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Trolling and hate?

Come on, lighten up. You Indians are so sensitive.

Is this the Indian national anthem?

Or is it this one?

Hi, is a video of the "nipple song" used as a mockery of the national anthem agree with PDF managemtnt policy? Just checking. Thnaks


You sound Hindu, just another name for a rapist with diarrhea.

Just another name for a rapist with diarrhea? Is it only Hindus or does it include Chrisitans, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhist etc? Does PDF have a policy on religious name calling? Thank you.


LCA pilots are Yoga masters who convert curry and spiritual energy into explosive diarrhea to propel the LCA toward light speed.

Yoga masters convert curry into explosive diarrhea? Real mature.

They also make the Hindus rape more. The LCA also run on rape energy.

LCA makes Hindus rape more? Is this a medical diagnosis ?

Rape is a crime in America, but it's not a crime in India. If rape is not a crime, how can Indian women report it?

Rape is not a crime in India by our resident legal expert . Thanks.

Do Hindus stop raping when there is a flood?

Do Hindus stop raping when there is a flood? Good question - do they?

Will Indians stop gang raping?

Maybe when the Chinese do?

Tolerant of what?

Hindus are tolerant of things that other people do not, such as:

1) open defecation
2) the caste system
3) gang rapes
4) bride burning
5) freedom to eat beef
6) having delusions such as India becoming a superpower by 2020

Indian accent is so stupid. Nobody understands you dotheads over the phone.

By the way, America's GDP per capita is about 35 times higher than that of India. So, remember this:

35 = 1

Is there a study on vegetarianism and rape? What about Hinduism and rape?

Vegetarianism causes rape? New discovery.

Isn't "Hindu extremism" a redundant term? Hinduism itself is an example of extremism.

Hinduism is an example of extremism? Really, how about Buddhism? Christianity? Islam? Judaism? Jainism? What does our resident religious scholar think

An Indian is a vegetarian rapist who believes India will become a superpower by 2020.


Rape is linked to the vegetarian diet. If Indians start eating beef, the rape problem would be much reduced.

More medical diagnosis

No, just from all the gang rape headlines. But I bet you have had many encounters with Hindu men. Would you like to share?

They have done an excellent job as cultural ambassadors, for Hindu culture is an eve-teasing and rape culture.

Hindu Hindu culture us Eve teasing and rape . OK .

If only Hindus could stop at White women. But the trouble is, Hindus are uncontrollably horny; they'll grope and rape anything that moves and has a hole, except for cows, of course.

Hindus rape everything that has a hole.

This is a very ancient Hindu practice. In Kamastura, swapping wives is encouraged. In fact, having intercourse with one's own mother and daughter is also highly praised.

Hinduism encourages sex with your own mother and daughter,

It's absolutely true. There is no such thing as rape in Hindu culture. When a Hindu man wants to have a woman, he kidnaps her and force intercourse on her. This is considered normal and not at all criminal.

The crime of rape only occurs when a man has sex with a cow. As you know, cows are considered holy in India and must be treated with dignity and respect.

In Hindu culture kidnapping a women is normal

TATA means large breasts.

Very sophisticated.

