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Top 10 Countries with Most Universities 2012

9. France – 1062
10. China – 1054
LOL, interesting contrast.China has less universities than France.:coffee:
while our students is over 30 million,which is about half France' population.
Bro,does it matter ?

Indians and Chinese have taken most of the places at graduate and post-graduate levels in US.
Around 50% US college and especially post graduate students are Indians and Chinese.

@Juice I understand you frustration. After all with wold's best universities, your friends work in Mc Donalds because some Indian or Chinese took their place in university, while many of them work under a immigrant. :lol:

Dr. Michio Kaku America Has A Secret Weapon - YouTube

At least believe him. :rofl:

Most of the Master's and PhD students from India and China comes from these Indian universities. So see, we have to fulfill Indian universities and foreign universities requirements by creating more students with Bachelor's Degree. :D
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Don't just show the numbers.......show the list by Universities by quality education....and then see the list where India Stands. :smitten:
In 8000 universities only 3000 of them Well equipped and provide world class Education and Research....Others are giving additional initial to the Students i.e R.Sathish become R.Sathish B.E

If the Education Ministry Stricts Rule of such colleges Indians Become Most Technological Peoples in the World
Lok at the time many of these universities were established, the funding they get, the quality of students they get. I mean US universities and many European universities are filled with foreign nationals.
The cream students generally get PhD and Masters abroad and with advance research facilities, they help in universities higher ranking. This attract more funding. So its a cycle.
8400?? Amazing, every has more than 10 000 students??? 84million students?? or most of them are micro-university
In China university has 15,000--64,000 student

University like West Bengal University of Technology, has more than 180 regional colleges under their affiliations. And each college has more than 2000-3000 students. That makes a minimum of about 40000 student under WBUT.

West Bengal University of Technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Facts about China: EDUCATION

China’s literacy rate: (age 15+ who can read and write)
School life expectancy (primary to tertiary education):
male: 11 years
female: 12 years (2009)

Literacy rate defined as knowledge of 1,500 Chinese characters in rural locations and 2,000 characters in urban areas.
[ “China: Asia in Focus”, R. LaFleur 2010]

By 2008, adult illiteracy rate in China dropped to only 3.58%. Elementary school and junior secondary school enrollment jumped to 99.5% and 98.5% respectively.
Today, Chinese youth (15-24 years) have a 99% literacy rate.
[Unicef, 2004-2008 data ]


Since 1998, China has invested in “a massive expansion of education, nearly tripling the share of GDP devoted to it. In the decade since, the number of colleges in China has doubled and the number of students quintupled, going from 1 million in 1997 to 5.5 million in 2007.”
[Time Mag. “The Real Challenge from China: Its People, Not Its Currency” Oct. 7, 2010 ]

Students from Shanghai’s schools outperformed those from 65 countries/regions, according to report by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which has tested high-school students since 2000. Shanghai students were followed by Korea (#2), Finland (#3), Hong Kong (#4), and Canada (#5). U.S. students ranked #24.
[ The Economist online “An International Report Card” Dec. 7, 2010, OECD PISA 2009]



China has about 400 million students today.
[ “China: Asia in Focus”, R. LaFleur 2010]

Chinese children typically start their formal education at age two.
[ The New York Times “China’s Winning Schools?” Jan. 15, 2011 ]

By the first semester of first grade, students are expected to recognize 400 Chinese characters and write 100 of them.
[ “China: Asia in Focus”, R. LaFleur 2010]

Chinese citizens must attend school for at least nine years. According to data from China’s Ministry of Education, China has a 99% attendance rate for primary school.
[ Wikipedia “Education in the People's Republic of China” ]

Under China’s “Law on Nine-Year Compulsory Education,” primary school is tuition-free. However, students must pay a small tuition fee after the compulsory nine years of education during middle and high school.
[ Wikipedia “Education in the People's Republic of China” ]


More than 60% of high school graduates in China now attend a university, up from 20% in the 1980s.
[ The New York Times “The China Boom” Nov. 5, 2010 ]

The number of students in China enrolled in degree courses has risen from 1 million in 1997 to 5 million today.
[ The Economist “A work in progress” March 17, 2011 ]

The number of higher-education institutions in China has more than doubled in the past decade, from 1,022 to 2,263.
[ The Economist “A work in progress” March 17, 2011; The New York Times “The China Boom” Nov. 5, 2010 ]

Today, China has over 2,000 universities and colleges, with over 2 million total students enrolled in higher education.
[Wikipedia “Higher education in China” ]

