I live in the city, you want me to go running around to ranger HQ and get you a damn picture?
Go to hell. I did not just end up with respect here that every mai ka lal asks me for a link or source. You have no reason to believe it, then dont. Ill stick with my statement.
Stop being a cynical asshole and try to actually understand the crux of the post instead of trying to score brownie points like every other dumbass internet hindu.
If you had even 1/4 of the useful capacity of your brain or honestly from your family values active, you would have realised that the post referred to the ANA taking the Afghan Taliban as hostile and assisting the TTP when possible. It has little to do with how I view the taliban you dumb Indian shit.. stop trying to score points to suck your own dong. Arseholes only multiply the bloody headache this heat brings with it.
seems some one lost his marbles.. finally.!!!