This is just a tasting menu of the delectable value added from this member. There is more for anyone who cares to look. This guy has nothing to say and whatever he does is crude or religious insulting, he deserves an IP ban.
but its necessary , i am not a saint and definitely not a prophet :) so i cant stay quite when someone insult me ..
someone insults you, doesn't mean you have to reply in the same words, or reply at all. Replying in the same language means you are falling to their level.
I never claim MQM is a party of Saint .. MQM is responsible for a huge amount of mess in Karachi .. they have killers , land grabber , extortionist and so on .. but i am not in fair of single them out .. they are not only responsible other need to be blamed as well .. which majority of PDFians don't do :)
It's like saying, 'Hum chor hain, unko kyon nahe pakar rahe.' Even if the operation is targeted against you, which it clearly isn't, i am quite happy with it. Crime rate has certainly fallen. Others are to be blamed too, i agree; PPP, ANP they aren't as innocent as they claim to be.
MQM is always faced such allegations like Jinnah pur , RAW and Mi6 agents and so on ..
As far as funding is concerned, even if it is proved to be true-Karkuns are not to be blamed and one should not generalize. MQM doesn't equal Mohajir.
agree Altaf hussian is stupid and a Ahole .. but MQM does not divide people of karachi , it was the Sindhi who did , punjabi and those who put quota system on Urdu speaking people ... AH was not born a murderer or evil person, you know what happen to him in KU , how he was beaten ? how he was mistreated and so ? how MQM was created ?
who does stand with Urdu speaking people ?? PPP ? PMLN ? Jamat-e-ISlami ?
Pakistanis stand with you, general public stands with you and you know it. Doing illegal activity in reply, how can one justify it, right?
its Pakistan meri jaan ... nothing is done by LAW here .. but when it comes to MQM everyone remember law ?
Constantly breaking the law, on live T.V. Do tell me who else does what AF did? sorry, 'constantly did'.
Pathans are nice, and are patriotic but despite they are largest contributors of Terrorism in Pakistan no one point a finger on them , nor ask them for certificates of their Patriotism , but Urdu speaking people have to, because MQM supports are Urdu speaking community ...
You don't really see Pathans justifying terrorism, which some MQM supporters do, and some ignore it. Even on PDF.
sorry janab i dont believe in that , we are not a Quam .. we never were and will never be .. this all we are Pakistani BS is just sweet delusion , either you like or not , we are divided , uneducated and religiously stupid people who were given a country to run .. and we are trying our level best to destroy it :)
You have no faith in this country, have some faith.
Our constitution is a joke sir
It is, but we must respect it. It forms our identity, you will tolerate anyone disrespecting your identity.
Zardari name is in ELC ? he is already out and he come to Pakistan whenever he wants and leave .. even our PM has a FIR on him , so what you will say on that ? :D
Sharjeel Memoon. A dictator is the only solution for these people, or you can stand with some one who opposes these ruling families.
Janab not tafteesh , its that Saulat was used to frame MQM , his confession was prove for that ..
he was a murderer and should be hanged , his confession does not make any sense ..
You owned him, till he confessed. I can even share images of him with your leadership. You owned him, your governor even wrote a letter to the President to forgive him.
have you ever think that why we dont have confession videos of Taliban in our custody ? :D
And you need them for what exactly? we all know who they work for, they are hardcore terrorists.
we both know what will happen :)
welcome to Pakistan dear
Stand with change. We need to get rid of this ruling elite.
exactly , and lots of MQM workers got killed in custody ... don;t you think its wrong ?
I think you do not have much knowledge about this issue. '90 days key tehwil', ever heard these words on T.V? after which Rangers have to present them in court and persecution moves on. Many have been released.
someone insults you, doesn't mean you have to reply in the same words, or reply at all. Replying in the same language means you are falling to their level.

as i said , i treat people as they deserve :)

It's like saying, 'Hum chor hain, unko kyon nahe pakar rahe.' Even if the operation is targeted against you, which it clearly isn't, i am quite happy with it. Crime rate has certainly fallen. Others are to be blamed too, i agree; PPP, ANP they aren't as innocent as they claim to be.

strange that everyone in Karachi is claiming that Street crimes are on the rise ... and on daily bases Rangers are getting encounters with Taliban lol , they are focusing on MQM and leaving Banned organizations to operate freely .. there are large banners of JuD where my university is ...

