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Turkey Almost Went to War With Israel

this sh*t stopped being funny 3 years ago man...
If you're boarding a foreign ship you're the aggressor and people attacking you with knives are on self fvcking defense.
Erdo's poisoned your mind with incomplete facts and incorrect context, waiving the flags of blind patriotism and religious bigotry to drown out logic and reason and obscure justice. Do you really want Turks to become as messed up as Pakistanis? Or do you think it's already too late?
Erdo's poisoned your mind with incomplete facts and incorrect context, waiving the flags of blind patriotism and religious bigotry to drown out logic and reason and obscure justice. Do you really want Turks to become as messed up as Pakistanis? Or do you think it's already too late?

Anything else you think that you know better than our country?
Erdo's poisoned your mind with incomplete facts and incorrect context, waiving the flags of blind patriotism and religious bigotry to drown out logic and reason and obscure justice. Do you really want Turks to become as messed up as Pakistanis? Or do you think it's already too late?
first off, fvck Erdo,
Secondly, you're not any less bigot than him
third, what I want or don't want for the Turks has nothing to do with the topic
and your aren't going to get away from this by changing the subject
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Israel is small country and turkey is very powerful and has support from all muslim countries. And USA is too busy in Afghanistan, so they will never help Israel, if Israel declares war with turkey.

Do you even know how many Nukes Israel has ?
but brother, still if Israel comes in war with turkey then turkey will capture Israel because they are much stronger in military and economical point of view than Israel and if USA intervene then it is possible that Russia , Syria and Iran also jumps in to help turkey.
That scenario sounds like a precursor to ww 3. But I think turkish leader made the right move by avoiding a war.
I hate this news.. " We were going to hit, but.... blah blah blah"...:disagree:

They killed 9 Turkish citizens and got no response.

I'm confused, would you really want a military response to what happened? Had he done that, I'm sure he'd be condemned from the same people who condemn him for taking no action. So it's a lose-lose situation for him.
but brother, still if Israel comes in war with turkey then turkey will capture Israel because they are much stronger in military and economical point of view than Israel and if USA intervene then it is possible that Russia , Syria and Iran also jumps in to help turkey.

Do you know how much of a fool you're making yourself look like?

Too many ignorant people with no knowledge on this forum.
oh comeon guys, none of u guys are talking sense, for i see most of u guys commenting here belong to muslim countries. this cud hav happened, dat cud hav happened bla bla bla gibber gibber... , see Israel is one hot-headed nation, turkey wud hav met the same fate that was met by 6 arab countries when they attacked Israel, most probably, messing with Israeli is a very serious business.
first off, fvck Erdo,
As a Turkish "patriot" willing to put nationalism ahead of truth and justice. you're playing right into his hands. He's f-ked you good; you haven't done him any harm.

Secondly, you're not any less bigot than him
I rely on facts in context and law; Erdogan does not. He does not acknowledge that the Israelis acted properly both in boarding the ship, that the Turks were in violation of international law by resisting the boarding, and that Israelis were justified when they used deadly force in self-defence.

third, what I want or don't want for the Turks has nothing to do with the topic
What, then, do you think of the commenters here who proclaim that Turkey should have engaged in open hostilities with Israel?

Good for you, good for you:crazy:
Nothing "good" about it.
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