No see i don't cry about everything the modernized nations do so i can please the Muslim majority for political gain. Unlike Erdogan in Jeddah. Then getting angry at France for not caring to invite the crying "humanitarians" for Paris.
So you are saying that in a democracy, (PM elected by the people etc.) you shouldn't do what your people wants. I think Jigs that you may be a dictator under that appearence of yours.
NATO has legitimacy because their is a common consensus among its member states and similar views as was the case when its formation happened. Sometimes there are disagreements. However there isn't one member that always runs the other way when decisions occur. Then tries to run back when left out. No one has time for the AKP hold up when people are being killed by a Gaddafi.
If just one of the NATO countries disagree, then there is no consensus, and if Turkey should give its consent afterwards then it's because NATO has listened and accomodated.
What attack ? That he married his 15 year old Cousin when he was 30 ? That is not a insult. It is a fact. A mans morals and basic views on society tells far more then what university he went to.
Lol, sorry but it is acceptable that you marry your cousin as long as it won't lead to genetic disorder. You have your own POW on that so I will respect that.
Just like it was for us kemalists when we saved the country that was sold out. No one saying it isn't. Are you saying its ok to not help these people achieve freedom over a oppressive dictator ? Also comparing this to Iraq is inaccurate. The U.S. is already packing up and handing the operation over to NATO and no troop involvement is even proposed.
Riiight, so now you're back during war of liberty, so you are claiming that those who fought during the war of liberty were kemalists. I guess I am wrong in calling myself Turk, maybe I should be called a Kemalist. I think it's about time you wake up Jigs
We're Turks and we won that war together united.
The Libyan people have the right to be free and should be protected from Gaddafi, but I don't agree that rushing in without a plan is a good idea.
My comparison with Iraq was only to point out the theft and damage the country's people suffered, and is still suffering. How many suicide bombs and internal strife do you think the country is experiencing daily, monthly or yearly ?
I have no guarantee no one goes into conflicts with guarantees. I can guarantee one thing though and that is the killing people who oppose someones dictatorial rule if no help is given. Playing around and holding up NATO and trading shots with France shows the level at which the AKP likes to operate.
No that is correct, you can't guarentee anything if you don't have a consensus in NATO. Did you even consider that Libya might turn into a bloody civil war ? look at Somalia, you want a repeat of the same thing in Libya ?
On top of not having a plan you don't have any guarentee for the Libyan people. What will you do if the "warmongering" country's hold Libya accountable for the cost of war. Is it fair that the Libyan people be made to pay for the cost ?
Huh ? This doesn't even make sense. Turkey is the one holding up this process of helping the people in Libya. Why do you think the Head of NATO went to Turkey? on a good will visit ? It was to tell the Administration to get its act together. Which seems to have paid off since Turkey is agreeing on most aspects of the NATO plan now.
I think you are wrong again, it's funny how you tribute any positive developement to anyone but Turkey, perhaps you should consider giving up your Turkish nationality. In the meantime read this.
Turkey U.S. reach initial consensus on Libya | Turkey
There isn't a split in NATO Germany had disagreements on certain aspects but it was once again the AKP and Erdogan giving out another hot headed speech on how civilians shouldn't die without once mentioning what Gaddafi was doing. I love how he always takes the Humanitarian point but has zero objectivity on issues that require them. Which is understandable as to why he does it. It plays right into the people he needs to please.
There is a big difference who kills civilians. Look at Afghanistan, and see what reaction the people give when it's NATO soldiers/peacekeepers. So perhaps you can try to understand how it would look if the "West" came and cleaned up Gaddafi, but killed civilians in the process. There is an aftermath after the war to consider. Go watch Charlie Wilsons War if you need some perspective should be easy to understand.
Lastly I want to stress the importance of protecting the interest and freedom of the Libyan people, they deserve better.