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TTP Murdered 11 foreign mountaineers at Nanga Parbat base camp.

Its not Ch. Nisar who lacks the resolve to do something.

The fault lies with our military which lacks the vision to understand the only good pseudo religious militant is a dead one.

For years the establishment nurtured these pseudo religious Salafi-inspired thugs, and slowly but surely, all these groups are splintering and spinning out of control in pursuit of their ideological anti state agendas.

A foreign fascist ideology imported from Saudi was allowed to trump the nation state's interests and the rest is history. What was the military thinking? The complete lack of strategic vision simply boggles the mind.

Even now, the fragmented military action against the TTP seems reactive at best. The Swat, Tirah Valley, and Bajaur offensives are all good examples of this reactive approach.

You would think after losing 40,000 civilians and 4,000 soldiers to the TTP and its affiliates, the establishment would be steeling itself for decisive action against these thugs. Think again. For our military top brass, the geopolitical 'Game' seems to be more important than the lives of average Pakistanis. A game being played with real lives and real blood. Such is the misfortune of our country.
From what i have been reading -

5 Ukrainians
2 Chinese
1 Chinese-American
1 Russian
1 Nepalese
1 Pakistani

No russians were involved, atleast no russian official briefing has been released, whilst both Chinese and Ukranian embassy officials have released statements and their attache's were at Nur Khan, yeah sorry i missed the sherpa from nepal. From what i know the only Russians are already headed to Gasherbrum.
Its not Ch. Nisar who lacks the resolve to do something.

The fault lies with our military which lacks the vision to understand the only good pseudo religious militant is a dead one.

For years the establishment nurtured these pseudo religious Salafi-inspired thugs, and slowly but surely, all these groups are splintering and spinning out of control in pursuit of their ideological anti state agendas.

A foreign fascist ideology imported from Saudi was allowed to trump the nation state's interests and the rest is history. What was the military thinking? The complete lack of strategic vision simply boggles the mind.

Even now, the fragmented military action against the TTP seems reactive at best. The Swat, Tirah Valley, and Bajaur offensives are all good examples of this reactive approach.

You would think after losing 40,000 civilians and 4,000 soldiers to the TTP and its affiliates, the establishment would be steeling itself for decisive action against these thugs. Think again. For our military top brass, the geopolitical 'Game' seems to be more important than the lives of average Pakistanis. A game being played with real lives and real blood. Such is the misfortune of our country.

So far the only directive that Ch Nisar has passed is that he has suspended the Chief Secretary and IG of Gilgit Baltistan and has ordered search of all Army personel entering the red zone.

GB Chief Secy, IG suspended after Nanga Parbat attack, Nisar tells NA - thenews.com.pk

The interior minister said that no army personnel would enter the Red Zone in Islamabad without being searched. He said that nobody would have stopped the six terrorists if they had entered the parliament in the army uniform.

seems like he's more worried about his own security while attempting to demean the armed forces

Noorah league has started off on the wrong foot and they will end up putting their foot in their own mouth
If one was to look at contemporaries to this murderous incident, the modus operandi is chillingly similar to what was done by Hizb and Lashkar etal in India in 1989. They probably have been to the same schools i would say.
Its not Ch. Nisar who lacks the resolve to do something.

The fault lies with our military
which lacks the vision to understand the only good pseudo religious militant is a dead one.

For years the establishment nurtured these pseudo religious Salafi-inspired thugs, and slowly but surely, all these groups are splintering and spinning out of control in pursuit of their ideological anti state agendas.

A foreign fascist ideology imported from Saudi was allowed to trump the nation state's interests and the rest is history. What was the military thinking? The complete lack of strategic vision simply boggles the mind.

Even now, the fragmented military action against the TTP seems reactive at best. The Swat, Tirah Valley, and Bajaur offensives are all good examples of this reactive approach.

You would think after losing 40,000 civilians and 4,000 soldiers to the TTP and its affiliates, the establishment would be steeling itself for decisive action against these thugs. Think again. For our military top brass, the geopolitical 'Game' seems to be more important than the lives of average Pakistanis. A game being played with real lives and real blood. Such is the misfortune of our country.

Indeed, MNS, Mr. Bean (aka Ch nisar) daily urge the military, police to thrash out the militants. They even publicly asked them to clear north Wazirstan but it is the lazy, corrupt, coward military that doesn do this. They even declared in their election campaighn that if they come into power, they will rest until Pakistan is free of terrorists..