As far as funding is concerned, even if it is proved to be true-Karkuns are not to be blamed and one should not generalize. MQM doesn't equal Mohajir.

you cant prove because there is no prove :D
its just mental Mastur*ation of our LEA's , declare someone taking funds from RAW , this chaat masale news will sell quickly :)

Pakistanis stand with you, general public stands with you and you know it. Doing illegal activity in reply, how can one justify it, right?

hahaha Pakistan ? and what Pakistani stand with us ? i didn't see any transparent investigation on 92 Operation ? why i see no one actually protest ? in the shadow of Operation against MQM hundred of Urdu speaking young boys been tortured and killed .. i never see any Pakistani stand with them or their families ..
MQM justify crimes ? who told you that ? Urdu speaking people are least violent people in Pakistan , compared to Sindhi , Baluch , Pathans and Punjabi ... and if you dont believe in me look at their states ..

Constantly breaking the law, on live T.V. Do tell me who else does what AF did? sorry, 'constantly did'.

Again whatever he say about Army its his personal opinion , and Army is not the army of Prophets that you cant say anything against them ... yes we love and respect them , but don't forget we have Gen like Zia in Army too ..

You don't really see Pathans justifying terrorism, which some MQM supporters do, and some ignore it. Even on PDF.

really ? than you are blind .. Pathans are giving all support to Taliban , Terrorist , Afghans , uzbeks , Tajiks ..and they proudly do this .. again you sight is limited to Aziza bad 90 .. but you don;t want to see whats happening in Purani sabzimandi , mango pir , banaras , kati pahaari , afghan basti , safora goat and liyari ..

You have no faith in this country, have some faith.

i have faith in Pakistan but not on Pakistani ..

Sharjeel Memoon. A dictator is the only solution for these people, or you can stand with some one who opposes these ruling families.

but there are champions who say that Musharraf was soft with MQM , we have seen much more peaceful time in Karachi when MQM was enjoying their Mayor under Mushi ..
after PPP comes to power , things went worse ..

You owned him, till he confessed. I can even share images of him with your leadership. You owned him, your governor even wrote a letter to the President to forgive him.

yes MQM owned him ... so Zulfiqar mirza owned Uzair baloch , why is he still out ? LOL dude selective justice wont take you anywhere .. JI MPA's get caught with AQ leaders in their houses in Islamabad .. and they still running their party , this country is joke .. and our Establishment still have soft corner for Terrorist ..

And you need them for what exactly? we all know who they work for, they are hardcore terrorists.

the exact same reason they make Saulat's video .. lots of people ... if i be blunt almost 50% of Pakistan still have soft corner for Taliban ...

Stand with change. We need to get rid of this ruling elite.

i Rather go to Dubai and get fine job and settle there :) there is no need to work in a country where i have no respect .. and people will always consider them superior and patriotic than me ... the majority of Educated class of Karachi is leaving Pakistan ... because they were treated like Shit ... Sindhi give Job to Sindhi , Punjabi hire his fellow Punjabi , Pathan prefer another Pashtoo speaking person and so on ....

I think you do not have much knowledge about this issue. '90 days key tehwil', ever heard these words on T.V? after which Rangers have to present them in court and persecution moves on. Many have been released.

