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Turkey Vs. India.

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I want xMustiiej70 back. He was such a good troll. You just couldn't beat him.

Seriously though mods plz lock this and someone bump the Greece one :azn:
Turkey is nothing in front of india . If Turkish navy was that strong as is often said ,Turkey would have responded to Israel and not demanded an apology.

like kids say in our neighbour hood while playing and fighting "First you say sorry ,then I will talk to you. "

Turkey should help Pakistan get kashmir

Lets not go overboard now sir. Just because a troll starts this thread doesn't mean you get to downplay the Turkish Navy. We don't go to war every chance we get. If you would like info on our navy I can provide you with some.
Lets not go overboard now sir. Just because a troll starts this thread doesn't mean you get to downplay the Turkish Navy. We don't go to war every chance we get. If you would like info on our navy I can provide you with some.

not necessary..let the noobs fight here...you are better than that..
Turkey is nothing in front of india . If Turkish navy was that strong as is often said ,Turkey would have responded to Israel and not demanded an apology.

like kids say in our neighbour hood while playing and fighting "First you say sorry ,then I will talk to you. "

Turkey should help Pakistan get kashmir
I don't know what the big deal is? SUre for the foreseeable future India will be waaaaayyy more militarily powerful than the turks but we've gotta envy them because they've got such a stable, secure and calm environment in which they can focus upon things that are truly important...civic society, community, history, culture...the true DNA of any community. It's not their fault that THEY ae not in a rough neighborhood. EVery single induction the turks make will be simply because they want a first class armed force. Ever induction we make, on the other hand, is calculated for their roles to win wars. Given a choice, I'd like to be like the turks anyday if it was possible (which it is not). We should stop this ridiculous thread.
India is no match for Turkey. Even with nukes as a NATO ally Turkey is attacked by India with them Turkey will respond in kind. Turkey has several dozen B-61 --Thermonuclear Bombs (stationed in Turkey) which India does not have.

And if India does somehow gets the upperhand (impossible chance) ALL the NATO countries will intervene and send India back to the Flinstone era.

and u got ur chance to bash india.:hitwall: turkey may have whatever nuclear bomb..... india also has its nuclear bombs .
dont make lame efforts to start a fight b/w turks and indians here u wont succeed :wave:
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Holy s*** this is the DUMBEST THREAD EVARRRRRRRR and it's gone into 11 pages.....:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
There's actually a thread like this?? Why would there be a thread like this????

I ask these questions also .............

However, we two countries are friends. I don't see any reasons to fight or compare........

By the way.......................................
I ask these questions also .............

However, we two countries are friends. I don't see any reasons to fight or compare........

By the way.......................................
Agreed. We've been friends for a loong time...even before my Grand Father's generation...let's continue to be friends for all the years to come.
Y is this thread opened neways:cheesy:..... thr is nothing like between India and Turkey as both ve very good relations and growing ..... .... Jst dnt wanna c somtime comparing india with vietnam and so.:rofl:......(jst to say as no need fr such comaprisons)
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