N-League is always against terrorism. They even condemn those political parties that have political allainces with SSP.. or have been paying regular monthly money to the family of Malik Ishaq of LeJ.
Indeed, MNS, Mr. Bean (aka Ch nisar) daily urge the military, police to thrash out the militants. They even publicly asked them to clear north Wazirstan but it is the lazy, corrupt, coward military that doesn do this.

N-League is always against terrorism. They even condemn those political parties that have political allainces with SSP.. or have been paying regular monthly money to the family of Malik Ishaq of LeJ.

#Sarcasm..........for a moment there, the irony about the N-League almost gave me a heart attack.
seems like he's more worried about his own security while attempting to demean the armed forces

Noorah league has started off on the wrong foot and they will end up putting their foot in their own mouth

Checking is necessary. A lot of terrorists are wearing uniforms and attacking military bases i.e in Mehran and also in Kamra.

Pakistan army has no ideology. Some are nationalists and some are mercenaries of NATO. There is a clear divide. They are also making a huge mistake by thinking there is good and bad Taliban. The ISI is a failure because it has its own problems.
Checking is necessary. A lot of terrorists are wearing uniforms and attacking military bases i.e in Mehran and also in Kamra.

Pakistan army has no ideology. Some are nationalists and some are mercenaries of NATO. They are making a huge mistake by thinking there is good and bad Taliban. Due to this, the ISI is failure.

yes, stupid fauji. It is them, the root cause of the problem. PTI, PML-N never took a weak stance of TTP. They always condemn them and urge military action against them instead of any confusion of talks. spot on!
It is probably the only instance in the world, where Armed Forces demand that public make sacrifices to save Armed Forces instead of the other way around.

What more do you ask of the Military in terms of sacrifices? This is a war, everyone makes sacrifices.

Some people say that the Talib mindset has great support, and yet Pakistanis seem not to agree with this, because if it was true then why are Jamaatis not elected as majorities???

The hypocrisy is what dominates, we elected PTI to power, which is basically JI with shaven faces. We wear western clothes and hold anti-American demos before calling it a day and enjoying a Big Mac, we beat our chests and move our heads to the mantra of rule of law, equality of justice but then we say that Mumtaz Qadri deserves to go free.
My friend, that's why the Talib mindset dominates but JI does not come to power. I may sound like a pessimist, but your post compels me to be this way.

Our problem is not any kind of widespread support for the Talb, it's the armed forces leadership who have made a career of Al-farrar, as doctrine.

I would appreciate some insight into this post.

To win, we need a new force, we need to allow the colonial era army to go the way of the Dodo.

Please explain to me how you expect our bankrupt government to raise a new force and then, also explain how we meet many of the intricacies involved with raising a new force.

1) Will it be federal or provincial? (Will any of the two be prepared to take the excess burden)
2) What will be the recruiting requirements? (You'll need veterans, turn to the "Colonial" Army and your mission is defeated, police, need I say more)
3) How will you arm the new force? (No cash)
4) How will you accommodate the force in constitutional terms? (Police exists, anything above requires Provincial Govt to evoke certain articles to accommodate)

I could go on for years about these intricacies that you seem to have overlooked entirely.
this was the crutch used by PPP during their five year misrule, guess the noorahs are set to hang on to the same crutch for the next five

I dont know man what are your reasons but whatever I said its part of history right infront of your eyes .. I am not saying civilians are any better but just gave you a glimpse what army generals did in past if I said something which isnt true please correct me .
Checking is necessary. A lot of terrorists are wearing uniforms and attacking military bases i.e in Mehran and also in Kamra.

Here's the question, you stop a military vehicle, you find 4 men with rifles, 60 rounds and 4 grenades per man. What do you do, arrest them? They are bound to carry weapons! If you expect to find terrorists try to enter secure locations by just waltzing through the front entrance, then we'll continue to be caught off guard.

Pakistan army has no ideology.

I disagree.

Some are nationalists and some are mercenaries of NATO.

Mercenaries of NATO? Please do tell, do these men get monetary rewards from NATO too?

There is a clear divide.

Please explain how you reached that conclusion?

They are also making a huge mistake by thinking there is good and bad Taliban. The ISI is a failure because it has its own problems.

1) The Army does not follow a "Good Talib" "Bad Talib" distinction. It's the likes of PMLN and PTI that are naive enough to push that line.

