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Too many mosques, legislation needed

all mosques & madrassahs need to be officially registered, & the ones that aren't need to be brought down. in this sense, the ministry of religious affairs in pakistan has failed badly. many of the unregistered madrassahs have become recruiting & training centers for terrorists.
all mosques need to be officially registered, & the ones that aren't need to be brought down. in this sense, the ministry of religious affairs in pakistan has failed badly. many of the unregistered madrassahs have become recruiting & training centers for terrorists.

I intentionally ignored the 'madressah' part from mosques, which has now becoming integral part of mosques.
The issue is of town planning, the issue should be dealt with help of Town planners and Mahekma Aukaaf...
Dear members,

I am just pointing out a very important aspect of our society, which in my view remained under gross negligence. That is the Number of mosques in every Area.

I am not aware what procedure is followed while allowing construction of any mosque. I mean whether population of area is considered or not. As it is observed that most of the times (except jumma prayers) all the mosques lie vacant, just 1, 2 or 3 lines get filled.

Like in my own area there are around 7 mosques. considering the population, the number of mosques is almost 3 times higher than required.

Another issue is the construction of mega mosques, i mean high capacity mosques like we have Faisal Mosque in Islamabad, which i think never got filled, which just made it a picnic point rather than the mosque. Even a safe place for couples to visit there.

- Do we really need a Huge Number of mosques?

- Can a legislation be made for restricting the number of mosques considering the Sq. KM area.

- before allowing construction of additional mosques, it should be made mandatory to prove that the mosque already in the area remains full / out of space.

What are your views.

S.M.R, what a thoughtful thread. It is tough, however, Pakistan need to control people and next generation. Too many religions on TV medias and too many Mosques.

In fact, Pakistan used to be a healthy vibrant society and now Pakistan has become war-religions hating other people. too many religious bearded students in Pakistan and overseas?....

The problems in Many Muslims today in Pakistan

  • -Lack of Tolerances and respect
    -Lack of confidences
    -lot of Anger
    -Weak Disciplines
    -Not understanding meaning of Quran
    -Targets/recruits easy

What's results ? I think honestly, Pakistan should reduce Mosques and investigate some of Mosques and Imams to find out who is behind suicide bombings or kidnapping childrens undergrounds. As a humble Muslim myself, Pakistan need to balance society, cultures, and religions in respecting everyone and minorities.

This will grow very positive and change of personal behaviors and rightful.
It is true that number of mosque in a certain area is relatively higher than the people in that area and almost every mosque remains empty except 1 or 2 lines but problem cannot be solved in current situation of Pakistan because of a very strong sect system present although there is no major difference in these sects like difference faith but difference is on unnecessary issues.So because of this sect system and due to blindly followed MULLAS every sect has its own mosque.
All we need to do is to make a national plate form from which the laws and ideology of Islam can be directed and have the support of all the sects.
ok we got more mosques then we need, i think that all the government schools are messed up and its shame that students have to study there, why dont we turn those mosques into government schools, i mean after the fajr namaaz it turns into school?, many villages dont have schools but they do have mosques, its a good way to promote education.

---------- Post added at 03:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:40 PM ----------

^^^ thats not my idea, the credit goes to shaikh rasheed.
ok we got more mosques then we need, i think that all the government schools are messed up and its shame that students have to study there, why dont we turn those mosques into government schools, i mean after the fajr namaaz it turns into school?, many villages dont have schools but they do have mosques, its a good way to promote education.
thats not my idea, the credit goes to shaikh rasheed.

That's indeed a great idea but some modification is needed as religious education a necessary for every muslim so the idea is to convert these Madrisas or our schools into a type of school which relates both the science and religion as single body and where science and modern technology is interpreted by religious teaching as our religion Islam is most advance and ever lasting religion that covers every thing till dooms day.
Well. Whats the use of Masjids if people dont come to offer prayers?
Whats the use of Masjids if people just come to show they are muslims and offer prayers?
Whats the use of Masjids, if people don't follow what Islam says?

