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Ik has demonstrated his childish outlook and immaturity on free mkt economics on this specific issue with traders. fact is that IK knows nothing of economics and commerce and is blindly following the chooran being fed to him by the TAX EVADER shabbar zaidi himself.

flat tax is the only solution for pakistan.. yet IMF would never let that happen

Taxation works everywhere else in the world. Why is Pakistan the only place in the world where traders cannot keep proper records and file tax returns and it needs a flat rate tax.
Why should a business making 1 lakh a year pay the same tax as a business making 5 lakh a year.
Just excuses to avoid paying tax.
It cannot, should not and will not stand.
Taxation works everywhere else in the world. Why is Pakistan the only place in the world where traders cannot keep proper records and file tax returns and it needs a flat rate tax.
Why should a business making 1 lakh a year pay the same tax as a business making 5 lakh a year.
Just excuses to avoid paying tax.
It cannot, should not and will not stand.

How come it is same? If fix tax let say 1% on 1 lakh will.be 1,000

While one who earns 1 crore per year will have 1% will be 1 lac.

So how it will be same??
سیلز انوائسز پر شناختی کارڈ نمبر کے اندارج کا مسئلہ اصل میں ھے کیا؟

تحریر: محمد نعیم میر

ریٹیلرز کے لئے شناختی کارڈ نمبر کے اندارج کے دو مراحل ہیں۔

پہلا مرحلہ

دکاندار جو بھی سیل ایک وقت میں ایک فرد کو 50 ہزار روپے یا اس زائد کرے گا، اپنے گاھک سے شناختی کارڈ نمبر طلب کرے گا،
تاکہ ۔۔۔۔۔!!
دکاندارسےخریداری کرنے والے عام عوام کی منی ٹریل معلوم ھوسکے،

اب ھوگا کیا ۔۔۔۔۔ !!!
جب عام عوام کو یہ بات سمجھ آچکی تو ۔۔۔

پہلی صورت
یہ ھوگی کہ عام خریدار 50 ہزار کی خریداری ایک سے زائد دکانوں پر تقسیم کر لے گا تاکہ 50 ہزار کی خریداری کی نہ انوائس بنے اور نہ شناختی کارڈ نمبر فراھم کرنا پڑے۔

دوسری صورت
یہ ھوگی کہ جیسے کوئی گاھک فریج، ٹی وی یا موبائل وغیرہ یا کوئی سنگل یونٹ جس کی قیمت 50 ہزار یا اس سے زائد ھو، خریدنا ھو تو اس کو لازمی شناختی کارڈ نمبر دینا پڑے گا، ایسی صورت میں گاھک اپنا شناختی کارڈ نمبر ہی غلط درج کروا جائے گا کیونکہ شناختی کارڈ کی فوٹو کاپی گاھک سے نہیں وصول کی جانی بلکہ صرف شناختی کارڈ نمبر( تیرہ ڈجٹ) کا اندارج ھونا ھے جو لکھوانے یا لکھنے والا دونوں دانستہ یا غیر دانستہ غلط اندارج کر سکتے ہیں۔

تیسری صورت
یہ ھوگی کہ گاھک اپنے ملازمین وغیرہ کے شناختی کارڈ نمبر کا اندارج کروائے گا اور سامان خرید لے گا ۔

اب دکاندار نے گاھک کے بتائے گئے شناختی کارڈ نمبر کو انوائسز پر صرف درج کرنا ھے اور پورا سال وہ انوائسز سنبھال کر رکھنی ہیں اور اگلے سال اپنے ٹیکس ریٹرن کے ساتھ ایف بھی آر حکام کو پیش کر دینی ہیں۔

اب شروع ھوگا نیا عذاب ۔۔۔۔!!

دکاندار کو ایف بی آر کی طرف سے ایک نوٹس آئے گا کہ آپ نے جو شناختی کارڈ نمبر درج کئے ہیں وہ تو سرے سے وجود ہی نہیں رکھتے ، یا وہ شناختی کارڈ نمبر تو کسی دھی بھلے والے یا کسی پکوڑے والے، ڈرائیور یا کسی گھر میں صفائی کرنے والی یا کسی مالی وغیرہ کے ہیں ، یاد رکھیں اب ہر شناختی کارڈ نمبر سے حکام معلوم کر سکتے ہیں کہ اس شناختی کارڈ نمبر پر کونسی سم چل رھی ھے، لہزا۔۔۔!!
حکام بڑے آرام سے انوائسز پر درج شدہ شناختی کارڈ نمبر کے ذریعے موبائل نمبر حاصل کر کے خریدار کی تصدیق کر سکتے ہیں