2) ISI is a failure? The ISI dealt with (and foiled) just under 500 cases of planned cases of electoral violence ranging from ransacking a station in Larkana to targeting voters in Lahore. That does not sound like the work of a failed institution, the ISI has had to adapt to a situation that it was never meant to tackle, internal security is a matter to be dealt by the FIA, officially speaking.
Checking is necessary. A lot of terrorists are wearing uniforms and attacking military bases i.e in Mehran and also in Kamra.

Pakistan army has no ideology. Some are nationalists and some are mercenaries of NATO. There is a clear divide. They are also making a huge mistake by thinking there is good and bad Taliban. The ISI is a failure because it has its own problems.

Iman, Taqwa, Jihad fi.... -- this is the ideology of the Pakistan Army

Anyway, you guys are more comfortable in your denial bubble, but maybe it's not so much denial as it is that other things are important to you, for instance Politics? Our Nationalism is more about what we are not than what we are about:

Chief Minister G-B applauds performance of sacked officials
By Shabbir Mir
Published: June 23, 2013

GILGIT: Chief Minister Gilgit–Baltistan Mehdi Shah on Sunday applauded the performance of Chief Secretary G-B and regional police chief hours after Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan suspended them for failing to provide security to the foreign tourists in Nanga Parbat.

“Removing both the officials before launching an inquiry in to the tourists’ incident is not in the interest of G-B,” said a press note issued by the chief minister’s office quoting him.

Shah was addressing a cabinet meeting held in Gilgit soon after the Nanga Parbat incident rocked the country.

In his address to the National Assembly, the interior minister announced that Chief Secretary Munir Ahmed Badeni and IGP Usman Zakrya have been suspended in the wake of the attack that had left nine foreign tourists dead at Nanga Parbat base camp.

In G-B, Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) is the ruling party of the coalition government, with Mehdi Shah as its chief minister and Pir Karam Ali Shah as governor.

“If terrorism could be overcome by such acts, the officials in Balochistan and Khyber–Pakhtunkhwa should have been removed,” he added.

Shah appealed to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to reinstate the officials in the interest of G-B.
Checking is necessary. A lot of terrorists are wearing uniforms and attacking military bases i.e in Mehran and also in Kamra.

Pakistan army has no ideology. Some are nationalists and some are mercenaries of NATO. They are making a huge mistake by thinking there is good and bad Taliban. Due to this, the ISI is a failure.

nihari league is one step ahead of Pakistan Army , Pakistan Army might differentiate between militants based on security threat they pose to the Pakistan state
but nihari league makes no such differentiation , for them all militants, regardless of the security threat they pose to Pakistan are the 'good taliban'
for nihari league the 'bad taliban' is the Pakistani Army , from whom they got a bloody nose some 13 years ago but still they want to come at it to yet again get a bloody nose
Iss tarha kaam nahin chalay ga , Nawaz Sharif and his thugs can’t seem to get this in their thick heads
What more do you ask of the Military in terms of sacrifices? This is a war, everyone makes sacrifices.

The hypocrisy is what dominates, we elected PTI to power, which is basically JI with shaven faces. We wear western clothes and hold anti-American demos before calling it a day and enjoying a Big Mac, we beat our chests and move our heads to the mantra of rule of law, equality of justice but then we say that Mumtaz Qadri deserves to go free.
My friend, that's why the Talib mindset dominates but JI does not come to power. I may sound like a pessimist, but your post compels me to be this way.

I would appreciate some insight into this post.

Please explain to me how you expect our bankrupt government to raise a new force and then, also explain how we meet many of the intricacies involved with raising a new force.

1) Will it be federal or provincial? (Will any of the two be prepared to take the excess burden)
2) What will be the recruiting requirements? (You'll need veterans, turn to the "Colonial" Army and your mission is defeated, police, need I say more)
3) How will you arm the new force? (No cash)
4) How will you accommodate the force in constitutional terms? (Police exists, anything above requires Provincial Govt to evoke certain articles to accommodate)

I could go on for years about these intricacies that you seem to have overlooked entirely.

We elected PPP, screwed ourselves, elected PML-N screwed ourselves, elected PTI, got JI, screwed ourselves, supported Army, screwed ourselves

How will we raise a new force?By getting rid of the Army - The Army is, I am persuaded, useless, they are politicians and imaginary strategists, they would have to have been for bargaining away 50,000 innocent Pakistanis for inflicting less than 5000 casualties on US/NATO -- a 10 to 1 - A good deal? a fair deal? a Necessary deal? remember it's not over yet.

I don't we need to worry about funding for a professional army - this ****** army lives off blackmail, the world will support a professional army over thi ideological army, as will the people of Pakistan
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