MQM worker dies in police custody, two days of mourning announced | PAKISTAN - geo.tv
surely they were released but they have no life in them ...
strange that everyone in Karachi is claiming that Street crimes are on the rise
I can provide statistics too, terrorism has fallen in the city by 70%, according to interior ministers. Street Crime, nothing to do with terrorism-police needs to be strengthened.
and on daily bases Rangers are getting encounters with Taliban lol , they are focusing on MQM and leaving Banned organizations to operate freely ..
First you say they are encountering Taliban on daily basis, then you say they are leaving banned organizations to operate freely. Kindly make up your mind.
encounters with Taliban lol
It's nothing to 'lol' about, it's rather a sad thing. How can are you going to get?
there are large banners of JuD where my university is ...
Why are you sitting ducks for? report it. 1122 emergency number(my guess).
you cant prove because there is no prove :D
On going investigation.
hahaha Pakistan ? and what Pakistani stand with us ? i didn't see any transparent investigation on 92 Operation ? why i see no one actually protest ? in the shadow of Operation against MQM hundred of Urdu speaking young boys been tortured and killed ..
Was there a fair trial of officers who were involved in whatnot in Bangladesh? I agree '92 operation was unfair and political move, nothing to do with Mohajir thing. True, a political move.
MQM justify crimes ? who told you that ? Urdu speaking people are least violent people in Pakistan , compared to Sindhi , Baluch , Pathans and Punjabi ... and if you dont believe in me look at their states ..
MQM's supporters do. As far as their state is concerned, last i checked porey mulk ka yehey hal hai, including Hyderabad and Karachi.
Gen like Zia in Army too ..
We had...So you are OK with a foreigner abusing our army on live T.V.
really ? than you are blind .. Pathans are giving all support to Taliban , Terrorist , Afghans , uzbeks , Tajiks ..and they proudly do this
Oh really, which Pathans?
i have faith in Pakistan but not on Pakistani ..
Pakistani make Pakistan, Pakistan is nothing without it's people. Have faith in a Pakistani.
but there are champions who say that Musharraf was soft with MQM , we have seen much more peaceful time in Karachi when MQM was enjoying their Mayor under Mushi ..
And you forget all the bad things that happened in his time too: terrorism. MQM got away with heck of a lot in Mushi's time. MQM was smart to support a dictator and get a clean chit.
so Zulfiqar mirza owned Uzair baloch , why is he still out ? LOL dude selective justice wont take you anywhere .. JI MPA's get caught with AQ leaders in their houses in Islamabad .. and they still running their party , this country is joke .. and our Establishment still have soft corner for Terrorist ..
Again, it's like saying, 'we are chor, thieves, target killers, bhata khors, unko kyon nahe pakar rahe.' Good that you are at least not living in a delusion. Secondly, as i said these ruling elite will unite if any action is taken agaisnt them. Bigger fish, more time.
the exact same reason they make Saulat's video .. lots of people ... if i be blunt almost 50% of Pakistan still have soft corner for Taliban ...
That is a hard reality. exaggerated figures, Afghan Taliban-yes. People are un-educated; people still vote in the name of baradri. Pakistanis are stupid.
i Rather go to Dubai and get fine job and settle there :) there is no need to work in a country where i have no respect .. and people will always consider them superior and patriotic than me ... the majority of Educated class of Karachi is leaving Pakistan ... because they were treated like Shit ... Sindhi give Job to Sindhi , Punjabi hire his fellow Punjabi , Pathan prefer another Pashtoo speaking person and so on ....
You have divided yourself unnecessarily, everyone is leaving Pakistan, not only Mohajir. Mohajir are not even leaving. As far as superiority is concerned, man we are one of the least racist nation in the world in this regard; we are not racist. I can share a proper study on it too. You are incorrect in this regard.
Happens all over the world. Police is messed up.
I see you people, i laugh at you. Discrimination, Discrimination, Discrimination....Discrimination, my arse. This is discrimination? i laugh at you, literally. You are not the victim you are the Elite of this quam. Stop treating yourself like shit, you are not treated like shit by anyone. I don't even care where one hails from, i have Mohajir neighbors, many friends. No one really gives a shit.
Discrimination is not getting recognition in a country you are ready to die for, discrimination is not getting right to vote. Man, back home my family cannot vote, they don't vote in general elections; For almost a 7 f*** decades. We have no representation in NA or Senate, do you see any other Pakistani standing with us. Man you ain't the only one, and you are not facing discrimination.
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I can provide statistics too, terrorism has fallen in the city by 70%, according to interior ministers. Street Crime, nothing to do with terrorism-police needs to be strengthened.

I have read that report which you are talking about .. so Rangers are in Karachi for MQM ? if there is a rise in street crime its not Failure of Rangers ? that's one retard logic ..

First you say they are encountering Taliban on daily basis, then you say they are leaving banned organizations to operate freely. Kindly make up your mind.

