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Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

@nuclear fanboys: Pakistan having nuclear weapons is like a poor man drives a BMW borrowing it's cost of driving from others! any stupid move will bring disastrous outcomes in Pakistan as well and will eventually give us the right to buy chemical/biological weapons from our 'friends'

dude, your afghani mindset is totally blown here every body, the conditions you guys are in today has completely laid waste to your thinking process
it will be very difficult for Afghans to accept a line as a border especially to those hundreds of tribes who do not accept neither Afghan/Pakistani government as their rulers!

From the day this matter has risen by US man our media has put an exclusive coverage to this, everyone from Hazaras to Pashtuns are telling Karzai that public is with you on the matter of Durand line what else Karzai needs?

what is the use of bullsh1tting this for a long time when you know that afghanistan isnt in a state of declaring war on pakistan based on durand line and when pakistani pashtuns wish to stay as pakistanis then afghanistan, and karachi and not kabul has already become the largest pashtun city where pashtuns depend on their millions of livlihood, and not mentioning the non pashtun population in afghanistan which is a majority than pashtuns, you shouldnt talk about the pashtun pashtun every time when afghanistan itself is multi ethnic like pakistan

get your delisions out off your head that you have any rights to KPK, its pakistan now, get this over your head, believe it or not if you as much as look into pakistan with greedy eyes, pakistan is gonna rip off eyes off with your balls and nuke you to hell

you gotta know who are you dealing with here pal
That's because Pakistan didn't existed when they were called Afghans.

pakistan punjab doesnt go nationalist over indian punjab and declare as their rightful property and lay claim on it, as do the balochis and sindhis, its time for you afghanis to realise that its our given privilige that you are anywhere living in pakistan, we have rights to deport you all but you are just enjoying our hospitality
what is the use of bullsh1tting this for a long time when you know that afghanistan isnt in a state of declaring war on pakistan based on durand line and when pakistani pashtuns wish to stay as pakistanis then afghanistan, and karachi and not kabul has already become the largest pashtun city where pashtuns depend on their millions of livlihood, and not mentioning the non pashtun population in afghanistan which is a majority than pashtuns, you shouldnt talk about the pashtun pashtun every time when afghanistan itself is multi ethnic like pakistan

get your delisions out off your head that you have any rights to KPK, its pakistan now, get this over your head, believe it or not if you as much as look into pakistan with greedy eyes, pakistan is gonna rip off eyes off with your balls and nuke you to hell

you gotta know who are you dealing with here pal

what is the use of bullsh1tting this for a long time when you know that afghanistan isnt in a state of declaring war on pakistan based on durand line and when pakistani pashtuns wish to stay as pakistanis then afghanistan, and karachi and not kabul has already become the largest pashtun city where pashtuns depend on their millions of livlihood, and not mentioning the non pashtun population in afghanistan which is a majority than pashtuns, you shouldnt talk about the pashtun pashtun every time when afghanistan itself is multi ethnic like pakistan

get your delisions out off your head that you have any rights to KPK, its pakistan now, get this over your head, believe it or not if you as much as look into pakistan with greedy eyes, pakistan is gonna rip off eyes off with your balls and nuke you to hell

you gotta know who are you dealing with here pal

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: are you serious? :lol:

Not accepting durand line is hitting harder you guys than any nuclear hitting Afghanistan :lol:
Not accepting durand line is hitting harder you guys than any nuclear hitting Afghanistan :lol:

Sher Yara,

Why are we getting into this third rate brawl.

Anyone talking about nuking this or that is being childish at best and extremely moronic at its worst.

Afghanistanis are our neighbors and our brothers.

For the past 40 years we have suffered together, laughed together, and cried together.

Was every policy made by us was good. Heck no!

Was every policy made by Afghanistani leaders was perfect? Heck no!

But all those big leaders sit in their safe places, while people like you and I and even darkinsky die like flies.

Pathetic isn't it?

And yet we do the dirty deeds of those cowards sitting in their hideouts. Is Mullah Omer paying the price? Is Zardari paying the price? No
Is Kiyani and NATO top command is paying the price? No

Then why are we all doing this brawl and threatening and mocking each other.

You brought up an old map to deny the very existence of Pakistan.

This is worst than an enemy could do.

Do you even realize this?

Almost 70 years have passed.

One would think we all have learned to live side by side, with respect and dignity.

What is with denying the border with Pakistan?

Your government claims Pakistani militants are crossing the very same border and creating death and destruction in Afghanistan.

You government says, they cross the fing border. So what border are they talking about?

Your government says they are Pakistanis. Not Pashtuns, no Punjabis, not Kashmiris, just Pakistanis.

Even though you know it and I know it, that majority of militants going from Pakistan to Afghanistan are Pashtuns.

