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Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

We as Afghans and Pakistanis should never welcome any outsider solution to any issue between us! from the day when I knew about the Durand line I am supporting a peaceful solution to this matter without interference of any third party - I am very sure we can solve it if we are mean to be solving it otherwise both nations will suffer heavily from trust deficit and who will get much from it? anyone who loves/hates both of us!

what are you talking about? I could understand if a Pakistani says that for right or wrong its their country…but you as Afghan? Durrand agreement was NOT between Afghan and Pakistanis..it was between Afghan and ANgreez…..and if you’re one of those Islamist that always talk about Islam this and that...then let me remind you that Pakistani state is NOT your Muslim brother state BUT successor of your bloody enemy Kafir Angreez. Pakistani insititaiton same remnant of Angreez…Pakistani policy towards Afghanistan…same forward policy of Angreez…
Below is list history of Pakistan ’s security institutions.
ISI was the brainchild of Australian-born British Army officer, Major General R. Cawthome, then Deputy Chief of Staff in the Pakistan Army.

Pakistan Militray:
Remnant of British India army, made up of Indian-Muslims whom have faithfully served British for 200 years... Including but not limited against Iraq , Afghanistan , World War 1 and 2.
First two Chief of Army Staff of the Pakistan Army where General Sir Frank Messervy (August 15, 1947 - February 10, 1948) General Sir Douglas David Gracey ( February 11, 1948 - January 16, 1951 .

Pakistan air force.
Air force Chiefs
Air Vice Marshal Allan Perry-Keane (August 15, 1947 - February 17, 1949)
Air Vice Marshal R.L.R. Atcherley (February 18, 1949 - May 6, 1951)
Air Vice Marshal L.W. Cannon (May 7, 1951 - June 19, 1955)
Air Vice Marshal A.W.B. McDonald (June 20, 1955 - July 22, 1957) –10 years after “independent”

Naval Chiefs
Vice Admiral J.W. Jefford CB CBE (August 14, 1947 - January 31, 1953)

So think my brother…we Afghans have no friend!
There is no solution required, there is no Durand Line, that is Pakistan - Afghanistan Intl border and we Pushtons in Pakistan would love and like to be with Pakistan, that's it.

If Afghans try to make an issue out of it, we should and will respond in the proper manner required.

Are you really Pashtun or one of those Pathans....if you are Pashtun then i suppose you should be able to read the statement of two major Pashtun parties?

Statement from Pashtunkhwa Mili Awami Party (Achakzai's party):

لر او بر افغان يو ولس دى، يو ملت دى او دا کرښه هيڅ وخت نه لر او نه بر افغان منلې ده. که غلط ونه اوسم دا د ملګرو ملتونو په منشور کې هم راغلي، چې که له يوه وېش او کرښې څخه يو ملت اغېزمن کېږي، د دې پرېکړه به د کرښې دواړو غاړو ته پراته خلک کوي، د دې واک نه له افغان حکومت، ولسمشر کرزي سره او نه د پاکستان له حکومت سره شته، د دې واک له هغو ولسونو سره دى چې د دې کرښې له امله اغېزمن دي

And here's one from the ANP:

د عوامي نېشنل ګوند موقف واضح دى، چي دا د افغانانو ګډه پرېکړه ده او دا به افغانان پخپله کوي. لر او بر افغانان له ډيورنډ کرښې سره تړلي دي او دا ډېر لوى سوال دى، زه نه پوهېږم چي د امريکا يو عام استازى (زه خاص هم نه ورته وايم) راځي او دومره لويه پرېکړه کوي، ده دا خبره په کوم صلاحيت کړې ده.

The fact is even the Taliban will NOT recognize Durrand line…its’ really a sentimental issue for us Pashton no matter which side of line one live.
Ḥashshāshīn;3533420 said:
I don't see what's to discuss. Durand line IS the De-facto border. What are the reasons the Afghans saying again?

Its not just Afghan but Pashtuns on both side of border...even Taliban do not recognize the durrand line. ---ok so I can not post the link before making 15 post. I will post the link of Taliban stating all the Pashton area are part of Afghanistan once I reach 15 post.

