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Trump's Latest on Afghanistan

One would expect that long before Russia, America had learned it's lesson in Vietnam.
Some say after it's defeat in Vietnam, it was America who wanted to humiliate Russia in Afganistan.
As the saying goes, the cunning Crow ends up sifting through garbage.
Finally it seems the Americans see the writing on the wall.....Trump wants, India, Pakistan and even Russia to fight in Afghanistan so the Americans can walk away with some dignity.
Trump is right

He has put it in his crazy mixed up way

But basically he us right
Did he say that the USSR was in Afghanistan because the terrorists went to Russia? I don't think so. No Afghan set foot in Russia before the 1980s Russian invasion.

Russia wanted to expand to the south and invaded.
Technically speaking USSR was invited by the Gov of Afghanistan for help. It is just that many Afghans disagreed with their government's decision.
Russia was da Soviet Union well atleast he got that part right :D
And non-existent mujahadeen launching attacks across Amu Darya :lol:.Kudos bhai
Only if Americans know how and when is the right time to pull out , a lot of lives have been saved and many arseholes wouldn't have been bornned.
I do not wish for a vacuum to be made in Afghanistan as this will have negative effects on Pakistan and massive influx of Afghans into Pakistan....
I do not wish for a vacuum to be made in Afghanistan as this will have negative effects on Pakistan and massive influx of Afghans into Pakistan....

this time there wont be any vacuum cause there is Iran , Pakistan , China and Russia ..
I don't trust him a bit.
Trump is right in the money.

CIA and the Pentagon are burning.
I have been saying that this Modi and Trump type characters are the best things ever happened for us!
Those cunning and clever characters like Obama, Hillary Clinton or the Indian Congress party are the real threat to us........they are the ones who backstab.
this time there wont be any vacuum cause there is Iran , Pakistan , China and Russia ..
I hope you are right!!!
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