So you see, Afghnistanis themselves are realizing the problems posed by this wild area on the border.

Then why on earth you would continue to propagate old stories that have been proven disastrous for Afghanistan?

Not accepting durand line is hitting harder you guys than any nuclear hitting Afghanistan :lol:

Nobody even knows about it in Pakistan or even Afghanistan where your people are more concerned about law and order situation and getting meals two times a day :azn: As for the puppet leader , no comments ... He can continue taking cheap shots but he should know one thing that it will only hurt it in the end ...

Does UN accept it as a dispute ? :no:
Can you do anything to abolish the agreement signed by your late emperor ? :no:
Is Pakistan Interested ? :flame: :no:
Can it be threatened or invaded ? :no:

So wake up instead of hallucinating about taking Pakistani territories ...
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: are you serious? :lol:

Not accepting durand line is hitting harder you guys than any nuclear hitting Afghanistan :lol:

cointinue to remain stupid
continue to go around whining and crying while carrying your back side in your hands and complaing that look Pakistan tore it .. LOL

Let india prod you along and give you nods of aproval as you go around doing your randi rona about durannd line , whcih quite frankly no one really gives two fu<ks about
Durand line issue is over it's pretty much dead other than few nationalist afghans and on top of that Afghanistan is losing more and more support over it every single second considering how millions of afghans are adopting Pakistan as their new home.
Taliban will soon takeover when NATO leaves , Karzai corrupt gov't will fall , Durand issue is dead afghani people should live in peace with Pakistan.
Yeah America's Afghan war is useless. After taken out Bin Laden from Pakistan, America's missin Afghan war is over. How many got killed just to take out one man.
Taliban will soon takeover when NATO leaves , Karzai corrupt gov't will fall , Durand issue is dead afghani people should live in peace with Pakistan.
Durand Line is a settled issue: FO

Islamabad - Pakistan on Thursday asserted that the Durand Line was a closed and settled issue between Pakistan and Afghanistan and regarded as the recognised international border by the international community.&#8220;As far as the official response of the government of Pakistan is concerned, the Durand Line is a closed and settled issue. We regard it as the recognised international border, and the international community also recognises it so&#8221;, Foreign Office spokesman Mozzam Ahmed Khan told weekly press briefing.Answering a question on Kabul&#8217;s claim that Islamabad had not shared any information regarding Tehrik-i-Taliban commander Maulvi Fazlullah, the spokesman said that Pakistan had shared a dossier on Fazlullah with the Afghan Government and the International Security Assistant Force. To a question on statements from Afghanistan about Pakistan&#8217;s commitment on war against terror, the spokesperson said Pakistan was committed to fight terrorism and extremism and there should be no doubt in it.&#8220;Pakistan does not need to clarify its position on war against terror and no need to give justification in this regard&#8221;, Khan said, adding that Pakistan wanted to promote its relations with all neighbouring countries including Afghanistan on the basis of mutual respect and trust.The spokesman hoped that Afghan leaders would adopt a responsible attitude in seeking solution of bilateral issues through talks rather than raising issues in the media, saying that peace and stability in Afghanistan was in Pakistan&#8217;s interest. On release of some Taliban prisoners, he said that Pakistani and Afghan officials were discussing the issue of releasing Taliban prisoners.On Pakistan&#8217;s stance on Osama bin Laden incident, the spokesman said that fighting terrorism and extremism within Pakistan was the responsibility of Pakistan and no country could be allowed to act unilaterally.About the US drone attacks, the spokesman said that drone strikes were illegal, counter-productive and violation of Pakistan&#8217;s sovereignty, besides they were a violation of international laws.
Durand Line is a settled issue: FO | The Nation

This thread should be closed from further Trolling
Taliban will soon takeover when NATO leaves , Karzai corrupt gov't will fall , Durand issue is dead afghani people should live in peace with Pakistan.


Dear Rafay Sahib, my lord, dea Sir,

If we wish Khana Kharaba Kharazai's government to fall, we must worry about our own too.

Taliban if and when victorious in Afghanistan, will wait perhaps 6 months before turning their guns on to Pakistani army.

They will say, we defeated Russians, we defeated Americans, then Pak army is just a little mouse for us. We can catch and crush it in no time.

You will then see 10 times more instability in FATA, then to PATA, and then to Pindi.

Off course Taliban won't be able to defeat Pak army, but the bombs and explosions will be aplenty.

That will be payback time, and the time to bring true Islamic Sharia from Afghanistan to Pakistan and then onwards to Dilli.

And if we the Paks and Indians think our nukie bumbs will stop the marauders descending from the hills, we are mistaken, we are gravely mistaken.

Mark my words Rafay sahib,

First Pakistan and then Indians will pay a huge price for messing up Afghanistan. HUGE price.

History shows, that Karma things comes back, and comes back big time.

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