Its a legal issue here...

· After the treaty of Gandamak (1879) Afghanistan was no more a sovereign state.

· The Anglo?Afghan Treaty of 1893 was got signed under duress and, therefore the line drawn pursuant to that treaty was invalid;
· Amir Abdur Rahman in his autobiography (English edition of Sultan Muhammad Khan, Vol. Second, pp 157-158 declares: “ As to these frontier tribes known by the name of Yaghistan, if they were included in my dominions I should be able to make them fight against any enemy of England and myself…. But if you should cut them out of my dominions, they will neither be of any use to you nor to me: you will always be engaged in fighting and troubles with them, and they will always go on plundering. In your cutting away from me these frontier tribes...you will make me weak, and my weakness is injurious to your Government”.

· Before and after the signing of the treaty, the British recognized a special interest and influence among the Pashtun tribes, east of the Durand Line;
· In any case, the Durand Line was not conceived as an international boundary by either party, but simply as “a line demarcating British and Afghan zones of influence”;

· The five articles of the Rawalpindi Peace Treaty (not a friendship treaty) [August 8, 1919] called for the withdrawal of British troops and the cessation of British subsidies and stopping the flow of Afghan war materials through India. It is interesting that the treaty made no mention of Afghan sovereignty or independence. On the insistence of the Afghan delegation a rider (letter) to the effect that it had been implied was attached to the treaty by Mr. Hamilton Grant (The British Plenipotentiary). The letter ran as follows: ?
· "...the said treaty and this letter leave Afghanistan officially free and independent in its internal and external affairs. Moreover, this war has cancelled all previous Treaties".
S· The Anglo?Afghan treaty of peace was intended to be followed by a period of six months during which Amanullah was to be on probation. During the six months probation, the British required of Afghan Amir:
· The exclusion of Bolshevik emissaries from Afghanistan;
· the dismissal of Indian revolutionaries from Afghan territory;
· and no intrigue with the Frontier tribes.
mi· But unexpectedly the Amir's attitude was not changed and he flouted these conditions in order to show that "peace without friendship is impossible". Ultimately, four meetings were held from I7th to 24th April, I920, between the Afghans and the British in Mussourie. At the first meeting Mahmud Tarzi stated: ?
· ii) With regard to the tribes on the Indian frontier which are connected by race, religion and language with the Afghans, it was of utmost importance that the British Government should declare its intentions towards the tribes and the tracts of the country occupied by them;
· The treaty was signed on 22 November, I92I between Afghanistan and Great Britain. Article 11 of the said treaty recognize the right of Afghanistan to express herself on the future of frontier people by stating: “ the two High contracting parties having mutually satisfied themselves each regarding the goodwill of the other, and especially regarding their benevolent intentions towards the tribes residing close to their respective boundaries, hereby undertake each to inform the other in future any military operation of major importance, which may appear necessary for the maintenance of order among the frontier tribes residing within their respective spheres, before the commencement of such operations”

· Article 14 of the treaty of November 1922, states that the provisions of the treaty “ shall remain in force for three years” from the date of its signature (2nd November 1921). It states further that “in case neither of the High contracting parties should have notified twelve months before the expiration of the said three years the intention to terminate it. It shall remain binding until the expiration of one year from the day on which either of the High contracting parties shall have denounced it”.
· It should be remembered that in the first place, this treaty constituted the basis of Anglo-Afghan relations up to the time when the British left India. Therefore it is obvious that with the British departure from India, one of the contracting parties ceased to exist. In the second place, it is not a treaty of unlimited duration and the existence of the time limit indicates that it could be terminated, when so desired, by one of the contracting parties even if the other contracting party still maintained some authority.