Either you are a Muslim or not. You cannot be a 50-50.
In my opinion. Well. Have less Masjids, but larger ones.
It will save a lot of things. Even in Islam, if you look at it, only larger Masjids are supposed to offer Eid and Jummah prayers, cause people will come from far and meet their dear ones. Even in Masjids, if it is a large one and there are few in the area or even one, real muslims will surely come to offer prayers, and those who just come for showing it to others, won't bother to travel a block or two. In air of the 'good guys', you might find good company too and sometimes important issues maybe talked about.

Althought this topic isint for PDF, its good to have this thread.
Overall, no one cares about it today, very upset to say so.

May Allah guide us all towards the Right Path. Ameen.


(Edit: Masjids should be a prayer area not a Madrassa until special license is obtained to avoid 'brainwashing' as much as possible. Also, NGOs and campaigns should be organised to spread Awareness on the issue and make the 'blindfolded' people realize the importance.)
It is basically saudi strategy we are facing toooo many mosques in our country. It was SA who started funding of mosques all over the world. I think in 70s.

The concept of mosque in Islam is not limited to 'place of prayers'. It was being used for social interactions, courts, passenger rest areas etc etc.

Now if we consider the ideology.... it is very beautiful.

Like you pray seven days in a mosque of your area.

once in a week you go to Jamia Masjid for Jumma Prayers. (to interact with people of other areas).

once in an year, you go for Hajj for interaction with people of whole of the world. but invitation is for those who are physically and financially stable.

But having too many mosques we have lost the ideology of mosques, rather we have created sect specific mosques. and Just of keep one sect followers limited to one mosque, fatwas were given that you can not offer prayers behind the Imam whose school of thought is different.

We have also lost the 'Allah ka ghar' somewhere in mosques, that we have Sunnion, barelvi, wahabi, shia ki masjid.

Therefore, if a strong legislation is brought into, with appointed and paid Imam, all sects are bound to offer namaz in that one mosque of the area, that will at least reduce the fear of bombing / suicide attacks (sectarian motivated).

I think an interesting addition to the mosque should be clean toilets / washrooms----a clean area where you don't have green mold growing. Plus the most important----a tidy and acceptable manner of placing your foot wear---rather than leaving them where ever in random

I think an interesting addition to the mosque should be clean toilets / washrooms----a clean area where you don't have green mold growing. Plus the most important----a tidy and acceptable manner of placing your foot wear---rather than leaving them where ever in random


It is not about improvement / modification / renovation of mosques.

Well you have pointed out a very interesting thing. I have hardly seen any mosque with clean toilets.
SMR..It is too late for it, even if parties/government suggest to turn some of those masjid into some sort of Islamic center for education where subjects like english/urdu/science/mathematics and Islamic studies are taught yet it would become another kala bagh dam like issue.

Pakistan needs someone like the Turkish mustfa kamal to control these religion sects and fanatics sitting in our govts and masajids.
Pakistan needs someone like the Turkish mustfa kamal to control these religion sects and fanatics sitting in our govts and masajids.

Its not as if Mustafa Kamal was all alone when he controlled the religious extremism and its negative influence on the state of Turkey.

He had an entire movement that preceded him that challenged the fanatics on the basis of saving their nation.

Pakistan needs a movement steeped in nationalism before it can see any positive change, look at Turkey now, an Islamic party is at the helms but its excellent foundations mean that these parties too work for the nation and now their own vested interests.
SMR brilliant thread very thoughtful its long over due to smoke these mullahs out of their "1.5 Eenth ki masjid" ... just what exactly is the purpose of auqaf and ministry of religious affairs why cant GOP appoint couple of mullahs of each sect lock them in a room , and let them prepare speeches for friday cermons agreed and signed by all parties , further govt can appoint a non fundo man with enough religious qualifications to add in the state priorities
Mustafa Kamal was not alone but when he came to the scene he had to pick and choose right men for the right Job. We have to start from somewhere.

Unfortunately many Pakistani people have less esteem for nationalism and more for provincialism.
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