims leaving in Thrace. And they are trying really hard to convince every muslim that they are all turkish, but hey...

We call them hellenic muslims, because that is what they are, Greeks with an islamic religion. After all they are Greek citizens.
First of all, did I call Pomaks Turkish? Yet, no one can deny majority of Muslim minority in Greece is Turkish-speaking. Probably I also carry Ancient Anatolian genes, but my language is what makes me Turkish. Think like this, after 900 years we can't say to Bulgarians&Hungarians "You are Turkic, so let's abandon your current languages and adopt ours."

Even if they are "Greeks with an islamic religion" (heck, they aren't, they are Turkish-speaking people) they would face with discrimination, you know Greece has a state religion.

You still doesn't answer my question about Cretans. Heck, you can't. You believe in "Greeks are innocent, Turks came and kill them" bullshvt so hard that you can't believe Greeks killed people and forced them to flee their homes.
Sorry I am afraid I didn't catch what you are trying to say with this post. Can you try again please?

I say It is so clear.
You often fly off at a tangent. My answers are so clear! I think you havent read my answers carefully. My answers contains international law's knowledges and the treaties. These answers(Link1, Link2, Link3). OK u get it? If not, read again. Maybe u have understood. But I dont think so.
First of all, did I call Pomaks Turkish? Yet, no one can deny majority of Muslim minority in Greece is Turkish-speaking. Probably I also carry Ancient Anatolian genes, but my language is what makes me Turkish. Think like this, after 900 years we can't say to Bulgarians&Hungarians "You are Turkic, so let's abandon your current languages and adopt ours."

Even if they are "Greeks with an islamic religion" (heck, they aren't, they are Turkish-speaking people) they would face with discrimination, you know Greece has a state religion.

You still doesn't answer my question about Cretans. Heck, you can't. You believe in "Greeks are innocent, Turks came and kill them" bullshvt so hard that you can't believe Greeks killed people and forced them to flee their homes.

I fail to see what your point is. At the end of the day, you are really on the downside of the argument, because as you quite clearly acknowledged that there are still (some, more, many it makes no difference) Turkish people living in Greece, whilst there are NO Greeks to speak of that live in Turkey TODAY! So which population was driven out from which country is very easy to verify.

going passed that, if you want to talk specifically of Cretan Turks there was an exchange of populations in 1923, I am sure you are familiar with that. So what exactly is your point again ?

I say It is so clear.
You often fly off at a tangent. My answers are so clear! I think you havent read my answers carefully. My answers contains international law's knowledges and the treaties. These answers(Link1, Link2, Link3). OK u get it? If not, read again. Maybe u have understood. But I dont think so.

I still don't see what you want to say, but fair enough, I will find my previous post that answers all you have pointed out and re-post it here. It may take a little while though, but I will be assured.
Disappear of Cretan Turks didn't started with population exchange, just saying.
The island's Muslim population dropped dramatically from these changes. From the summer of 1896 until the end of hostilities in 1898, Cretan Muslims remained under siege in the four coastal cities, where massacres against them took place. Subsequent waves of emigration followed as the island was united by stages with Greece.
Year 1821 1832 1858 1881 1900 1910 1920 1928
Muslims 47% 43% 22% 26% 11% 8% 7% 0%

Cretan Turks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We should do the same with Crete what we did with Cyrpus. 50/50.
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