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Turkey: No tolerance for Kurdish entity in Syria

The sad part is there is still no action. I mean the perpetrators of the attack has been caught but nothing done against the planners. Just PM and FM throw same empty words thats it. And there is no guarantee that there won't be an suicide attack in the upcoming months, because we didn't capture the planners.

What i expected from Erdogan was, he should have said. "We are going to find the responsibles of this attack and bring them to justice, wherever they are in the world." and act according to. But imam has no balls.

The planner is obviously the Syrian regime, so, I don't think you expect Turkish army to invade Syria and bring Bashar and his criminals just like that to justice. You're dealing with a psychopath who doesn't live in the real world, when a person like this is desperate he will do anything to make his foes pay, I mean, at that point he doesn't have anything left to lose, yet he would attack with his WMD arsenal. Turkey knows who it's dealing with.
honestly jefe, it wouldn't take more than a thousand. But to protect your citizen, you have to make hard decisions. Our soldiers are supossed to do anything to protect their nation and it's people. Not trying to survive in somewhere

Actually, it could take tens of thousands of lives. Bashar has enough warheads of this to make his enemy think a hundred times before attacking him:

Barzani speaking about the upcoming kurdish conference in Erbil.

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Barzani speaking about the upcoming kurdish conference in Erbil.

My eyes were too teary from laughing, thus I couldn't read the subtitles.

All I understood was "please don't attack us Arabs, Turks, and Iranians. Wait until we organize and attack you." Then again, I don't speak a word of Kurdish so it's all a toss up :DDD
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Iraq should bomb the fck out of this guy and we should support them and Iran and Syria. With he's women gypsy clothes and mountain robe their allowing him to speak.
Actually, it could take tens of thousands of lives. Bashar has enough warheads of this to make his enemy think a hundred times before attacking him:


then he has to deal with a very long, wide d¡ck that'd slop the hell out of his a$s that even his grand grand sons will suffer the pain. In deed, he does not have the guts to do such thing against Turkey.

Even if he does such a chemical attack and kill thousands; with or without nato, everybody knows well such act's fate. Just look at Afghanistan (with) or Cyprus (without). lol
then he has to deal with a very long, wide d¡ck that'd slop the hell out of his a$s that even his grand grand sons will suffer the pain. In deed, he does not have the guts to do such thing against Turkey.

Even if he does such a chemical attack and kill thousands; with or without nato, everybody knows well such act's fate. Just look at Afghanistan (with) or Cyprus (without). lol

He doesn't care, as I told you as soon as Turkey launch a massive attack he doesn't have anything to lose, so he brings his enemies down with him. That's why I believe Turkey did the smartest thing.
The planner is obviously the Syrian regime, so, I don't think you expect Turkish army to invade Syria and bring Bashar and his criminals just like that to justice. You're dealing with a psychopath who doesn't live in the real world, when a person like this is desperate he will do anything to make his foes pay, I mean, at that point he doesn't have anything left to lose, yet he would attack with his WMD arsenal. Turkey knows who it's dealing with.

yeah and also blame the sinking of Titanic on Syria... it was F$A terrorists who did it, they have killed many Turkish citizens, hoping they will drag Turkey to war to help their losing @$$, and only dumb people will believe what you just posted...
I heard yesterday they have called their representatives from Iran,Turkey and Syria to discuss possibilities of autonomous Kurdistan and its challenges.

PKK only 'seems' to be in a truce with Iran, because they can't fight a war in 3 fronts. After Syria, they will come for Iran and Turkey, this time much more powerful. We are going to have some rough days ahead.
Pjak has and had no power in Iran. They are not worth to be mentioned as enemy just like the weak jundullah.
Pjak has and had no power in Iran. They are not worth to be mentioned as enemy just like the weak jundullah.

Pjak has a big brother called PKK, and if they want to focus their forces and time on us, we will have some troubles then. Pjak itself is not that powerful though.
I heard yesterday they have called their representatives from Iran,Turkey and Syria to discuss possibilities of autonomous Kurdistan and its challenges.

