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To all Indian members here. A question...

How was it China's fault? all experts agree on the same thing, the chinese wanted to negotiate, Nehru refused and sent his troops in to claim the disputed territory declaring that he will drive out all chinese. China's only goal was to keep the Indians out of the disputed territory and once they achieved that they declared a cease fire.

The chinese were also extremely nice to Indian POW's, and they even returned all their captured weapons free of charge.

YouTube - The crushing moment: China India 1962 war - Part 2

The only people who have any claim to this land is Tibet of the kingdom of Ladakh which no longer exists. These people almost have 100% nothing to do with Hindus or pakistani.

Akasai Chin is also primarily Tibetan, They don't look like Hindus to me. This area has always been part of the tibetan empire till it was conquered by the kingdom of Ladakh.
Obviously you have no idea how international dipomacy work, but anyways.

By your logic, then Uyghur has a legitimate claim of Xinjiang because they do not look like Chinese. Mongolian has a legitimate claim over entire China, since Chinese have practually the same DNA as their, and China used to be part of their empire. But things do not work that way. There are big chunk of Russian far east that was conceded to them during Qing Dynasty, should China claim those back now too? Do you know how China proper looks like? What happened has happened, and what has been done had been done. Stop living in the dream of your past and face the reality.
So do all Chinese speak same language and follow same religion?

If Akasai Chin and Arunachal Aradesh have always been part of India then why do they have no Hindu DNA yet so much chinese DNA? Why do they write in chinese characters instead of Hindi characters?

The bottomline is that these areas have always belonged to Tibet and not once in history have they ever been controlled by Hindus.

India has no reason to own any of these lands other than BRITAIN CONQUERED IT SO NOW IT BELONGS TO US
If Akasai Chin and Arunachal Aradesh have always been part of India then why do they have no Hindu DNA yet so much chinese DNA? Why do they write in chinese characters instead of Hindi characters?

The bottomline is that these areas have always belonged to Tibet and not once in history have they ever been controlled by Hindus.

India has no reason to own any of these lands other than BRITAIN CONQUERED IT SO NOW IT BELONGS TO US

Tibet has everything to do with hindus and sikhs for one thing tibet is buddhist which makes them dharmic religion who believe in same things as us. Second Mount kailash is a holy site for all 3 dharmic religions and UK and China have nothing to do with our sacred sites. Han chinese have nothing to do with Tibet they just annexed it b4 India had the chance or should have.
How is Chinese DNA related to Chinese character?

If Akasai Chin and Arunachal Aradesh have always been part of India then why do they have no Hindu DNA yet so much chinese DNA? Why do they write in chinese characters instead of Hindi characters?

The bottomline is that these areas have always belonged to Tibet and not once in history have they ever been controlled by Hindus.

India has no reason to own any of these lands other than BRITAIN CONQUERED IT SO NOW IT BELONGS TO US
Don't be discourage by "chinaowneverything". He just proves that how sensitive this issue can be in both countries to common people who are exposed to this. The sensitivity n China's case it is more than just a product of propaganda because trust me on this, 62's war and the territory dispute between China and India are hardly talked about in the public by the mainstream medias.

You should see what Fenqing is in China.

They are not a minority in the society. I guess in countries like China and India, there are many nationalistic people there. Of course you can see in this thread how many Indian posters here firmly believe that what they know is the truth.

I guess China is lucky that it is not a democracy right now, because if you haven't noticed majority of the peolpe from China who have strong feelings regarding those issues are ones that are aboard rather than from China. There is something else I have to say, but in another time.

Dear Friend,

Over the last twenty years, the Internet has changed, not always for the better. You are right, there is no reason for me to get so upset as I did by this idiot, but I think it was more because of his bad manners than his arguments. I agree, the matter is sensitive, and therefore, normally, I would be happy to spend time explaining the situation patiently. It is just difficult to communicate with rude people, and I am less and less inclined to do so with every passing year. Now, at the age of 60, I do not want to waste my time with such fribbles.

Just a note: I am going home, to Bangalore, to spend some time with my wife and daughter, who will return soon to her graduate studies, and therefore will not be on line for about two weeks. I look forward to catching up with you on return.

