why should they be on the job? problem is with the attitude and mind of the nation that is messed to the core, if it needs foreigners to remind it that what these terrorists are doing to doctors, teachers, nurses and children in the name of Islam is wrong? 50,000 today and it will pass 100K mark soon or even more but the killers will still find sanctuaries among these mind fcked people , while we are writing our rants and cursing the jobsworths (khakis & civies) the killers are enjoying their tea and hospitality among the people we see everyday.
kill education
kill healthcare
kill tourism
kill faith
kill minorities
destroy most secure military bases
and then keep a seamless record of zero conviction (Wukala Tehrik Zindabad)
angry brothers have brought the army to the level of our police, sadly thats how people see it. oh sorry my bad, it hoisted flag on a mountain lately after the angry brother left it leaving many armymen dead