پھر آخر میں پھنسا کون؟

دکاندار ھی پھنسے گا ، دکاندار کے ساتھ اس کے گاھک جعل سازی کر جائیں گے اور ایف بی آر اور ھمارا میڈیا دکاندار کو چور و ڈاکو کہتا رھے گا اور پھر ایف بی آر حکام کی جیب گرم کر کے ہی دکاندار کی جان چھوٹے گی

لیکن دکاندار سب کی نظروں میں چور ہی کہلائے گا۔

شناختی کارڈ نمبر کے اندارج کا دوسرا مرحلہ اس سے بھی زیادہ خوفناک ھے

دوسرا مرحلہ

دکاندار کو اپنے مال کی خریداری ڈسڑی بیوٹر / ھول سیلر / مینوفیکچر یا امپورٹر سے کرنا ھوتی ھے۔

اب دکان دار کو اپنی ہر خریداری پر جو انوائس ایشو ھوگی اس انوائس پر اپنا شناختی کارڈ نمبر درج کروانا ھوگا۔

دکاندار یا تو اپنا شناختی کارڈ نمبر دے گا (درست یا غلط) یا نہیں دے گا، ہر صورت میں کیا ھوگا ذرا یہ بھی ملاحظہ فرما لیں۔

پہلی صورت
اگر دکاندار اپنی خریداری پر غلط شناختی کارڈ نمبر کا اندارج کروائے گا تو مال بیچنے والے کو جب ایف بی آر کا نوٹس آئے گاتو وہ بڑی آسانی سے غلط شناختی کارڈ فراہم کرنے والے کی ایف بی آر حکام کو نشاندھی کردے گا کیونکہ دکاندار عام عوام نہیں کہ جس کو ڈھونڈنے میں کوئی دیر لگے گی لہذا یہ کام تو کسی صورت نہ ہی کیا جائے تو بہتر ھوگا، پھر دوسرا نوٹس دکاندار کو آئے گا اور 17 فیصد اضافی سیلز ٹیکس اور تین فیصد کے قریب اضافی انکم ٹیکس اور بھاری جرمانے دے کر ہی جان چھوٹے گی ۔

دوسری صورت
دکاندار اپنا شناختی کارڈ نمبر نہیں دے گا تو خریدے گئے مال پر 17 فیصد اضافہ سیلز ٹیکس اور تین فیصد کے قریب اضافی انکم ٹیکس ادا کرے گا ، گویا دکاندار کو جو چیز 31 جولائی 2019 تک 100 روپے کی ملتی تھی شناختی کارڈ نمبر نہ دینے پر یکم اگست 2019 سے اب تقریبا 120 روپے کی ملے گی،

تیسری صورت اگر دکاندار اپنا اصل شناختی کارڈ نمبر اپنی خریداری کی انوائس پر درج کروا لے گا تو اس کو سیلز ٹیکس میں رجسٹرڈ ھونا پڑ جائے گا، سیلز ٹیکس کی ماھانہ ریٹرن فائل کرنا ھوگی ، دکاندار ودھولڈنگ ایجنٹ بن جائے گا اور اپنی ہر پے منٹ پر 5۔4 ٹیکس کٹوتی کرے گا اور خزانے میں جمع کروائے گا اور ہر چھ ماہ بعد ودھولڈنگ ٹیکس کٹوتی کی ریٹرن بھی جمع کروائے گا اور نہ کروانے کی صورت میں ایک سال کے لئے جیل جائے گا جبکہ انکم ٹیکس کی ریٹرن اس کے علاوہ ھے جو سالانہ بنیادوں پر جمع کروانی ھوگی اور اپنی سیلز پر 5۔1 فیصد ٹرن اوور ٹیکس بھی جمع کروانا ھوگا۔

ایک اھم بات یاد رکھیں جب دکاندار سیلز ٹیکس میں رجسٹرڈ ھو جائے گا تو پھر اپنی فروخت کی ہر انوانس پر عام گاھک کا شناختی کارڈ نمبر درج کرنا لازم ھو جائے گا چاھے خریداری 50 ہزار روپے کی حد سے کم ہی کیوں نہ ھو