I am very specific .. Taliban is not the only banned Organization operating in Karachi .. if you have any knowledge of Karachi .. Sipah Shabah , Lashar-e-Jhangvi , JuD and Hizb-ul-tehrir are very much active in Karachi ..

It's nothing to 'lol' about, it's rather a sad thing. How can are you going to get?

I laugh at the fact Rangers think that Karachi people are fools . raiding sector office of MQM but scared to raid in places like Kati pahari , Afghan basti and Safora Goat .. cause on MQM office they get no resistance, but in those areas they get attacked by rocket launchers ...

Why are you sitting ducks for? report it. 1122 emergency number(my guess).

report to who ? Rangers ? LOL

Was there a fair trial of officers who were involved in whatnot in Bangladesh? I agree '92 operation was unfair and political move, nothing to do with Mohajir thing. True, a political move.

yes why not ? make a transparent Investigation on 71 and 92 .. both , so condemning in not enough janab .. people were drilled in Karachi by Police ... leading by Army ..

We had...So you are OK with a foreigner abusing our army on live T.V.

AH can curse army as much as he wants , for me ... i don;t support such comments for Army .. but he can make any comment he wants as he is not a Pakistani Citizen ..he is a Chawal who is counting his last days ..

Oh really, which Pathans?

feel free to visit Areas Kati pahari , Banaras , Afghan Basti , Safora goat , Mango pir , and so on ..

Pakistani make Pakistan, Pakistan is nothing without it's people. Have faith in a Pakistani.

Jazbati and Emotional Statement nothing more :)

And you forget all the bad things that happened in his time too: terrorism. MQM got away with heck of a lot in Mushi's time. MQM was smart to support a dictator and get a clean chit.

what big incidents ? if you are talking about attack on CJ in Karcahi , than on that day, everyone is on rampage , backed by Govt , so again blaming just MQM is not fair .. remember that time a Military dictator was ruling .. former COAS ;)

That is a hard reality. exaggerated figures, Afghan Taliban-yes. People are un-educated; people still vote in the name of baradri. Pakistanis are stupid.

well trust me ... take a handycam and go all over the Pakistan, ask their opinion on Taliban and their fight.. you will get idea what i am talking about ... the figure can be more than 50% :)
but at least you accept that Pakistani are stupid , so PDFian are also Pakistani and its TT's so indirectly they are also Stupid :whistle:

You have divided yourself unnecessarily, everyone is leaving Pakistan, not only Mohajir. Mohajir are not even leaving. As far as superiority is concerned, man we are one of the least racist nation in the world in this regard; we are not racist. I can share a proper study on it too. You are incorrect in this regard.

no one divided themselves , its the attitude of Pakistani's that are dividing themselves ..
i never use word Muhajir , i said Urdu speaking people ..
Pathans are proud on their tribe , Sindhi proud on Bhutto and Ajrak LOL , Baluch proud of bhuggti and tribes , Punajbi proud on themselves .. Urdu speaking people are proud their Education :)

Happens all over the world. Police is messed up.
I see you people, i laugh at you. Discrimination, Discrimination, Discrimination....Discrimination, my arse. This is discrimination? i laugh at you, literally. You are not the victim you are the Elite of this quam. Stop treating yourself like shit, you are not treated like shit by anyone. I don't even care where one hails from, i have Mohajir neighbors, many friends. No one really gives a shit.