· Subsequent ratification of the 1893 agreement contained reservations preserving Afghanistan's interests east of the Durand Line;
li· In any case, Afghanistan had repudiated all treaties which denied to it the right to exert this influence among all the Pashtuns; [The Afghan government convened a Loya?Jirga or Grand Assembly (which included the National Assembly) in Kabul on July 26,1949 and formally and specifically abrogated the Durand Agreement of 1893, the Anglo?Afghan Pact of 1905, the Treaty of Rawalpindi 1919, the Anglo?Afghan Treaty of 1921 and any other treaties which referred to the status of the Pashtuns.]

es· The 1947 plebiscite did not satisfy the requirement for self?determination because:
1. it was boycotted by a substantial part of the Pashtuns;
2. it was a unilateral step taken without Afghan consultation or consent;
3. it provided the population with only two choices: join India or join Pakistan, whereas it should also have provided options for joining Afghanistan or independence; the approval of the tribal jirgas was similarly obtained by offering as choices only a "yes" or "no" ratification of the plebiscite decision to join Pakistan.
· Afghanistan further argued that Pakistan was not a successor state to Britain but an entirely new state carved out of British India. Whatever, treaty rights existed were therefore extinguished.
Yeah it is, as it does affects me as a Pakistani.

Well those Afghans who want this issue to be alive, will keep suffering the way they are.

If you people looked at Pakistan in any wrong way, we will make sure that we take away those eyes which look at Pakistan in wrong ways.

We the people of Pakistan voted and want to be with Pakistan, to hell with Afghanistan & Afghans.

So basically you are saying your gov and military are making us Afghan suffer with their cancer that is Taliban because we don't recognize the Angreez imposed Durand line?
Thanks for being honest….I always knew the talk of Islam this and Islam that were nothing but a bucket full of Sh&T.... I just hope and wish that our village idiot---those that are brainwashed in Pakistan’s Madrassa realize this---and they will sooner or later and that day we will see what happens.
British Raj has gone, that is past. If you are so interested in the past, look at your own Afghans past also.

No, Pakistan is suffering thanks to you guys, you Afghans are the reason we are in this mess, you Afghans are the pure reason we are suffering and have suffered. Hadn't it been for the Afghans, things might have been totally different. The mess creators are Afghans and today we all have been dragged into this shiet hole and suffering.

If you still don't know about your past history, go and learn about it and see who fcked up when and where and why we are in this sheit together.

Can't control your own country for decades and claiming right on KPK to which you can't reach in next 50 years. Your this dream will never suffice, we will resist to the last.

So, tell Afghans to shut up and mind their own country and try to come together to make peace in Afghanistan rather then thinking to fcuk with Pakistan.

The reason your suffering is b/c of in absent of national coherence in Pakistan, political Islam has been the ONLY means at the Pakistani government's disposal for enduring the life of your country. This is why your government creates Jahadi/Mujahdeen/Taliban even years before soviet invasion of Afghanistan (Suggest you read Brzezniski interview—I can not post any links yet.) This is why you see Jamyat e Islami, Tablighi and Jamyat Ullmah parties which all have their HQ in Lahour---just few miles away from Hari Mandi but are active in Pashton area….this is why until this year nationalist Pashtons were prevented from FATA and PATA regions. You see my ta bandi ma bandi Makani Pathan the people you are blaming are actual the victim…but rest assure that you will burn in the fire you ignite.. What you see in Swat the tip of iceberg….Karma is a *****!
Ask your ancestors what was their role in British raj? you guys will be 'whatever' as usual and it doesn't matter!

And thanksto people like yourself, Pakistan is also suffering kindly look around!

Dude his ancestors were part of Pathan regiment that faithfully fought for Angreez in Iraq, Afghanistan, Jerusalem, WW1 and WW2. I suggest you read about these people…these people are more loyal to king then king himself.
Dude his ancestors were part of Pathan regiment that faithfully fought for Angreez in Iraq, Afghanistan, Jerusalem, WW1 and WW2. I suggest you read about these people…these people are more loyal to king then king himself.

Stop being a fool. My people of Arain we more against british than you. And believe me, we were also Muslim long before you.
Yeah it is, as it does affects me as a Pakistani.

Well those Afghans who want this issue to be alive, will keep suffering the way they are.

If you people looked at Pakistan in any wrong way, we will make sure that we take away those eyes which look at Pakistan in wrong ways.

We the people of Pakistan voted and want to be with Pakistan, to hell with Afghanistan & Afghans.

