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Turkey helped Israeli to attack Syria and Turkey base used for attack.

Not necessary. Today munition is accurate, you can hit the window. In ww2 they carpet bombed cities.

JDAMS, LG Bombs, CM (I.E Popeye), Air-to-Ground Missiles (E.g Maverick) etc... The game of warfare changed an lot in these past 70 years.
Yes, but that isn't the whole story though. Apparently, the Russians are so made at Turkey for some reasons.

When Turkey showed more interests in the S-400 than the S-300, the Russians accuse Turkey for not wanting to do business with them.

When Turkey mobilized some Patriot air defence batteries, the Russians accuse Turkey of destabilizing the region.

When Turkey boosts up the industrialization of its military machines, we here the same comments.

When Turkey tries to take a regional role in the ME - i.e. restoring its relation with the Jews - the Russian RT says Turkey is betraying ISLAM - as if Russia was a Muslim country LoLz.

When Turkey cuts its own budget to feed the Syrian refugees, the Russians keep coming back for more stating that Turkey is escalating the situation more and more.

Do you see a pattern?

I'm sick and tired from RT's intentional propaganda aginst Turkey, and her friends. Maybe we should ask the Qataris to make Al-Jazeera Russian or do something on our own.
It would not be good for the Russian weapon industry as for the American,thats why they would allways try in a way to keep it a hostile place.
After all the biggest costumers are in the middle east.
Could you imagine what would happen to the weapon industry in the world when there would be peace in the ME?
It would not be good for the Russian weapon industry as for the American,thats why they would allways try in a way to keep it a hostile place.
After all the biggest costumers are in the middle east.
Could you imagine what would happen to the weapon industry in the world when there would be peace in the ME?

Not true , the US started producing precise munitions during the Vietnam war , not ME
50% of Russian media are Jews.
RT is owned by Russian state. Its chief editor is Armenian Margarita Simonyan, and its producer is Palestinian Ameera David.
RT is owned by Russian state. Its chief editor is Armenian Margarita Simonyan, and its producer is Palestinian Ameera David.

Now we know why it's so Anti-Turk at the end of the day there's an Armenian involved.
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