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Top 10 Countries with Most Universities 2012

Bro,does it matter ?

Indians and Chinese have taken most of the places at graduate and post-graduate levels in US.
Around 50% US college and especially post graduate students are Indians and Chinese.

@Juice I understand you frustration. After all with wold's best universities, your friends work in Mc Donalds because some Indian or Chinese took their place in university, while many of them work under a immigrant. :lol:

Dr. Michio Kaku America Has A Secret Weapon - YouTube

At least believe him. :rofl:

Most of the Master's and PhD students from India and China comes from these Indian universities. So see, we have to fulfill Indian universities and foreign universities requirements by creating more students with Bachelor's Degree. :D
We have a few Asians at our university, but far from most of the student body, or the best students...but I can see why they would come here rather than study at one of yours.
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We have a few Asians at our university, but far from most of the student body, or the best students...but I can see why they would come here rather than study at one of yours.
They come there because India lacks advance research facility. You guys have super computers in university. India doesn't have decent research facilities except few institutes.

I know more about it why Indians go to US.
In 8000 universities only 3000 of them Well equipped and provide world class Education and Research....Others are giving additional initial to the Students i.e R.Sathish become R.Sathish B.E

If the Education Ministry Stricts Rule of such colleges Indians Become Most Technological Peoples in the World

3000 of them are well equipped and provide world class education? That's more world class universities than the whole of the EU.

Incrediable India.
Götterdämmerung;3806804 said:
3000 of them are well equipped and provide world class education? That's more world class universities than the whole of the EU.

Incrediable India.

India now ranks first in the world for exports of generic drugs, with a trade worth 50,000 billion rupees a year, the government has said. The country is now exporting to more than 200 nations worldwide, and exports totaled around $8 billion in 2008-9, the majority going to the USA and Europe, according to Union Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilisers Srikanta Jena. The industry’s achievements could create more than 500,000 high-value jobs in India and provide the nation with low-cost treatments for life-threatening conditions such as malaria and tuberculosis, he added.

Tell me where from all these chemists appeared in India without those Universities?
We have a good universities with good infrastructure , the problem is our education system i.e. till 12th and the competitive exams and coaching culture that follows.
We have a good universities with good infrastructure , the problem is our education system i.e. till 12th and the competitive exams and coaching culture that follows.

One problem that we have with our educational system is we dont have a singular board of education followed across the country.Ofcourse we have CBSE,but then each state has its own board of education.
Still that wouldnt be much of a trouble,as the syllabus is more or less the same,barring for the local languages which have to be taken under consideration.
The competitive examinations that we have is the best in the World.Its simply a matter of statistics.When the youth of nation of 100 billion compete to get the top spot,then you get the very best.
The engineering colleges,medical colleges,b-schools are just fine ,some of the best in the World.Where we lack is fundamental research.
Tell me where from all these chemists appeared in India without those Universities?

All employees in the drug mfg. industry are university graduates?

Wow, even your employees are on average more qualified and higer educated than our average Bayer, BASF, Hoechst, Henkel employees.

Incredible India!
Götterdämmerung;3807030 said:
All employees in the drug mfg. industry are university graduates?

Wow, even your employees are on average more qualified and higer educated than our average Bayer, BASF, Hoechst, Henkel employees.

Incredible India!
Mockery apart..What is the point that you are trying to make ?
Götterdämmerung;3806804 said:
3000 of them are well equipped and provide world class education? That's more world class universities than the whole of the EU.

Incrediable India.

Yes I will Proudly accept this and within 5 years mostly 5000+ Univ will be well Equipped as per Future budget hike for Education during that period atleast we try to Capture Top 50 Univ of The World
Yes I will Proudly accept this and within 5 years mostly 5000+ Univ will be well Equipped as per Future budget hike for Education during that period atleast we try to Capture Top 50 Univ of The World

how many students do your universities enroll every year?
It's not the quantity, but the quality that counts. Our univs, needless to say, suck big time! We're not even in the first 200 univs in the world where quality education is concerned! :undecided:

That is correct!

Indian primary education is one of the best in the world.

But higher education unfortunately not so good. I have seen graduates with M.Com/M.Sc who can't compose a simple letter for corresponding. Getting a graduation in India is not a big deal, anyone can pass it.

My cousin did his graduation here. B.Com and when he went India and people asked him. What have you studied? He was like I'm a graduate from Loughborough university and someone like. Is that it? Must not be very clever then my son did M.Com and he's doing MBA now.

I was like 'ok then' and decided leave it at that.

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