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Turkey converts another former Istanbul church into a mosque

I didn't say literally "UNder the structure". I said during the rampage, distinct from the nationwide riots that followed. Muslims were in Ayodhya on the day standing their ground - not many - but certainly some. They were slaughtered ruthlessly by the mob and are martyrs to the cause.

What you're indulging in here is simple obfuscation of a straightforward issue. It's nothing new around pdf and indeed, it remains a weapon of choice among many of your countrymen.

Now if you really wish to help my understanding, please explain why this kangaroo justice system has not convicted the culprits of the crimes against Babri and the people of ayodhya.

you said " Muslims were murdered in 1992 while defending this disputed site from Hindu mobs."
no muslim went there to defend babri maszid . last muslim who went to fight for babri maszid during nawb wazid ali shah's reign was maulvi amir ali of amethi mafi near lucknow in 1854 , his jihad against hindus was dispersed by captain barlow of oudh army , few muslims were injured by grape shots . after that it started again in 1949 when hindus put up ramlala there .
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Now if you really wish to help my understanding, please explain why this kangaroo justice system has not convicted the culprits of the crimes against Babri and the people of ayodhya.
limit of hypocrisy .
you are supporting justice system of turkey which gives verdict to use a church which was converted in to mosque again use it as mosque .
in the same para calling indian justice system kangroo court ? there are thousands of maszids which are built on demolished mandirs . there are two prominent and well known maszids in kashi and mathura which are built by demolishing mandirs by aurangzeb , stay on one stance .
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Turkey is worth to watch.

It's the start of a huge event, a world changing one.

The final chapter for the start of the event that we have been waiting for so long.

final chapter ?
who sold hagia sophia ? defeated and fallen people ?

Defeated and fallen were given the choice instead lynching them and demolishing their place of worship. If you could understand you would respect the decision, but I doubt you will ever be able to understand.

who sells their places of worship ?

Who sells their gods in a shop?

hindus kept on fighting and giviing their life for their mandir for thousands of years , they took somnath mandir many times from hand of muslim invaders , nobody gave them offer to sell their mandirs in india ?

So if hindus were fighting for their mandir (only), somehow their actions didn't bring any harm to the mandir? And to stop the bloodshed what should be the most logical action of a conqueror? Yes remove the root cause.
Defeated and fallen were given the choice instead lynching them and demolishing their place of worship. If you could understand you would respect the decision, but I doubt you will ever be able to understand.

Who sells their gods in a shop?

So if hindus were fighting for their mandir (only), somehow their actions didn't bring any harm to the mandir? And to stop the bloodshed what should be the most logical action of a conqueror? Yes remove the root cause.

lol muslims of india have been given land for another masjid , they can get even money for that . it fits erdogon logic .

pakistani , and erdogon logic is fit for hindu RSS , they have many mandirs demolished for making masjids . they will put up the same logic which you are putting up for conversion of church in to masjids .
pakistani , and erdogon logic is fit for hindu RSS , they have many mandirs demolished for making masjids . they will put up the same logic which you are putting up for conversion of church in to masjids .

This is what I know of you indians .........

indians (most of them are RSS anyways so I would use indians instead of RSS) simply need any reason fit or unfit just to nourish and peddle their hate. They are the sole champions in that.

A cesspool of one billion plus that would believe any lie that satisfies their hateful little egos. They can believe there was a mandir on every square inch of india in the past .......... and start demolishing the homes, mosques and everything.

How long and for how long ..........
you said " Muslims were murdered in 1992 while defending this disputed site from Hindu mobs."
no muslim went there to defend babri maszid . last muslim who went to fight for babri maszid during nawb wazid ali shah's reign was maulvi amir ali of amethi mafi near lucknow in 1854 , his jihad against hindus was dispersed by captain barlow of oudh army , few muslims were injured by grape shots . after that it started again in 1949 when hindus put up ramlala there .
The mob that demolished ayodhya murdered civilians in its immediate vicinity. The son of the imam was murdered by the mob as it rampaged to ayodhya. A few dozen Muslims could not have been any threat whatsoever to the horde of thousands yet they were picked up and thrown into wells and set alight. These destroyers of Babri literally and unequivocally also murdered Muslims at ground zero. This is interpreted very easily as an act in which those civilians have stood their ground in the face of a hopeless ratio and they are regarded as martyrs, martyred during the destruction of Babri, as it happened. Those victims are distinguished from the victims elsewhere - not that the rampages and pogroms in Gujarat etc were any less brutal.