تاجر بھائیو ! یہ ھے وہ بھاری بھرکم ڈاکومنٹیشن جس کو بجٹ 2019 میں کرنے کا حکم صادر فرمایا گیا ھے، اس بھاری بھرکم ڈاکومنٹیشن کو کرنے کے لئے ہر دکاندار کو ایک پروفیشنل اکاؤنٹینٹ رکھنا ھوگا جو بھاری تنخواہ لے گا ، سال میں تین قسم کی ٹیکس ریٹرن جمع کروانے کے لئے ٹیکس وکیل کی خدمات کا بھاری معاوضہ بھی ادا کرنا ھوگا اور آڈٹ میں غلطیوں اور کوتاہیوں کے سامنے آنے پر بھاری جرمانہ علیحدہ سے ادا کرنا ھوگا اور سزائیں بھگتنا ھونگیں جبکہ ایف بی آر کی بلیک میلنگ سے بچنے کے لئے جیب گرم کرنے کا خرچہ بھی کئی گنا بڑھ جائے گا۔

یہ ہی وجہ ھے کہ ھم دکاندار کے لئے فکسڈ ٹیکس کا نظام وضع کرنے کا کہہ رھے ہیں تاکہ اس بھاری بھرکم ڈاکومنٹیشن سے نجات مل سکے ، عام دکاندار کو ایف بی آر کے شکنجے میں کسنے سے بچایا جا سکے تاکہ عام دکاندار زھنی سکون کے ساتھ اپنا کاروبار کر سکے، حکومت نے فکسڈ ٹیکس نظام کو لاگو کرنے کا بار بار وعدہ ضرور کیا ھے لیکن فکسڈ ٹیکس نظام کے خدوخال کیا ھونگے کسی کو کچھ معلوم نہیں۔۔۔۔یہ وجوہات ہیں جن کی بنا پر ھم احتجاج کر رھے ہیں ۔۔۔!!!۔
واحد مقصد ایک ھے ، ٹیکس دینے سے فرار نہیں بلکہ ٹیکس کے طریقے کار کو آسان اور سہل کرنے کا مطالبہ ھے۔

محمد نعیم میر
مرکزی سیکرٹری جنرل آل پاکستان انجمن تاجران
1 shaks jo am dukan se shopping kera ga 50000 ki shopping pe koi bhi nhn if card daina para ga .
Sirf traders Jo mal zakhira ker laita hain factors owners de kerod ker. Un ko 50000 se upper id daina para ga .
Retailers ko bewakof bana raha hain yeah .
Aur Sara issue traders ka hai.
Trader kisi surat bhi tax nhn daina chata .
How come it is same? If fix tax let say 1% on 1 lakh will.be 1,000

While one who earns 1 crore per year will have 1% will be 1 lac.

So how it will be same??
How come it is same? If fix tax let say 1% on 1 lakh will.be 1,000

While one who earns 1 crore per year will have 1% will be 1 lac.

So how it will be same??
I might have misunderstood your original post then. Do you mean that the traders shouldn't be charging sales tax and paying it back to the government?
How come it is same? If fix tax let say 1% on 1 lakh will.be 1,000

While one who earns 1 crore per year will have 1% will be 1 lac.

So how it will be same??
All countries have progressive tax system with the % of tax increasing as profit increases.

This to ensure that those earning less are not burdened significantly and those earning high carry more weight as their salary would allow for the to occur and same will not be true for those earning less.

A person earning say 1 lakh a month would be struggling if the person is sole income earning and having to pay rent, school fees etc thus need relief where as one earning 10 lakh can easily absorb more tax.
Pay your taxes ……

Stop it with excuses

50,000 purchase limit is introduced so government can track which national id card holder is selling 1 Crore worth of goods and claiming to be making no profit

The theft has been going on far too long by clean cut bearded , shop keepers making 4-5 lakh profit per month but declaring 0 profit in Taxes

Boohat Maza ker liya ...free life

Article does raise from very valid points, especially about using incorrect CNIC card numbers or breaking the transaction into smaller amount ones. The people are inherently dogdy and will always look for loopholes so basically the law needs to be so strict that if you get caught then you are fuked for life.
Article does raise from very valid points, especially about using incorrect CNIC card numbers or breaking the transaction into smaller amount ones. The people are inherently dogdy and will always look for loopholes so basically the law needs to be so strict that if you get caught then you are fuked for life.
If that begins to happen then the step will be that all transactions however small will have to be logged against a CNIC.
In Australia, every invoice should have the ABN number listed on it. Also the largest currency note is $100 but ATMs hardly ever hand out $100 notes, its always $50 notes which means that if you want to make large purchases you have to bring alot of notes which is not convenient carrying around so many notes or they have to use bank cards to do transaction. Thats how the Australian tax office keeps a check on.