so you are justifying it ? there are gay marriages in world so its fine to have it in Pakistan ?
women go topless in west so its ok for women to go topless in Pakistan ?
just because the police is involved in such crimes so its justified ?
its not discrimination , its murder ... Police or Rangers if they arrest someone , they need to present the case to courts , they dont't have right to kill anyone in custody ..
trust me , Urdu speaking people are leaving pakistan .. no one gives Shit about Pakistan ... they are leaving the country .. and soon this country will be run by Madarsa graduates :) best of luck with them ..:pakistan:
so Rangers are in Karachi for MQM ? if there is a rise in street crime its not Failure of Rangers ? that's one retard logic ..
It is the job of the police, Rangers are not present everywhere. The main blame goes to Police.
if you have any knowledge of Karachi .. Sipah Shabah , Lashar-e-Jhangvi , JuD and Hizb-ul-tehrir are very much active in Karachi ..
So you are saying our army is not targeting these banned outfits, who by the way kill our children? just want more information on this.
I laugh at the fact Rangers think that Karachi people are fools . raiding sector office of MQM but scared to raid in places like Kati pahari , Afghan basti and Safora Goat .. cause on MQM office they get no resistance, but in those areas they get attacked by rocket launchers ...
Justify how catching criminals is bad. As i said before, brother i agree with you. The operation should be escalated in Punjab and everywhere; pace is too slow.
report to who ? Rangers ? LOL
See if they take an action or not, be brave enough to do that at least. It is your duty as a citizen to report these activities.
yes why not ? make a transparent Investigation on 71 and 92 .. both , so condemning in not enough janab .. people were drilled in Karachi by Police ... leading by Army ..
Army was involved in politics in the 90's. Totally agreed, be it army personals, those involved should be court-martial-ed. I don't see MQM making these demands.
AH can curse army as much as he wants , for me ... i don;t support such comments for Army .. but he can make any comment he wants as he is not a Pakistani Citizen ..he is a Chawal who is counting his last days ..
The more the merrier.
Jazbati and Emotional Statement nothing more :)
Fact nonetheless; Pakistan is nothing without it's people.
Pakistani and its TT's so indirectly they are also Stupid :whistle:
Not all Pakistanis are. TT's are not really smart of people, most are quite good source of information.
I hope you didn't miss it, i contribute when i can:
Pakistan's political history-Part 1
Urdu speaking people are proud their Education :)
And we are proud of our nation-we Gilgitis will do anything for this country and that is a fact. Who isn't proud of their background. As far as education is concerned we are the best in that regard(ps: i can provide more information on this too).
just because the police is involved in such crimes so its justified ?
Never justified them, isolated events happens everywhere.
Urdu speaking people are leaving pakistan .. no one gives Shit about Pakistan ... they are leaving the country .. and soon this country will be run by Madarsa graduates :) best of luck with them ..:pakistan:
Good luck, you don't speak for all Mohajirs. You generalize Punjabi Mohajirs too. Statements with no real backing, Urdu speaking is a proud to be Paksitani.
Do answer the last part of my previous post.
It is the job of the police, Rangers are not present everywhere. The main blame goes to Police.

Rangers are in Karachi from over 20 years ... they get Authority .. and yet they failed ..i wont say that Rangers did not help in decreasing the terrorism in Karachi , but they are deliberately missing the banned outfits and i fear that in that period they will regroup ..

So you are saying our army is not targeting these banned outfits, who by the way kill our children? just want more information on this.

Sir Army is not in Karachi ... Rangers in not taking any action against any one those banned outfits ..and yet all are running their Operations freely .. not talking about army ..

See if they take an action or not, be brave enough to do that at least. It is your duty as a citizen to report these activities.

and what will they do ? just a banner of JuD ? no one can prove anything ..

Army was involved in politics in the 90's. Totally agreed, be it army personals, those involved should be court-martial-ed. I don't see MQM making these demands.

Bhai Agree hone se kia hota hai ? what about those who lost their life ? people lost their trust on LEA when you don't provide them justice .. MQM know that those demands will hurt them Politically .. Talking or even thinking about taking a Investigation to khaakee Wardi in Pakistan will be disastrous for any Political party and we know it

Fact nonetheless; Pakistan is nothing without it's people.

To be more precise , Pakistan is Nothing without Karachi :)

And we are proud of our nation-we Gilgitis will do anything for this country and that is a fact. Who isn't proud of their background. As far as education is concerned we are the best in that regard(ps: i can provide more information on this too).

