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Turkey says investigating reports 28 truck drivers kidnapped in Iraq

Oh yes please, enlighten me.

He's a descendant of our Prophet's family.

What Israel did was wrong, but it was initially the mistake of those citizens. They should not do so. Israel is a civilized nation while those ISIS are not.

There is no double standards, I explained it here.

Israel is 'civilized' yet continues to occupy and demoralize the Palestinian people. There's something wrong with this picture.
Israel is 'civilized' yet continues to occupy and demoralize the Palestinian people. There's something wrong with this picture.
If you have read history in your life, you would know that Israel is the homeland of jews, not Arabs. ;) You guys are actually the foreigners and occupiers of that land ;)
If you have read history in your life, you would know that Israel is the homeland of jews, not Arabs. ;) You guys are actually the foreigners and occupiers of that land ;)

No, Palestine is home to the Mediterranean people. So you boast of how you support justice and self-determination yet deny that right to the Palestinian people.

So many racist pseudo-Muslims here.
No, Palestine is home to the Mediterranean people. So you boast of how you support justice and self-determination yet deny that right to the Palestinian people.

So many racist pseudo-Muslims here.
He didn't say Palestinians shouldn't be allowed to live in Israel. You just have to live on civilized manner. Culture of terrorism is not part of Islam. Islam is peaceful religion.
No, Palestine is home to the Mediterranean people. So you boast of how you support justice and self-determination yet deny that right to the Palestinian people.
So many racist pseudo-Muslims here.
Palestinians need to have the same rights as jews, and also the option to have their own government, in a two-states plan like what US has suggested. I am not opposing justice, what I am opposing is being delusional.
He didn't say Palestinians shouldn't be allowed to live in Israel. You just have to live on civilized manner. Culture of terrorism is not part of Islam. Islam is peaceful religion.
That's exactly right.
He's a descendant of our Prophet's family.

Israel is 'civilized' yet continues to occupy and demoralize the Palestinian people. There's something wrong with this picture.

Just because he is a descendant of the Prophet doesn't make him a Arab.
He didn't say Palestinians shouldn't be allowed to live in Israel.

How did we get here? From the occupation of the West Bank to a state without boundaries?

You just have to live on civilized manner.

Like your genocide of the Armenian people? Are you a Muslim or not? Make up your mind right now. And I mean it.

Culture of terrorism is not part of Islam.

Fighting for your home, your freedom from oppression, the future of your people is NOT terrorism, it's an obligation. The oppressing occupier IS the terrorist.

Islam is peaceful religion.

Islam has nothing to do with peace or violence. Islam is about submission to God. The last person to speak about Islam is you pseudo-'Muslims'.

You probably can't even read a single verse in the Quran.
Palestinians need to have the same rights as jews, and also the option to have their own government, in a two-states plan like what US has suggested. I am not opposing justice, what I am opposing is being delusional.


You're a liar, nobody was being delusional here. You justified an ongoing occupation. Which is opposing justice. As if I've said anything different.

Just because he is a descendant of the Prophet doesn't make him a Arab.

He's from the line of of the Prophet's daughter. You want to insist on him not being an Arab because you're racist.
How did we get here? From the occupation of the West Bank to a state without boundaries?
Doesn't matter. Inside and outside the walls there are Arabs. If you let go of terrorism as your hobby and start with yourself maybe just maybe Israeli and Arabs can come to peace.
Like your genocide of the Armenian people? Are you a Muslim or not? Make up your mind right now. And I mean it.
Armenian genocide? What is that?

Fighting for your home, your freedom from oppression, the future of your people is NOT terrorism, it's an obligation. The oppressing occupier IS the terrorist.

Islam has nothing to do with peace or violence. Islam is about submission to God. The last person to speak about Islam is you pseudo-'Muslims'.

You probably can't even read a single verse in the Quran.
Doesn't matter. Inside and outside the walls there are Arabs. If you let go of terrorism as your hobby and start with yourself maybe just maybe Israeli and Arabs can come to peace.
Armenian genocide? What is that?

@WebMaster @Manticore @Chak Bamu @Jungibaaz @Oscar

Let the moderators deal with a racist fascist lunatic like you. I never thought Turkish people were racist to this extent.
You're a liar, nobody was being delusional here. You justified an ongoing occupation. Which is opposing justice. As if I've said anything different.

He's from the line of of the Prophet's daughter. You want to insist on him not being an Arab because you're racist.

You're the one pushing that he's an Arab.
What if one of his descendants wound up in let's say Russia and in the end became an Russian by inter-marriage through centuries. What if that person is the one?
You're a liar, nobody was being delusional here. You justified an ongoing occupation. Which is opposing justice. As if I've said anything different.
Saying "Israelis are occupiers, while arabs are not", and "Having a new Islamic Caliphate" ia what is called being delusional. There is no lies in it.
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