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Turkey says investigating reports 28 truck drivers kidnapped in Iraq

This is ridiculous, it's a map from a website which isn't known for it's reliability to say the least. Debkafile spreads all kinds of conspiracies and misinformation.

This map would mean they control more than 1/3 of Iraq.
Turkey is meddling in Iraq's internal affairs. Turkey is trying to become an aggressive imperialist power.
You are meddling in our affairs. The treaty we have with the British gives us the right to take back Musul and Kirkuk. We have the papers :)

Sorry, but he's an Arab. :)
Nope, last caliphates for centuries were Turk.
This is ridiculous, it's a map from a website which isn't known for it's reliability to say the least. Debkafile spreads all kinds of conspiracies and misinformation.

This map would mean they control more than 1/3 of Iraq.
This map doesn't necessary show the area that is completely controlled by ISIS. I think it is more about the Militant's safe haven with full/semi control.

Where was your reaction when Israel killed 9 Turkish citizens? You wanted to flip the world upside down when it came to Iraq.

İnteresting, where does it state he's an Arab?

Are you seriously asking this question?

Where was your reaction when Israel killed 9 Turkish citizens? You wanted to flip the world upside down when it came to Iraq.
Israel is not our problem. We did the right thing to freeze relations but it is getting back on track again.
Israel is not our problem. We did the right thing to freeze relations but it is getting back on track again.

I didn't ask that question. I'm pointing the clear double standard some secular Turks here have over their citizens. You either own up to it or you have a double standard.

Where was your reaction when Israel killed 9 Turkish citizens? You wanted to flip the world upside down when it came to Iraq.

Are you seriously asking this question?

Oh yes please, enlighten me.

Where was your reaction when Israel killed 9 Turkish citizens? You wanted to flip the world upside down when it came to Iraq.

Are you seriously asking this question?

What Israel did was wrong, but it was initially the mistake of those citizens. They should not do so. Israel is a civilized nation while those ISIS are not.

I didn't ask that question. I'm pointing the clear double standard some secular Turks here have over their citizens. You either own up to it or you have a double standard.
There is no double standards, I explained it here.
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