With warm regards,
There is no such thing as Hindu DNA lol this dude is loopy lol look at Nepal they are hindu but dont look indianish same as Bali hindus.
The only people who have any claim to this land is Tibet of the kingdom of Ladakh which no longer exists. These people almost have 100% nothing to do with Hindus or pakistani.

Obviously you have no idea how international dipomacy work, but anyways.

By your logic, then Uyghur has a legitimate claim of Xinjiang because they do not look like Chinese. Mongolian has a legitimate claim over entire China, since Chinese have practually the same DNA as their, and China used to be part of their empire. But things do not work that way. There are big chunk of Russian far east that was conceded to them during Qing Dynasty, should China claim those back now too? Do you know how China proper looks like? What happened has happened, and what has been done had been done. Stop living in the dream of your past and face the reality.

This isn't my argument.

My argument with genetics was to show that Tibetans have more chinese DNA while having 0% Hindu DNA, thus this shows that never once has Tibet ever affiliated with India in history.

I don't care if China gets these lands or not, I just want to know why is India justified in claiming lands that was owned by the British empire. Why do they get to control people that have absolutely nothing in common with hindus?

There is no argument that any Indian can make that these lands belong to them. While for the chinese they can make many arguments.

I don't see why just because the British conquered a territory that it should be given to India.

Why does India not claim the United States on the same ground?
This isn't my argument.

My argument with genetics was to show that Tibetans have more chinese DNA while having 0% DNA, thus this shows that never once has Tibet ever affiliated with India in history.

I don't care if China gets these lands or not, I just want to know why is India justified in claiming lands that was owned by the British empire. Why do they get to control people that have absolutely nothing in common with hindus?

There is no argument that any Indian can make that these lands belong to them. While for the chinese they can make many arguments.

Umm we do have things in common with Tibet u retard like what i mentioned the holy site of all 3 dharmic religions is in Tibet!

I don't see why just because the British conquered a territory that it should be given to India.

Why does India not claim the United States on the same ground?

Umm we do have things in common with Tibet u retard like what i mentioned the holy site of all 3 dharmic religions is in Tibet! and Tibet is buddhist land so we must free them from Han chinese who have nothing to do with tibet.

DNA dont mean crap! Religion is what binds us

HINDU+SIKH+BUDDHIST = Dharmic religion vs HAN chinese
Brain's response muted when we see other races in pain - life - 01 July 2009 - New Scientist

The brain is not an equal opportunities organ, it seems. An imaging study of Chinese and Caucasian people has found that their brains respond less strongly to the pain of strangers whose ethnicity is different when compared with strangers of their own race.

By your logic, China proper is what China should have right now as its boundry.

China proper

Yes, we are the same race. It is called ASIAN. I know this might sound outrages and ridiculus, but I kind of wished that the concept of Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere could have work.
Tibet has more to do with Hindus and Sikhs then it has for Han chinese and looks/genetics dont mean nothing

In China the Turkish and muslim people dont look nothing like Han chinese so based on that argument they should have a separate country from Han's.


Look at the map closer Uygurs have a good amount of chinese DNA
I don't care if China gets these lands or not, I just want to know why is India justified in claiming lands that was owned by the British empire. Why do they get to control people that have absolutely nothing in common with hindus?

You should not be directing those questions to Indians. Rather you should asking British colonist that conceded those land to India when they left. You are like a boy crying to mother for she is treating your brother more favourably than you.
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Umm we do have things in common with Tibet u retard like what i mentioned the holy site of all 3 dharmic religions is in Tibet! and Tibet is buddhist land so we must free them from Han chinese who have nothing to do with tibet.

DNA dont mean crap! Religion is what binds us

HINDU+SIKH+BUDDHIST = Dharmic religion vs HAN chinese

And they have buddhists in China that have these areas as Holy places. They have millions of people that travel all over the world to mecca even though it is not in their country.

If China owned these lands the religious people will still be able to travel to their holy places.

However what these people cannot do is visit their Tibetan family members because they are in different countries or practice their same culture.
DNA dont mean Tibet belongs to China? Tibet is Buddhist land and being a dharmic religion we must help our buddhist brothers and sisters from Han Chinese oppression who have nothing to do with Tibet.

Why u think we gave Dalai Lama right to live in India and free tibet?

Tibet will be free one day mark my words
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