PKK only 'seems' to be in a truce with Iran, because they can't fight a war in 3 fronts. After Syria, they will come for Iran and Turkey, this time much more powerful. We are going to have some rough days ahead.

Currently PKK is withdrawing it's members from Turkey due to ongoing negotiations. Clashes didn't happened this year, it seems well. But you have point, we can't be sure.
Currently PKK is withdrawing it's members from Turkey due to ongoing negotiations. Clashes didn't happened this year, it seems well. But you have point, we can't be sure.

Are you sure for the withdraw ? According to RTE, only 15% (sick and old people) are gone to Irak and they recruits new members each day.

Did you hear something called "PKK Asayis".

"It seems well" :laughcry:, PKK orada cirit atiyor, cirit ...
Currently PKK is withdrawing it's members from Turkey due to ongoing negotiations. Clashes didn't happened this year, it seems well. But you have point, we can't be sure.

Syria will be partitioned sooner or later , its only matter of time , if CHP gets into power or part of a coalition government then they will have the ability to rebuild a better relation with the alawi state that will be formed. The Alawis are similar to Turkish alevis in beliefs , the only difference alawis are arabs , but after what happened in Syria they will renounce their arab identity as most arabs despise and hate them anyway .

Unlike kurdish iraq , the Syrian kurdistan region is only a small strip of land in a province called hassaka with a depth of only 20 km inside the syrian border from turkey , the other kurdish presence is in 2 small enclaves in aleppo separated by Arab towns and villages , also these 2 enclaves in aleppo are separated from the kurdish enclave in hassaka by an arab province under rebel control called riqqah .

basically Turkey can easily destroy when needed the kurdish regions using MLRS and howtzilers such as paterna with 50 km range without even sending 1 soldier inside syria , never to forget the airforce.

this is just about patience and what people in Turkish leadership are waiting for is the complete fall of syria which is becoming sooner than later.

you know Just yesterday an Islamist group launched an attack from syria sneaking into iraq until they reached baghdad where they broke into 2 of the most heavily gaurded jails one of them abu-ghurab , around 100 iraqi army soldiers were killed and more than a 1000 prisoners were freed , most of them alqauda fighters whom were captured by Americans during America's surge operation back in 2008 . Most of these are highly trained islamist terrorist who will for ensure engage in attacks against syria and iraq/

this is a small example of how bachar lost complete control over his country's border with iraq , even iran is supplying him now with weapons through airlifts , the major crossing between iraq and syria is now in rebel hands in a province called dier-elzor which is mostly controlled by rebels.

now Syria has become much bigger than assad , its a hell-hole , but what turkey will need to do is setting up a buffer zone of around 15 km inside northern syria to shield itself from the mess going on there which would mean basically ending the fragile kurdish enclaves.

erdo anyway is now a burden for turkey , I am sure at some point he will be sidelined by his own party , CHP could play a major role in re-fixing Turkey relation with bachar , Bachar will not rule syria again , but he will control part of it including the syrian coast provinces and a part of central syria bordering lebanon .

yeah and also blame the sinking of Titanic on Syria... it was F$A terrorists who did it, they have killed many Turkish citizens, hoping they will drag Turkey to war to help their losing @$$, and only dumb people will believe what you just posted...

there is nothing called syria now , you either move to alawistan under bachar or sunnistan under the rebels.

pretty ugly , but now alawis are no longer part of the arab world , either convert to shia and become a persian or learn turkish and become an alevis without the need of changing your religion.

i only feel sad for the christians of syria , after all they have been dragged into this sectarian conflict.
Are you sure for the withdraw ? According to RTE, only 15% (sick and old people) are gone to Irak and they recruits new members each day.

Did you hear something called "PKK Asayis".

"It seems well" :laughcry:, PKK orada cirit atiyor, cirit ...

Yeah, that's an another story......:undecided: . They opened a cemetery for their "" Martyrs"", for fvcks sake....
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