LOl you are being to sentimental … claim down my friend… or maybe being a Pathan descendent you are over reacting in order to show your loyalty? We afghans want what is simply ours...our bloody enemy Angreez put a line on sand and then our own Muslim brothers---the same Muslim brother that we have always protected historically claim to be successor(Meraas Khoran) of Kafir Angreez and continue the forward policy of Angreez against us. Indeed my friend let me assure you that your government had tried all they can and still are trying to not only take out our eyes but our head too…at the time when we were on our weakest (after soviet withdrawal) but we did survive…and we are walking again and soon we will be able to kick. I suggest you read Kushal Khan Khatak quote which says Afghan will take his ravage after 500 years. By god who ever that tried to put our face in dirty will pay…rest assure.
LOl you are being to sentimental … claim down my friend… or maybe being a Pathan descendent you are over reacting in order to show your loyalty? We afghans want what is simply ours...our bloody enemy Angreez put a line on sand and then our own Muslim brothers---the same Muslim brother that we have always protected historically claim to be successor(Meraas Khoran) of Kafir Angreez and continue the forward policy of Angreez against us. Indeed my friend let me assure you that your government had tried all they can and still are trying to not only take out our eyes but our head too…at the time when we were on our weakest (after soviet withdrawal) but we did survive…and we are walking again and soon we will be able to kick. I suggest you read Kushal Khan Khatak quote which says Afghan will take his ravage after 500 years. By god who ever that tried to put our face in dirty will pay…rest assure.

Brainwashed young and idealistic.

I appreciate your thoughts, but they are not factual.
Sure i am, but my confusion is nothing compared to the confusion you Afghans have.

So keep dreaming.

Don't forget it all starts with a dream...a dream to uphold our own identity instead of artificial and imposed one... a dream to value our culture, history and language....why you are so against your own fathers and brothers? Pakistan was created as a country for People of Hindustan cultural background what did you as Pashtun have to do with it? Why are you so against Pashtun unification? If our Desi brothers were divided into India and Pakistan it was due to religion…but why the hell we Pashtun people should be divided? We have the same language, same culture, same history, same race and same blood…I honestly don’t understand how any pashtun be against their own pashtun? Unless it’s due to personal gain which is sad but understandable….but is worldly thing worth it at the expanse of one identity, language and culture?
Wake up brother…look at our people…Pashtuns are bleeding today no matter if we are in Kabul or Peshawar…go educate yourself about your history, about your identity we have the same blood and are son of same father….wake up my Pashtun brother….for the sake of your father…for sake of your mother….wake up and take out your sword as your forefather did in Afghan honor… “I have taken out my sword in the name of Afghan honor. I am the proudest of the world, the Khushal Khattak"
Don't forget it all starts with a dream...a dream to uphold our own identity instead of artificial and imposed one... a dream to value our culture, history and language....why you are so against your own fathers and brothers? Pakistan was created as a country for People of Hindustan cultural background what did you as Pashtun have to do with it? Why are you so against Pashtun unification? If our Desi brothers were divided into India and Pakistan it was due to religion…but why the hell we Pashtun people should be divided? We have the same language, same culture, same history, same race and same blood…I honestly don’t understand how any pashtun be against their own pashtun? Unless it’s due to personal gain which is sad but understandable….but is worldly thing worth it at the expanse of one identity, language and culture?
Wake up brother…look at our people…Pashtuns are bleeding today no matter if we are in Kabul or Peshawar…go educate yourself about your history, about your identity we have the same blood and are son of same father….wake up my Pashtun brother….for the sake of your father…for sake of your mother….wake up and take out your sword as your forefather did in Afghan honor… “I have taken out my sword in the name of Afghan honor. I am the proudest of the world, the Khushal Khattak"

Nobody in my family is or was ever of hindu origin. Yet you are making big statements. I am also Punjabi, but never of Hindu ancestry. Explain yourself.

You Afghans were a part of Hindu/Bhuddist culture. Have you forgot bayman statues?
So think my brother…we Afghans have no friend!

