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To counter OBOR, India pushes its own idea of connectivity to the world

Define "worthwhile"?
Do you mean to say that Petroleum products are not worthwhile? Pharmaceuticals? Heavy chemicals? plastics, Iron and Steele products, heavy machinery, agricultural products aren't worthwhile?
I suppose to you, if you don't see it at your local bodega, its not worth it, is it?
Besides, if the route suggested adds profitability to our products and makes them more competitive, how exactly is the proposed route not ideal?! Why shouldn't India avail it? I'm keen to hear your arguments against this.

And the link to CPEC speaks for what its vision is when its completed. NOT what its doing currently. Currently its an idea with a strong backer (China) but has yet to fruition or even live up to its expectation. (unless you can prove me otherwise).
Here you're acting like your country is an economic powerhouse thanks to CPEC. lol

The only worthwhile commodity you mentioned is the Petroleum and energy, which you IMPORT from ME and Iran, and for that your existing sea routes are sufficient, well you don't have any other choice for that if you know your geography.

Point is, Made in India is a unknown term, hardly merit a dedicate trade route for a third world country.
The only worthwhile commodity you mentioned is the Petroleum and energy, which you IMPORT from ME and Iran, and for that your existing sea routes are sufficient, well you don't have any other choice for that if you know your geography.

Point is, Made in India is a unknown term, hardly merit a dedicate trade route for a third world country.

You must be blind by choice!
Are you seriously claiming pharmaceuticals, precious jewelry, organic chemicals etc are NOT important trade items?!!!
We import CRUDE OIL and export refined Petroleum and its by products to the Western hemisphere.
LOL. Take a look at the screenshot below.
Besides, we don't need a made in India tag, as long as it is made in India and we earn revenue and profit from it that adds to our GDP and coffers, we are good to go. We are ok with China taking the lead in commodities and other cheap off the shelf goods that warrant a tag.

And at the end of the day, its our trade, our products and our money. If we decide that a dedicated trade route is cost efficient and profitable for us (proven based on dry runs and feasibility studies conducted), why should anyone else care?!
Hell we are yet to determine if CPEC is even a boom or bust for Pak, yet you're out here playing Nostradamus for a trade route that has its feasibility completed?!

Either you're biased or selectively blind. Either way, its not a good look.

India usually supply Raw material not finished goods.

Not when it comes to Pharma.
In the Regulated market, India is much ahead of China in formulation exports to US and Europe mainly due to strong IP protection and GMP of its industries.
To counter OBOR does not sounds right but India is an exporting giant.
To counter OBOR does not sounds right but India is an exporting giant.

Sensationalist news at best! North South Corridor is absolutely NOT competing with OBOR and don't think it can given the level of investment and overall scope.
NSCorridor is but an alternate route that allows for more profitable exports and logistics given current geopolitical realities.
Your assessment is correct.
I have 3 questions to Indians.

1: At Worst situation, If Pak blocks your route to chahbhar using Gawadar Naval base in future, what will happen?

2: What kind of good you gonna supply to Europe?

3: How many trains/trucks will be required to transport the load of one standard container ship?
This Indian project will be as successful as its Arjun and Tejas project. In another word, it would be mismanaged, shoddy and useless.

And come to think of it, would you count on India to build up your infrastructure? Just go visit India and the answer is an easy "Hell NO"

Only connectivity India and countries like that can do is to build good connections with its neighbors.
You must be blind by choice!
Are you seriously claiming pharmaceuticals, precious jewelry, organic chemicals etc are NOT important trade items?!!!
We import CRUDE OIL and export refined Petroleum and its by products to the Western hemisphere.
LOL. Take a look at the screenshot below.
Besides, we don't need a made in India tag, as long as it is made in India and we earn revenue and profit from it that adds to our GDP and coffers, we are good to go. We are ok with China taking the lead in commodities and other cheap off the shelf goods that warrant a tag.

And at the end of the day, its our trade, our products and our money. If we decide that a dedicated trade route is cost efficient and profitable for us (proven based on dry runs and feasibility studies conducted), why should anyone else care?!
Hell we are yet to determine if CPEC is even a boom or bust for Pak, yet you're out here playing Nostradamus for a trade route that has its feasibility completed?!

Either you're biased or selectively blind. Either way, its not a good look.

View attachment 438180
You must be blind by choice!
Are you seriously claiming pharmaceuticals, precious jewelry, organic chemicals etc are NOT important trade items?!!!
We import CRUDE OIL and export refined Petroleum and its by products to the Western hemisphere.
LOL. Take a look at the screenshot below.
Besides, we don't need a made in India tag, as long as it is made in India and we earn revenue and profit from it that adds to our GDP and coffers, we are good to go. We are ok with China taking the lead in commodities and other cheap off the shelf goods that warrant a tag.

And at the end of the day, its our trade, our products and our money. If we decide that a dedicated trade route is cost efficient and profitable for us (proven based on dry runs and feasibility studies conducted), why should anyone else care?!
Hell we are yet to determine if CPEC is even a boom or bust for Pak, yet you're out here playing Nostradamus for a trade route that has its feasibility completed?!

Either you're biased or selectively blind. Either way, its not a good look.

View attachment 438180

Let's talk about the FACTS. you lot in India, belong to a state which is classed as third world country. Most people live below poverty line and there are more such people in India then sub Sahara Africa. You can't even make enough toilets of your population for crying out loud.

India is not an industrialised nation. PERIOD. Some random imports or exports don't qualify you to start talking and dreaming about trades routes or what not. However, you can become part of existing routes or the ones initiated by global powers. Even China for majority of its economic growth was/is part of American lead global financial order, and its only just recently it has decided that it's time has come. India is not even in the picture of this great game, and it's hilarious when Indians start to talk about India specific trade routes. It's all to do with American design where it wanted to see India as a nuisance against Pakistan and China. And that is coming to an end.

Bottom line is, first become something worth while where your words and ambitions are backed by your clout.
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