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Chinese netizens jeer riot in US Capitol as 'Karma,' say bubbles of 'democracy and freedom' have burst
By GT staff reporters
Published: Jan 07, 2021 11:31 AM

A member of a pro-Trump mob bashes an entrance of the Capitol Building in an attempt to gain access on Wednseday in Washington. Photo: AFP

Words like "Karma," "retribution" and "deserving" were frequently mentioned in Chinese netizens' comments when they saw the latest episode of the US' real version of House of Cards - which saw Trump supporters storming the Capitol, messing up House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office, clashing with police officers and looting items. The pictures went viral in US, Chinese and international news outlets after the riots began Thursday morning.

Chinese web users still remember the distress and anger they felt when they saw rioters in Hong Kong storming the Legislative Council Complex, scrawling graffiti, smashing and robbing items, and, instead of condemning the violence, US politicians hailed the "courage" of these mobs, Western media praised the "restraint" of the rioters, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi even called it a "beautiful sight."

Now, this "beautiful sight" is taking place in the US. A Chinese netizen commented, "Pelosi can enjoy the beautiful sight - even at her office desk! For such a long time, US politicians called rioters 'freedom fighters' in other countries. Now, they finally have retribution!"

"It was like watching a thrilling action movie!" That was how Chinese netizens described the scenes early Thursday morning.


When a similar scenario happened in Hong Kong's LegCo in 2019, some US politicians like Pelosi praised rioters in the city as fighters for freedom. This has inspired some talented netizens to come up with a slogan for US mobs to continue their protests.

"Five demands, not one less. Liberate the US, the revolution of our times," they said, intimating five demands and slogans made by HK rioters to pressure the HK government.

The five demands include recognizing the Democratic Party cheated in the presidential election and denying that Biden is the new president; revoking the definition of "violence"; revoking the charges against the protesters; establishing a commission to investigate police violence and holding a second presidential election to ensure justice and fairness.


A photo of protesters seemingly holding Pelosi's office chair has also gone viral on Sina Weibo, prompting netizens to joke that there's still a smell of "flattery" left on the chair which Pelosi would call "a beautiful sight."

As of press time, the topics "Trump said he would never concede" and "Trump supporters storm Capitol" were in the "mostly searched and seen" list on China's Twitter-like platform, Sina Weibo.

Many Chinese netizens "confessed" in their comments that they saw the "chaos in the US" as revenge. After inciting so much chaos around the world under the pretext of "freedom and democracy," the US finally tasted the "karma" of its double standards.

"This is the first political coup to happen in the American continent without the involvement of US embassies," mocked one netizen.


Many Chinese netizens found it hilarious that US President Donald Trump's Twitter account had been suspended for 12 hours.

Mohamad Safa, a Lebanese diplomat and also Permanent Representative to the United Nations, made his comment on the incident on Twitter, saying that "If the United States saw what the United States is doing in the United States, the United States would invade the United States to liberate the United States from the tyranny of the United States."

His tweet has received more than 41.8K "like" as of press time on Thursday.

Different from its previous active attitudes toward similar incidents in other places across the world, the US Embassy in China's Sina Weibo account has kept silent for what was happening in the US.

But Chinese netizens seem to "give no mercy" to unveil the Embassy's double standards and hypocrisy - they swarmed into the Embassy's account as early as 7 am, asking "Why don't you come to work on time? We are all here waiting for you to talk tall of US democracy and values."

"For a long time, US politicians criticized China for its efforts in cleaning up online rumors and disinformation and defamed us for 'hurting freedom of speech.' What are you doing right now? President Trump enjoys his right to freedom!" a netizen commented.

Chinese netizens also put pictures online of what is happening in the US and China at the same time - while pro-Trump rioters are climbing the walls of the Capitol, Chinese workers wearing protection suits in Dalian of Liaoning Province are pushing a trailer carrying daily supplies to fight COVID-19. "A sharp contrast! While Chinese are busy saving lives, the US is showing the world how it is collapsing!" a netizen commented.


Shen Yi, a professor at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of Fudan University, told the Global Times that Chinese net users' comments on the storming of the Capitol are "the plain and true and sincere feelings of the Chinese."

The storming of the US Capitol happened at a symbolic point of power transition, and was the first time it has happened in US history. Netizens commented that this symbolic moment clearly demonstrated the "falling of the beacon of democracy."

What happened in the US Capitol and the US' response to it have burst the bubbles of "democracy" and "freedom" and "universal values" that the US has long used to coax others, Shen said.

The US National Guard moved to deal with the rioters in the Capitol, which is also a slap in the face for the US over its previous remarks on similar incidents in other countries and regions and in China's Hong Kong. "How hypocritical of it to criticize other countries for using police to deal with rioters!"

Many US allies also expressed their concerns over the protests. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson described the scenes as "shameful," while Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg said they are "unbelievable scenes" and "totally unacceptable attack on democracy."

Their voices also irritated many Chinese netizens, who slammed their double standards when it came to interfering in China's Hong Kong affairs.

Chinese netizens commented, "Why didn't Boris Johnson say he backs the US 'freedom fighters' for fairness, the way he said he backs Hong Kong protesters 'every inch of the way?'"

Tom Fowdy, a British political and international relations analyst and a graduate of Durham and Oxford universities, told the Global Times, "What we see tonight is the product of an extremely polarized political environment in the US." He added that it could be described as "cracks" in US democracy, as such a system only works if it has legitimacy amongst all its stakeholders.

