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Top 10 Trolls in Internet History

Hmmm.... this thread is fun...

Also have lots of stamina... I mean it would take a very enthusiastic person to sit in front of his computer all day and troll on Pakistani forums...

Indians would win a competition when it comes to sticking their face into their computers... nothing but the glare of their computer screens on their resolute, sweating faces.... always ready and waiting to face off against the Pakistanis...

Yes it is a lot of hard work and Indians deserve the title "Internet Keyboard Warriors".
Top 10 trolls in internet history.

1. Hafizz (pakistani )
2. Aryan BB (pakistani )
3. Hongu (pakistani )
4. Sino challanger (pakistani )
5. Chinise Dragon (Chinese)
6. Speeder 2 (pakistani)
7. RazPak(pakistani)
8. Peaceful (???)

We just like to teach you the truth. You guys cant handle the truth. we are your astaads your gurus
What's wrong ? The only thing wrong is you are not born Indian or else you could enrolling in India's national Institute for Internet Trolling and you could be as successful as Jai !
:bad: So India's national intitute is behind his success :smokin:
Top 10 trolls in internet history.

1. Hafizz (pakistani )
2. Aryan BB (pakistani )
3. Hongu (pakistani )
4. Sino challanger (pakistani )
5. Chinise Dragon (Chinese)
6. Speeder 2 (pakistani)
7. RazPak(pakistani)
8. Peaceful (???)

Hongwu is both Chinese and Pakistani he's mixed
Peaceful is from Taiwan.
IMRAN KHAN ? :rolleyes: why you ignore me?:frown:

1) Imran Khan
Top 10 trolls in internet history.

1. Hafizz (pakistani )
2. Aryan BB (pakistani )
3. Hongu (pakistani )
4. Sino challanger (pakistani )
5. Chinise Dragon (Chinese)
6. Speeder 2 (pakistani)
7. RazPak(pakistani)
8. Peaceful (???)

By the way the other seven people on this list not only do I adore you but it is a great honour to be put in the same category by Indians
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