I'm not sure what your understanding of this is but if you see some disconnect between the murders committed by a mob in the vicinity of an act of destruction and the act of destruction itself, you need to reevaluate.
limit of hypocrisy .
you are supporting justice system of turkey which gives verdict to use a church which was converted in to mosque again use it as mosque .
in the same para calling indian justice system kangroo court ? there are thousands of maszids which are built on demolished mandirs . there are two prominent and well known maszids in kashi and mathura which are built by demolishing mandirs by aurangzeb , stay on one stance .
Again, do not discuss medieval issues and claim some temporal moral relativism with the modern era. I don't care about the moral elements of which mosque or Mandir or Stupa was razed outside of the definitions of morality accepted at a given time. By all means, compare and contrast mysoreans with marathas to your heart's content. Compare colonial British with colonial Portuguese. But don't sit there and engage in the intellectual dishonesty of declaring such and such did this 500 years ago so I can do it now.

As for the contemporaneous decision-making regarding hagia sofia and Babri, the former involved peaceful takeover without even harming the structure or the architecture or a single human soul. The latter was a murderous religiously motivatedrampage in a "secular democratic republic", wherein the architects and perpetrators of said murders have never faced justice and indeed, have been voted in as leaders of the nation.
Most analysts now accept that the rampage at ayodhya was preplanned, with the aid of local police forces, who even partook in "practice" sessions in the days and weeks leading up to the event. An illegal and murderous act that would cause communalism for decades to come was literally practiced by Advani and his thugs as though rehearsing for some theatrical release.

final chapter ?


The world war 3 and then the coming of the Messiah several decades later.

Some say we are already in the period of the great tribulation.

Since 1950-1970, the world already entered the era of the Dajjal or Anti-Christ.

That is why free sex, homosexuality, materialism, etc are on the rise.

An era of comfort (economy prosperity and technological advancement) but we actually are not happy.

An era of illusion and fake.

Don't you see so many angry people here in this forum, as well as conflicts?

It represents everyone's inner soul.

On the public and street, everyone seems to be fine and normal, but inside we all are suffering.

Turkey will invade Greece.

And then Russia will join the war by attacking Turkey.

Which then, as can already be predicted, USA, NATO, and Japan will attack Russia.

700 million people will die as a result of the war.

Nuclear weapons will be used.
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Again, trying to show your broken comprehension by refusing to recognize that the mosque-turned-museum was actually as a church-turned-mosque.

Again, you're ignoring that when Hagia Sophia was converted, it wasn't a Church - it was a museum with no connection to the church for centuries. In fact, the museum happened to be a masjid a few decades before! You're also ignoring that Erdogan didn't send a mob of lowlife H chimps to tear down the museum to build the masjid.

Funny how a few inconvenient Islamofascist facts can change things, right?

A dozen or so innocent Muslims were murdered at ground zero. This was an event that was part of the rampage that destroyed Babri masjid. Hindus decided that along with the debris of a masjid, Muslim blood was also needed on their clothes that particular night, hence the murders of these innocent defenceless souls. It wasn't a "riot". It wasn't some pitched battle. Hindu mobs simply dumped isolated Muslims into dry wells and set them on fire.

Indian media remembers these incidents as riots. In reality, they were pogroms, in the late 20th century, in a secular democratic republic.

Hundreds of Muslims were killed and acres of property were also destroyed nationwide in the lead-up campaign to get the masjid demolished. Indians only make a mockery of themselves when they compare the violent Dharmic chimpout which culminated in the demolition of Babri and the conversion of Hagia Sophia into a masjid.
Again, you're ignoring that when Hagia Sophia was converted, it wasn't a Church - it was a museum with no connection to the church for centuries. In fact, the museum happened to be a masjid a few decades before! You're also ignoring that Erdogan didn't send a mob of lowlife H chimps to tear down the museum to build the masjid.

Funny how a few inconvenient Islamofascist facts can change things, right?
no connection with christianity ? what connection has sophia with masjid ?
christians were not allowed to pray in that church hagia sophia . if you allow christians they will come and pray there , it is still property of christians . in the same way hindus were denied of their rights of mandir by invaders in ayodhya kashi mathura in india , they demolished hindu mandirs , hindus kept fighting for five hundred years to recover their mandir but because they could not defeat invaders so they waited for five hundred years , now hindus are powerful they will get their mandirs by force . might is right in turkey and it is same in india .
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Hundreds of Muslims were killed and acres of property were also destroyed nationwide in the lead-up campaign to get the masjid demolished. Indians only make a mockery of themselves when they compare the violent Dharmic chimpout which culminated in the demolition of Babri and the conversion of Hagia Sophia into a masjid.

why resort to violence , why not give hindus their mandirs which were destroyed by force by invaders ?
things can be solved pecefully .
erdogan is an example to follow for hindu rashtra india , they can now convert mosques which are built on mandirs .

lmao, the RSS and hindu rashtra is more like a nazi hitler state/regime that you are comparing with erdogan. Was Babri mosque builtby razing temple?

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