If that begins to happen then the step will be that all transactions however small will have to be logged against a CNIC.

but that still doesn't address the issue of using fake or someone else's CNIC.
vegetables price has increased much as a result of traders strike and fbr chairman should avoid extra media talk as it is hurting govt to implement policies
I think he should come and explain more and more to the people because the other side is also playing with the sentiment if people by building a fake narrative of fictional taxes .
Aptama ended their strike after 17 days today . So their issue is solved now of machenism of repayment .
Traders and retailers have to give taxes and people think only very few tax comes from here. While the major chunk would come from here.
Haven't seen shabbar for many days. He must come often and explain his policy .
He is a very intellgent and as in his own old interviews he said that even ever government tries to mend thing either they don't do in the fear of people or people and powerful lobbies and mafia acts against them .
Markets are all open but the traders the real problem makers who stock things and can create shortage or excess of anything and they have to come under the net.
Why not our factories have direct outlets that diliver directly to the retailers.
Article does raise from very valid points, especially about using incorrect CNIC card numbers or breaking the transaction into smaller amount ones. The people are inherently dogdy and will always look for loopholes so basically the law needs to be so strict that if you get caught then you are fuked for life.

Breaking a purchase into smaller transactions is easier said than done. The buyer will lose out on bulk discounts and will have to negotiate with myriad suppliers creating additional headaches.

Those talking about flat / presumptive tax regime fail to understand that it's not a progressive taxation system. Then people will cry about inequality. Also presumptive tax doesn't solve the problem of traders under invoicing.
Breaking a purchase into smaller transactions is easier said than done. The buyer will lose out on bulk discounts and will have to negotiate with myriad suppliers creating additional headaches.

Those talking about flat / presumptive tax regime fail to understand that it's not a progressive taxation system. Then people will cry about inequality. Also presumptive tax doesn't solve the problem of traders under invoicing.

I don't think its that hard, say i want to buy Rs20k worth of electric cables and Rs20k worth of electric switches and Rs20k worth of other goods, the retailer can make 3 invoices instead of just 1 invoice for Rs60k.

Another issue that i just thought of, is what if the retailer doesn't even make an invoice? or just make an invoice of Rs49k instead of the full amount?
. .
Shop owner should see the ID card and write the number himself and he should be held accountable for this, wrong ID card number should apply 50% fine on the amount of purchase.
I don't think its that hard, say i want to buy Rs20k worth of electric cables and Rs20k worth of electric switches and Rs20k worth of other goods, the retailer can make 3 invoices instead of just 1 invoice for Rs60k.

Another issue that i just thought of, is what if the retailer doesn't even make an invoice? or just make an invoice of Rs49k instead of the full amount?

This initiative is not to catch the selling trader, but the buyer. As a seller I would be hard pressed to take this tax penalty exposure for the sake of protecting a buyer. Also, remember this documentation would take place throughout the value chain. The seller would have bought this from someone else who would record the seller's CNIC too. So against PKR 50 of purchases if a person is reporting that he made PKR 50 of sales on purchases of PKR 50 it is a red flag for tax authorities.

There are several ways of catching under-reporting of sales. Ultimately demonetization will be required to reduce the amount of cash use and cash hoardings .
Retail sector is 20 % of GDP but they contribute just 0.25 % in the tax collection.These retailers are bastard. I have seen their representative saying that neither they want to register nor they want to pay any taxes.Too much propaganda is going on regarding the CNIC condition.There is no condition of CNIC in case of ordinary shops.This condition is only for the the retailers who buy in bulk from sugar, textile,fertilizer and ghee mills etc.The purpose is to put a check on this middle man who is generally responsible for price hikes.