Is that the reason you have been fighting for the last 200 years within yourselves ? :azn: You have no friends , you cant go along with your nation so will I be right to say that your country lacks coherence as a nation ? ... What the hell is wrong in being the successor state to the British rule in the subcontinent ? What do you mean by not our Muslim brothers but infidel ? In a sane of mind , are you ?

Your leaders signed that treaty which doesn't have any time limit , ratified again and again by them which puts the entire argument of it being signed under duress to dust and according to International laws , Afghans cant really withdraw from it unilaterally so stop these wet dreams of conquering Pakistani territories , we all know the result when you decided to invade Bajaur Agency right after the birth of my country , didn't the Royal Pakistan Air force bombed the hell out of those intruders ? Try to bring peace to your country , establish a central Govt and control the areas you have at the moment or who knows we may have a common boundary with Tajikistan soon ! The International community has affirmed Pakistan's stance again and again that Durand Line is the International border , not a de facto one and we are the rightful successor to the treaty signed by the British ...

Nobody in my family is or was ever of hindu origin. Yet you are making big statements. I am also Punjabi, but never of Hindu ancestry. Explain yourself.

You Afghans were a part of Hindu/Bhuddist culture. Have you forgot bayman statues?

Even what if you were ! Even the companion of the Prophet weren't Muslims at first ... What does that change ? Interesting thing this person who just got access to Internet believe in uniting Pashtuns , not Muslims then chants " Infidel " and what not :lol:

Yes , now we have to teach him his own history :cheesy:
The Anglo-Afghan Treaty of 1919[1][2], also known as the Treaty of Rawalpindi, was an armistice made between the United Kingdom and Afghanistan during the Third Anglo-Afghan War.[3] It was signed on 8 August 1919 in Rawalpindi, British India (now Pakistan). In the somewhat ambiguous document, the United Kingdom recognised Afghanistan's independence, agreed that British-India would never extend past Khyber Pass, and stopped British subsidies to Afghanistan.

The Afghan Government accepts the Indo–Afghan frontier accepted by the late Amir
—Article V of the August 8, 1919 Treaty of Rawalpindi

The two high contracting parties mutually accept the Indo-Afghan frontier as accepted by the Afghan Government under Article V of the Treaty concluded on August 8, 1919
—Article II of the November 22, 1921 finalising of the Treaty of Rawalpindi

Uti possidetis juris or uti possidetis iuris (Latin for "as you possess under law") is a principle of international law that states that newly formed sovereign states should have the same borders that their preceding dependent area had before their independence.
Is that the reason you have been fighting for the last 200 years within yourselves ? :azn: You have no friends , you cant go along with your nation so will I be right to say that your country lacks coherence as a nation ? ... What the hell is wrong in being the successor state to the British rule in the subcontinent ? What do you mean by not our Muslim brothers but infidel ? In a sane of mind , are you ?

Your leaders signed that treaty which doesn't have any time limit , ratified again and again by them which puts the entire argument of it being signed under duress to dust and according to International laws , Afghans cant really withdraw from it unilaterally so stop these wet dreams of conquering Pakistani territories , we all know the result when you decided to invade Bajaur Agency right after the birth of my country , didn't the Royal Pakistan Air force bombed the hell out of those intruders ? Try to being peace to your country , establish a central Govt and control the areas you have at the moment or who knows we may have a common boundary with Tajikistan soon ! The International community has affirmed Pakistan's stance again and again that Durand Line is the International border , not a de facto one and we are the rightful successor to the treaty signed by the British ...

Even what if you were ! Even the companion of the Prophet weren't Muslims at first ... What does that change ?

Yes , now we have to teach him his own history :cheesy:

Even If my ancestors were Hindu/Idol worshipers it makes no difference to me.

I believe in Hazoor pak and Allah swt.
Stop being a fool. My people of Arain we more against british than you. And believe me, we were also Muslim long before you.

Tell me one major battle or war you fought against British? In fact you guys faithfully severed the British... even Zai Ul Haq, Ayub Khan, Yahya Khan(he even fought for British in WW2) was an officer in colonist British Indian army. Go read your history...starts with Punjab Regiment, Pathan regiment, frontier force and...
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