Fowdy said that there is a noticeable contrast in discourse as to how the two events are portrayed in Hong Kong and in the US. When rioters stormed the HK LegCo, it was heralded as an act of brave rebellion by "pro-democracy" protesters, but when Trump supporters stormed the US capitol building it was described by the BBC as a "violent, pro-Trump mob."

"There is a clear media double standard. The United States has long held a belief that unrest in its own country is always objectively wrong, but ought to be encouraged for political purposes elsewhere," he said.
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Video showing the oppression forces fataly shooting a poor protestor:
Poor protestor? Oppression forces? I see you're still on the dishonesty wagon.

Listen, you're on PDF, where a majority of people agree with you (I don't, but a majority do). You don't have to pretend that you care about these people.
that should be as it will be a reminder that he was kicked for acting childish...
Not for acting childish, but rather for inciting violence, and trying to subvert US democracy.
Regime forces are killing protesters. This oppressive regime has to be overthrown.
You too, like I told @Cthulhu , you're on PDF, you don't have to pretend you care about the protestors.
Yet, due to stringent rules, with proper checks and balances, no cases of voter fraud were found, except 1, where the guy was quickly caught (trying to vote for Trump twice, using his dead mother's id).

I think the dems allowing mail in ballots only hurts democracy, if there are no checks and balances, which obviously there were.
TRump lost, FAIR AND SQUARE....jokes on you for supporting that terrorist president, he's going to jail any moment from now but i hope he doesnt die soon from his treason.
we shall see how bad things get in your daddys land! and if they go bat shit crazy i see some dhootis getting wet and safronis getting spanked! i wonder who banya will beg for protection!

interesting times!
you're just wrong in your analysis of Trump losing

not just India, that arms selling will continue, but AF-Pak too.. that whole peace deal is up in the air now too, as is the situation with the DPRK.

Trump was better for Pak than this new incoming lot
Poor protestor? Oppression forces? I see you're still on the dishonesty wagon.

Listen, you're on PDF, where a majority of people agree with you. You don't have to pretend that you care about these people.
It is of no value for me to argue with the unpaid employees of the CIA here on PDF, It's beneath me.
you're just wrong in your analysis of Trump losing

not just India, that arms selling will continue, but AF-Pak too.. that whole peace deal is up in the air now too, as is the situation with the DPRK.

Trump was better for Pak than this new incoming lot
our allies Taliban will takecare of Afghanistan but who will come to your rescue? lets assume US military is occupied internally youll be left alone russia aint coming to your rescue.I fear for supa poaa and supreme leader!
It was the Democrats who lowered the threshold for voting. It was the Republicans who insisted on remaining voting-in-person. Care to guess which have the highest odds for legal frauds?
you're just spitting hot irrelevant air- PEnce himself confirmed Biden won, and Biden won, HANDS DOWN. ALl the courts knew he won, thats why they didnt entertain Trumps legal bs, and republicans are the ones who cheated, because they knew they didnt have what it takes these days to win, they must sink or quit their racism, now Dems have taken over the presidency, senate, and House of Rep - America has spoken. will you adapt or die a racist party??? cheers.
Washington D.C. mayor extends public emergency for 15 days amid violence fears
Source: Xinhua| 2021-01-07 14:57:44|Editor: huaxia

Supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump gather near the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C., the United States, Jan. 6, 2021. (Xinhua/Liu Jie)

Washington D.C. mayor extended the public emergency to 15 days, until the day after President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration.

The mayor's latest order followed a citywide curfew from Wednesday night to Thursday morning in response to Capitol chaos earlier in the day.

WASHINGTON, Jan. 7 (Xinhua) -- Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser on Wednesday night extended the public emergency to 15 days, until the day after President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration.

The mayor's latest order followed a citywide curfew from Wednesday night to Thursday morning in response to Capitol chaos earlier in the day.

On Wednesday afternoon, supporters of outgoing Republican President Donald Trump pushed through barriers at the Capitol building, interrupting the certification of the 2020 electoral votes, and forcing a Capitol lockdown.

A supporter of U.S. President Donald Trump attends a demonstration near the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C., the United States, Jan. 6, 2021. (Xinhua/Liu Jie)

"Today, First Amendment protests turned violent. Many persons came to the District armed and for the purpose of engaging in violence and destruction and have engaged in violence and destruction," Bowser said in a statement.

"They have fired chemical irritants, bricks, bottles, and guns. They have breached the security of the Capitol and their destructive and riotous behavior has the potential to spread beyond the Capitol," she said. "Their motivation is ongoing."

Trump has refused to acknowledge defeat in the 2020 presidential race with Biden and is still pushing claims of a "fraudulent" election, which had been dismissed by U.S. courts at different levels due to a profound lack of evidence.

Supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump gather near the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C., the United States, on Jan. 6, 2020. (Xinhua/Liu Jie)

Accusing Trump of continuing to "fan rage and violence" by contending that the presidential election was invalid, Bowser said "persons are dissatisfied with judicial rulings and the findings of State Boards of Elections, and some persons can be expected to continue their violent protests through the inauguration."

In a video clip posted on Twitter in the wake of the chaotic situation, Trump urged his supporters to "go home" after demonstrations.
"You have to go home now. We have to have peace," said the outgoing Republican president. "We have to have law and order. We have to respect our great people in law and order. We don't want anybody hurt."

Confrontations between law enforcement officers and protesters have caused injuries from both sides. At least four people have died around the Capitol area, according to the police.
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