  • Industrial sector contribution is 21% of the GDP but paying 71 % of the total tax
  • Services sector is 60% of the total GDP but pay less than 6% of the total tax
  • Out of 37 millions commercial electricity connection only 40 thousands are paying tax
  • Out of 0.32 millions industrial units only 14000 pay nominal tax.
  • Textile sector does business of PKR 4000 billion every year but pay tax of only PKR 6 billions instead -- get subsidy of PKR 200 billions on gas and electricity.
  • Recent data collected by FBR and NADRA shows there are 53 million people who own property worth of billions but they pay no tax.
  • There are total 80 sugar mills out of them 72 are in loss hence no tax but they donot forget to get subsidy from the Govt because most of the sugar mills belong to political personalities.
  • 300 top companies of Pakistan giving 80% of the total tax.
  • 50000 out of 110000 listed companies in stock are not even registered with FBR.
  • 30-40 % of the total 40 millions bank accounts are actually ghost accounts.
  • Agri sector is 26% of the total GDP but hardly pay few billions of rupees as tax.This year agri sector is going to get subsidy of 300 billions of rupees as well.
  • Power sector losses PKR 400-500 billions /year with total circular debt 0f PKR 1600 billions.
  • Gas sector losses PKR 100-150 billions with total circular debt of PKR 250 billions.
  • Sick units and companies like PSM and PIA etc need PKR 300-400 billions/year to keep them running.
  • Pak Gold market owes undeclared gold worth of PKR 4-5 trllions but no tax
  • $60-$70 billion lost each year due to smuggling and misuse of concessionary duties.
  • A study published in 2016 by the Lahore Journal of Economics estimated more than $92.7 billion in losses from 1972 to 2013 for 52 major traded commodities for trade with 21 partners due to mis-invoicing. The gross revenue loss to the national exchequer was placed at $21.1 billion while loss of revenue in the form of custom duties evasion and export withholding tax was at $11 billion. The annual average net revenue loss due to it was roughly equal to 11.2 percent of revenue from tariffs. While trade with China was identified as one of the main culprits, it is by no means the only one.
  • A PBC study on under-invoicing from UAE lists a range of goods from mineral and chemicals to dyes, cosmetics and textiles on which disparities were observed. As per the study, Pakistan loses about Rs.150-200 billion each year to under-invoicing
  • Nawaz govt introduced a green channel facility which is also a disaster for the economy as Pakistan is losing Rs1-1.5 trillion on a yearly basis
  • $10-$15 billion are laundered annually from Pakistan as per USA govt.
  • ٹیکس کی عدم ادائیگی، اسلام آباد کے 59 کمرشل پلازے سیل کرنیکا فیصلہ
    • 499932_82799625.jpg

    اسلام آباد: (دنیا نیوز) کیپٹل ڈویلپمنٹ اتھارٹی (سی ڈی اے) نے کمرشل پلازوں کے ٹیکس واجبات کی عدم ادائیگی پر اسلام آباد کی 59 عمارتیں سیل کرنے کا فیصلہ کر لیا۔ یہ جائیدادیں وفاقی دارالحکومت کے پوش سیکٹرز میں واقع ہیں۔

    تفصیلات کے مطابق سی ڈی اے شعبہ ریونیو نے وفاقی دارالحکومت میں ٹیکس ادا نہ کرنے والے بڑے پلازوں اور شاپنگ مالز کی فہرست مرتب کر لی ہے۔

    ٹیکس ادا نہ کرنے والوں میں سیکٹر آئی ٹین کی سب سے زیادہ 24، سیکٹر آئی نائن اور سیکٹر آئی ایٹ کی 8، 8 جبکہ سیکڑ جی سکس اور بلیو ایریا کی 4، 4 جائیدادیں شامل ہیں۔

    سیکٹر ایف ایٹ، ایف ٹین اور جی ٹین کی 3، 3 پراپرٹیز کا بھی ٹیکس ادا نہیں کیا گیا۔ سیکٹر ایف الیون میں بھی 2 کمرشل پلازوں کو ٹیکس کی عدم ادائیگی پر سیل کیا جائے گا۔ ذرائع کا کہنا ہے کہ آئندہ چند روز میں مزید سیکٹرز میں کارروائی کی جائے گی۔
Won't go back on CNIC condition: FBR chairman
By Shahbaz Rana
Published: July 13, 2019

Shabbar Zaidi. PHOTO: FILE

ISLAMABAD: Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) Chairman Shabbar Zaidi on Friday said there is no political hand behind the agitation call given by traders but vowed that the government would not compromise on enforcement of its condition regarding the Computerised National Identity Card (CNIC) numbers.