I never be to Gilgit .. so i don't know about them ... but Punjabi , Pathan, Sindhi , Baluch i have meet them and talk to them , actually they are my friends ...
i really wish to Visit Gilgit ..

Never justified them, isolated events happens everywhere.

Janaab if that dead person belong to your household ( god Forbid ) than will you say the same thing ? Isolated events ? forget them without proper investigation ? no Justice ? you talk about Religion ... Prophet will be so proud of us right ? Killing people in Jails ? who will be held responsible ?

Good luck, you don't speak for all Mohajirs. You generalize Punjabi Mohajirs too. Statements with no real backing, Urdu speaking is a proud to be Paksitani.

Of course i never claim to be representative of all Urdu speaker .. but lots of people are leaving Pakistan .. people in University now make jokes about Rangers , and injustice and mistreatment of Urdu speaking people in Karachi ..
i have been to UAE twice .. and i have seen and meet so many Urdu speaking people working there in good position with respect their own country and countrymen failed to give ..
Rangers are in Karachi from over 20 years ... they get Authority .. and yet they failed ..i wont say that Rangers did not help in decreasing the terrorism in Karachi , but they are deliberately missing the banned outfits and i fear that in that period they will regroup ..
Again, just statements, would love some proof. Karachi operation started last year, if i am not wrong.
Sir Army is not in Karachi ... Rangers in not taking any action against any one those banned outfits ..and yet all are running their Operations freely .. not talking about army ..
Rangers takes orders from army. So the army is going after them in FATA and not in Karachi, why?
and what will they do ? just a banner of JuD ? no one can prove anything ..
They will at least remove it. Apparently JUD and other organizations are rooming free in Karachi, report.
Bhai Agree hone se kia hota hai ? what about those who lost their life ? people lost their trust on LEA when you don't provide them justice .. MQM know that those demands will hurt them Politically .. Talking or even thinking about taking a Investigation to khaakee Wardi in Pakistan will be disastrous for any Political party and we know it
LOL, so they are failing to raise your concerns?
To be more precise , Pakistan is Nothing without Karachi :)
And Karachi is nothing without it's people.
I never be to Gilgit .. so i don't know about them ... but Punjabi , Pathan, Sindhi , Baluch i have meet them and talk to them , actually they are my friends ...
And does the general public hate you? I hope you meet a Gilgiti, we have a good number in Karachi and i hope you visit it too.
Janaab if that dead person belong to your household ( god Forbid ) than will you say the same thing ? Isolated events ? forget them without proper investigation ? no Justice ? you talk about Religion ... Prophet will be so proud of us right ? Killing people in Jails ? who will be held responsible ?
I am with you on this, these people should get justice. Officers involved should be brought to justice.
Of course i never claim to be representative of all Urdu speaker .. but lots of people are leaving Pakistan .. people in University now make jokes about Rangers , and injustice and mistreatment of Urdu speaking people in Karachi ..
i have been to UAE twice .. and i have seen and meet so many Urdu speaking people working there in good position with respect their own country and countrymen failed to give ..
lol, more Pathans have left country to work in UAE, does that mean the same thing. Pakistan is not a good place to conduct business, no merit, nothing. Who would work in this country?

The usual suspect. So were you doing puja when @Mike_Brando used "****land" as way to obviate the ban on using pejorative term. Of course you come crying here about my reaction to the insulting and offensive word being used by Mike Brando.

Just to clarify it is Pakistan and not ****land.

Post #140 > India has a long term plan to annex Bangladesh in a way or other in future. | Page 10
Should I post it here or let it be private in ghq Could not understand why moderator is saving him.

. . .
And those who mocking Muslims by calling it freedom of speech.
It's a two way street my friend, equal punishments should be handed out; mods know what they are doing. In defense, we shouldn't abuse their religion, now should we?
It's a two way street my friend, equal punishments should be handed out; mods know what they are doing. In defense, we shouldn't abuse their religion, now should we?
even i advise a Pakistani member on the same thread, bigots are every where without boundry should be punished equally.

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