Let me show you some Hanfu pictures too:
A bunch of people seeing an opera, in
Qing Dynasty,
A bunch of workers and mandarins working on river improvement around the Yellow River, in
Qing Dynasty,
Some Chinese women everyday lives, in
Qing Dynasty, drawn by a Japanese. Can you even find any typical Manchurian clothing here.
Some famous drawings drawn by famous painters in
Qing Dynasty.
This is a historical record about the clothing style of several officials during the Earlier Qing, which mentions that their hair were shaved, yet their clothing were still old style (Ming dynasty style).
[金珠衣飾,書籍器皿,遍列通衢,其價甚賤。有錢買歸者,後獲大利。新太守張(按:張銚,偃 師人)住進士陳子龍宅。華亭縣陳鑑、海防楊之易,即忠臣楊漣長子,時雖剃髮,猶漢人衣冠,烏紗大帶,不改舊服也。餘以丁艱,不與科試,兼欲告閒,而同袍之 告退者不一人。學師欲索重價,餘以力綿中止。九月十三日,督鎮李成棟點驗各兵,餘與曹馳尹儒冠往觀之。李尚烏紗玉帶,用八座大轎,抬於門首,馬步卒皆疾趨 而過,軍威嚴肅,莫可名狀。]
This is another historical record which mentions a scholar was asked by an officer to teach at school, had been wearing old style clothing (Ming style) until the end of his life. He was even being well treated by the officer,
in Qing dynasty:
總督鄂【諱善】政崇風教,自巡撫時,雅慕先生,知先生不履城市,難以屈致。是年,修複關中書院,拔各郡俊士於中,乃因提學鍾朗致饑渴,又因鹹寧郭丞 通禮意,四月,肅幣聘先生講學。先生力辭至再,鄂公敦延愈殷,三往然後應。鍾 以先生衣服寬博不時,預製小袖時袍馳送,先生笑而藏之,仍寬博以往。至城南雁 塔,鍾出城奉迎,見之愕然。先生曰:「仆非官僚紳士,又非武弁營丁,窄衣小袖,素所弗便。寬衣博袖,乃庶人常服;仆本庶人,不敢自異。且庶人無入公門之 理,區區生平,安庶人之分,未嚐投足公門,今進書院,諸公見頗,斷不敢破戒報謁。」鍾為之備逢。鄂曰:「餘等聘先生,原為沐教,豈可令其頓違生 平。」
Now we back to OP's statement:
And 21th century, Chinese will revive the traditional costume Hanfu, which died for 400 years, Chinese were forced to abandon Hanfu by Manchu rulers in1644.
Find anything interesting?
This is how the ruler of Ming dynasty treated the dead body of a Han general (former Qing general) who massacred and forced Han people to shave their hair -by organizing a super grand funeral:
-- 《南明史》 第十六章 第三節
This is how Han people during Ming dynasty forced minorities to changed their hairstyle and traditional clothing, which was exactly what Qing also did to Han people in Later Ming.