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Turkey, Egypt to sign strategic cooperation deal


Apr 17, 2010
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Israel signs a military agreement Sunday with Turkey's historic rival - Greece. Israeli defense officials said the timing of the agreement has nothing to do with the escalation in the diplomatic crisis with Turkey.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is set to visit Egypt in mid-September in a bid to strengthen ties between Ankara and Cairo, the Egyptian daily Al-Shorouq reported Sunday.

Erdogan is scheduled to land in Cairo on September 12, and to meet with Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf and the head of the Supreme Military Council, General Mohammed Tantawi. The leaders are expected to discuss boosting military cooperation, and to sign a number of military and economic agreements, according to the newspaper.

The report on Erdogan's upcoming visit to Egypt comes against the backdrop of rising tensions between Israel and Egypt and declining relations between Cairo and Jerusalem following the ousting of former President Hosni Mubarak.

Erdogan also plans on visiting the Gaza Strip, although it is not known whether he will actually do so, and it is believed that even Erdogan's visit to Cairo might be postponed.

But despite the apparent rapprochement between Egypt and Turkey, a senior Egyptian Foreign Ministry official told the London-based Arabic daily Asharq Al-Awsat Sunday that Cairo does not intend to recall its ambassador from Tel Aviv or to expel the Israeli ambassador from Cairo. Photos were even published on Sunday of Egyptian security forces building a high stone wall near the Israeli Embassy in Giza to help protect it.

The senior official also told the London news outlet that Turkey's decision to expel the Israeli ambassador would not lead Egypt to take a similar step. Only after the investigation of last month's terror incident on the Israel-Egypt border near Eilat would Cairo decide what steps to take, the official said.

Meanwhile, Israel signed a military agreement Sunday with Turkey's historic rival - Greece. Israeli defense officials said the timing of the agreement, signed between Defense Minister Ehud Barak and his Greek counterpart Panayiotis Beglitis, is coincidental and has nothing to do with the escalation in the diplomatic crisis with Turkey.

However, it is difficult to ignore increasingly closer diplomatic and security ties with Greece over the years at the same time that the strategic alliance Israel enjoyed with Turkey has been unraveling. Over the past two years, the Israel Air Force has held two major exercises in Greece, one involving fighter jets and another with transport helicopters. Greece was one of the first countries to send firefighting aircraft to assist Israel during the Carmel fire last year, and the height of cooperation was when Greece prohibited ships from departing its ports to join a flotilla to Gaza in July.

Barak said at the signing ceremony Sunday in Tel Aviv: "Both we and the Greeks are experiencing developments in the world and the region that are not simple, and I think we view each other positively."
Interesting move - though I hope Turkiye is looking beyond Gen. Tantawi. While Israel, Egypt, Greece and Turkiye have been mentioned in the article, the US and EU policy somehow have not been worthy of mention.
Turkey and Egypt are very much capable of establishing sea embargo by blockading mediteranean...imo even Bosnian,Algerian,Tunisian and Moroccoan boats can come in handy when the hour hits.....make sure this time israel is attacked by all the muslims country simultaneously,,,just like all the christian countries attack simultaneously as NATO and ISAF.
This reminds me of the ottoman empire very much.....Too much in fact. Egypt have always been part of the ottoman empire I guess this time they took it back again. Times sure are a changing.
i have always admired Egypt! a nice agreement, Egypt has a lot of potential when it comes to military.

if i could choose a nationality in the arab world it would either be Egypt or Morocco. to lovely and wonderfull countries! <3
Turkey and Egypt are very much capable of establishing sea embargo by blockading mediteranean...imo even Bosnian,Algerian,Tunisian and Moroccoan boats can come in handy when the hour hits.....make sure this time israel is attacked by all the muslims country simultaneously,,,just like all the christian countries attack simultaneously as NATO and ISAF.

Turkiye alone is strong enough to face any country on this planet. And gangup against 1 smaller opponent is not our style my friend!! it doesnt work like that.. the day you make such a mistake the world will side with them, and turn against you!! also stupid move and will give them excuse to use their Nukes!! :D
Turkiye alone is strong enough to face any country on this planet. And gangup against 1 smaller opponent is not our style my friend!! it doesnt work like that.. the day you make such a mistake the world will side with them, and turn against you!! also stupid move and will give them excuse to use their Nukes!! :D

I wasn't aware that Turkey had acquired a world destroyer, something that'll make the world literally implode... also pray tell me how did we manage to hide such a weapon from the rest of the world ?

*And then you wake up from the dream*

Get real.

It's nice to see cooperation with Egypt, it's afterall another country in ME that (in the past) used to be free and open, but if memory serves all that changed when the "arabs" lost the 6 days war and their president died. it's better to "choke" than try to start a war.
Turkiye alone is strong enough to face any country on this planet. And gangup against 1 smaller opponent is not our style my friend!! it doesnt work like that.. the day you make such a mistake the world will side with them, and turn against you!! also stupid move and will give them excuse to use their Nukes!! :D

childish and baseless comments. Wake up pls. This is not youtube comment section.
i think turkey must to take control of Gaza under Arab league
childish and baseless comments. Wake up pls. This is not youtube comment section.

I wonder if Turks would have such a great history and still existtill today against all odds if all were as weakminded and thought same like you. If Turks were as weak as you are we wouldnt have such a great history! We wouldnt even be able to survive remember Turks came till this day with great struggles with much greater enemies! It is not even about weapons, i wasnt talking about weapons.. although today Turkey is not behind in weapons and technology either!

People like you are ignorant and weak because you dont know yourself u are doomed to lose before game even starts! Shame i would not wanna walk in your shoes buddy!! the meaning of the word Türk means literally ''strenght-the strong'' but i dont expect you to even mind this. It is ofcourse a greywolve propaganda!! :cheesy:
i think turkey must to take control of Gaza under Arab league

I totally agree, Turkish army should land on Gaza, Cyprus part 2!! To protect Gazans from inhumane Israeli agression, it must be done for peace and security!! Palestinians have the right to live in peace and safety.
=Saithan;2087728]I wasn't aware that Turkey had acquired a world destroyer, something that'll make the world literally implode... also pray tell me how did we manage to hide such a weapon from the rest of the world ?

*And then you wake up from the dream*

Get real.

Shaitan i dont expect you to be aware that Turkey bla bla bla.. in the future u probably will have a boring life with job in the office why would you mind? so dont talk about the people nor the country if you dont believe in it!! dont spread your poison nonsense weak non-believers just live your miserble life and just dont stand in my way!!
i think turkey must to take control of Gaza under Arab league
Good luck. Turkey can take the whole Gaza if they wish as present. But then also Turkey will be responsible for supplying it with electricity water, food and restraining all crazy jihadists groups.
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