Afhans mean , residents of afghan province and a nation which is really a collection of tribes and people who make $ with trade with Pakistan's other major provinces
Afghans would be far better off , as a Province of Pakistan which is the future of Afghan province
a) GDP
b) Nuclear Stature
c) Airforce
d) Army /training
e) Civilian structure
f) Proper Government system
They are ideal fit for province of Pakistan status
Its really a no brainer
The vision I see is , 4 major city size of Karachi in Afghanistan built Pakistani Engineers, Doctors, Social workers move into Afghan province , instead of going to middle east , and local population gains schools , hospitals , proper structure....also an oppourtunity for Pakistani Businesses to open branches in Afghan province and flow in investment
And possibly nuclear plant in Afghania province for energy improvements
This is the only solution
A mega project in future could be a dam/canal to diver some water into Afghanistan from Pakistan's great rivers ... and road from GAWADAR to the 4 big cities of Afghan province
What do Afghans get , proper democracy , and seats in election time to be part of Pakistani Parliment and government building and be part of Budget allocation in Pakistan
Its like Evolution of United States of America , Unification of Afghanistan would be ideal move towards United States of Pakistan
Its catchy , its logical and it will give 100 year peace to United States of Pakistan
That was my Allama Iqbal moment of the day