“Harvard Girl” (2000) was a best-selling Chinese book that was a “how-to manual” for parents on raising their children to get into top-tier universities overseas. It was written by the parents of a girl who was admitted to Harvard University, and spawned a genre of copy cat books.
[ Wikipedia “Harvard Girl” ]

China is creating their version of the Ivy League, by singling out nine of its top universities. In a 2010 speech, Yale president Richard Levin said: “This expansion in capacity is without precedent. China has built the largest higher-education sector in the world in merely a decade’s time. In fact, the increase in China’s post-secondary enrollment since the turn of the millennium exceeds the total post-secondary enrollment in the United States.”
[Time Mag. “The Real Challenge from China: Its People, Not Its Currency” Oct. 7, 2010 ]

Between 2003 and 2009, the average starting salary for China’s college graduates has stayed the same…while the starting pay for migrant workers during the same period rose by nearly 80%.
[ The New York Times “China’s Army of Graduates Struggles for Jobs” Dec. 11, 2010 ]

Chinese students (over 127,000) are the largest group of foreign students in America’s universities. But only about 14,000 American students are studying in China. However, American students studying Chinese has continued to grow steadily.
[ The Economist online “Studying the Superpower” Jan, 18, 2011]

China has over 1,200,000 IT professionals and is adding 400,000 technical graduates each year.

China ranks #1 in the world (followed by India and the US)
[“China Fever” F. Fang 2007 ]

China has around 170,000 certified lawyers, 12,000 law firms, and 300+ law schools.
[ “China: The Balance Sheet” Bergsten 2006 ]
Indian universities trail Chinese in research
NEW DELHI, Mar 24, 2012, DHNS:
Deep chasm separates centres of higher learning in two Asian giants

Chinese higher education institutions are three times ahead of their Indian counterparts in research performance, a new comparative study has shown, exposing the deep chasm between the centres of higher learning in two Asian giants.

The top 20 Indian institutes producing doctoral students are way off behind Chinese universities and institutes producing PhDs, according to an analysis by CSIR National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, here.

The comparison is made on the basis of three quality parameters and quantity of research output. Peaking University, which tops the list from the Chinese side, is almost three times ahead of India's best performing institute—Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore.

“As China is three times ahead of us, we will have to spend three times more in higher education to catch up,” Gangan Prathap, NISCAIR director who did the analysis, told Deccan Herald. The study has been published in the March 25 issue of the journal Current Science.

The Indian institutions whose performances were studied include seven Indian Institutes of Technologies, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, eight leading universities, two medical schools—All India Institutes of Medical Sciences in Delhi and Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Education and Research in Chandigarh — and Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advance Scientific Research.

The eight universities are: Delhi University, Punjab University, Pune University, Banaras Hindu University, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Jadavpur University, Hyderabad University and Madras University. All of them are beaten hands down by their Chinese counterparts.
However, the comparison does not include research councils like CSIR, ICAR and ICMR as well as institutes directly under government’s scientific departments.

“If you throw peanuts, you will only get monkeys. It is not possible to do any credible research in the universities with the kind of budgetary support we receive,” commented N Raghuram, associate professor at Guru Govind Singh Indraprastha University in Delhi, who is not involved with the NISCAIR analysis.

Despite substantial jump in higher education allotment in the 11th plan, the lion's share went to 15 new central universities, staff salary and setting up of infrastructure leaving little money available with the scientists to buy consumables for research.

In most universities, almost half of the departmental budget for consumable is spent for practical examination further draining the research budget. “On the contrary, China spent a lot on research in universities and there is a tight monitoring system to ensure that the money is not wasted,” said Raghuram. The new performance comparison comes three months after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said China had overtaken India in scientific research.

Addressing the Indian Science Congress in Bhubaneswar in January, Singh laid stress on strengthening the supply chain of the science sector. “The problem is that the government focuses on top of the line, neglecting the bottom,” said Raghuram.
@haidian Bro, Chinese universities are well funded and you guys have more advanced research facilities. That's why you will be ahead of India in research.
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Feeling ashamed that Pakistan is nowhere in the list.........
You have 180 million population and how many are of age group for college and how many can afford college ? India and China have 2.5 billion combined. Take that into account. Also the number of students per university and level of university in the world also matters.

India and China rank behind in top universities. Hope will improve.
We should concentrate more on Improving the Quality of education/standard of our Universities now.
Is this a list of colleges or universities because in BD there are around 60 odd recognized private Unis along with 30 or 40 public ones , not more than that. So total number in BD's case can not be more than 100. I guess the site made a mistake and took account of colleges as well.

It is probably countIng all honor and post higher secondary 2 year colleges.

A lot of those colleges are apartments with questionable faculties.

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