The top tax chief addressed a hurriedly called news conference a day before the traders would observe a shutter-down strike in major cities against the government’s decision to link sales of goods by manufacturers to seeking CNIC numbers.

He also clarified that the government has not imposed any tax on sale of wheat flour and any increase in prices is because of reasons that have nothing to do with the FBR.
“The government would not back out from two issues of CNIC condition and withdrawal of zero-rating facility for five-export oriented sectors that are agitated by traders and industrialists,” he said.

“The traders’ bodies have political affiliations but I do not see any political hand behind the agitation call by them,” Zaidi said while responding to a question. “There is no central leadership of traders, which is hampering effective negotiations with them,” he added.

He said due to introduction of fixed sales tax regime, the small-sized traders should not be worried about the CNIC condition. Only those persons can collect 17% sales tax who are registered with the FBR and these are only 47,000 people, he added.

The CNIC is the key documentation measure of imposing a condition whereby businesses need to obtain CNIC from buyers purchasing goods worth more than Rs50,000. It has been criticised by the industry at large. “The CNIC issue has been blown out of proportion to frustrate the government’s efforts to broaden the sales tax net,” said Shabbar Zaidi.

He said only 47,000 registered manufacturers would be affected by the CNIC condition and the FBR has not yet begun the process of bringing the nearly 300,000 remaining industrial consumers in sales tax system.

“Total number of industrial electricity connections is 341,000 whereas there are only 47,000 sales tax registered persons. There are more than 3.1 million commercial electricity connections, while more than 90 per cent of them are outside the tax system,” he said.

In a letter to prime minister, Shabbar Zaidi had acknowledged that the tax burden on manufacturing sector is enormous that he wants to lessen it by bringing more people in the net. Zaidi said some businessmen want to take other benefits by exploiting the CNIC condition

What is at stake for FBR

An analysis of 35 sectors by the FBR from July 2014 to March 2019 revealed that about 40% of the total sales of these sectors were to the unregistered persons, which was causing evasion of both the income tax and the sales tax.

Out of 35 sectors, more than half of the sales of 17 sectors were to the unregistered persons.

These sectors are sugar, beverages, automotive, ghee, electric goods, cement, food processing, leather products, iron and steel, plastic products, fertilizers, poultry and animal feed, paints, glass, fruit juices, cosmetics, soaps, ceramics and agriculture goods.

The FBR estimated the total sales of 35 sectors at Rs12.6 trillion and Rs5 trillion or 39.4% were to the unregistered sectors during this period. The sugar sector sales were estimated at Rs713 billion and Rs521 billion or 73% were to the unregistered persons. The gas distribution sector sales have been estimated at Rs1.8 trillion and Rs496 billion or 28% were to the unregistered entities.

Another major source of revenue leakage was the sector of beverages and aerated water. The sector’s total sales amounted to Rs803 billion and Rs438 billion or 54.5% were to the unregistered persons.

The automotive sector’s total sales were Rs571 billion and Rs405 billion or 71% were to the unregistered persons. The ghee manufacturers sold Rs458 billion worth of production and Rs352 billion or 77% were to the unregistered persons.

The electric manufactures sold Rs327 billion or 47.5% of their production to unregistered dealers. The sector’s total sales amounted to Rs690 billion. The food processing sector had Rs303 billion sales and Rs228 billion or three-fourth were to the unregistered persons, according to the FBR.

The fertilizer and pesticides manufacturers sold 79% of their production to unregistered persons amounting Rs108 billion. The poultry and animal feed sold Rs85 billion worth of production to unregistered sector that was 90% of its total sales.

The cosmetics’ total production was Rs14.2 billion and Rs12 billion or 85% was to the unregistered persons. The FBR wanted to capture this 40% untapped sales through the CNIC but the manufacturers were not cooperating.

Online sales tax system not yet working

The Member Inland Revenue Hamid Attiq Sarwar had told the Senate Standing Committee on Finance that if manufacturers did not want to tell about those unregistered persons who purchased goods from them then they should not complain about the tax burden.

“The government’s hands are tied and it is not in a position to offer any concession on tax rates to five export oriented sectors or relax the CNIC condition because of the IMF programme,” he said.

Also, the FBR on Friday also transferred 503 customs officers occupying ranks of inspector, appraiser and chief appraiser who were serving on major stations.

The government has already transferred 3,150 officials of Inland revenue service of FBR.

Read more: chairman , CNIC , condition
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