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Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

I think its best to give a country to pashtuns and a separate country to the rest of the afghans

Dear it is the same idea which is tossed for the redesigning of the region; I am forgetting the name of member of Afghan National assembly who spoke about it few months backs, a new state of Pushtoons comprising FATA, PATA, Northern Baluchistan southern and eastern Afghanistan in short a new country consist of Pashtoon belt of this region.
It is the reason a settle issue of Durand line is being raised by some corners and supported by some specific circles.
Dear remember if outsider forces impose some solution based upon balkanization of region...that solution will have Domino effect be it Pakistan, Iran or India....all will suffer....
Well, I can understand where you're coming from. But this Ummah has existed in the past, and there's no reason there won't be one in the future...

I admit my mistake of using the word " concept " ... There's one there definitely but anyone looking at ground realities will realize that it doesn't exist in the present time :)
Well, I can understand where you're coming from. But this Ummah has existed in the past, and there's no reason there won't be one in the future...50, 100, 200, even 500 years from now. Just because we live at a particular point in history when it's mostly defunct doesn't mean it's, as a concept, a fail or 'delusions' :)

With due respect Sir,

Most of modern day Pakistan and India was never part of any Ummat.

But for some reason many kind-hearted and sane Pakistanis continue repeating the Ummat thing as if it was real for our area.

Even when Ummah or more precisely Khilafat did exist, it wasn't drastically different in its make up from the non-Khilafat governments.

Non-Khilafat governments had their King / Queen and in between
Khilafat governments had their kings / Queens and in-betweens.

One abused / used the name if Islam to extend their power, and the other did so without it. Take you pick.

One of the easiest comparison can be done between the Ottoman kings and their contemporary European and Persian kings.

Were Ottoman kings raping any less women than their EU and Irani counterparts? No! in fact more.

Were Ottoman kings nicer to Jews and non-Muslims compared to the treatment of minorities in other kingdoms. Yes. Sometimes. But then it really depends on which minority and at what time. Ask Armenians for example.

Oh BTW, Ottoman Khalifas used to B-slap Arabs in a not-too-different way than Israelis treating Hammas.

None of these Ummat freaks ever came to help if a UP or Bihari Muslim was burned at Hindu piers. Yeah. We had to fend for ourselves, while Ottomans and other Khalifas ran harems with 100s of concubines.

When the struggle of Pakistan was going on, no Ummat guy ever showed up for any sort of help. While 1000s of our young and educated men were duped by Mullahs and Gandhi, to take part in Khilafat movement.

There you go. Sir. This was the ummat.

How on earth you ask for its return, and how then, it will dig the canals of milk and honey to replace the ganda Nullahs of Landhi and Korangi? That's beyond your or mine imagination. Right?

I do not intend to make fun of Ummat. Just want to say spade a spade (and a joker? well a joker! what else?)

peace to you.
With due respect Sir,

Most of modern day Pakistan and India was never part of any Ummat

We weren't, but most Muslims at the time were. Religiously, that's also part of our history, I believe.
BTW, the era I'm referring to is more of the Rashidun, Umayyad and Abbasids times...all before the conquest of the Mongols. After that, the Ummah dd start to weaken/die.
Anyways, looks like many people don't share my point of view, so let's just agree to disagree :tup:
Those Afghan "brothers" can easily claim Delhi too?

Would you continue to apologize then?

Remember the Karma thingy miss, remember it.


Why would Afghans claim Delhi? They are only claiming areas of Pakistan where ethnic afghan population lives. You should know that Afghan hotaki dynasty has ruled Iran, but they would never claim over Iran neither Hindustan. You are twisting things to make Afghan's rightful claim as a non-sense. China's claim over Taiwan is rightful because Chinese Han population lives there, but similar to Pakistani Pashtuns Taiwanese dont want to join their motherland.
Every pashtun of Pakistan is ethnically an Afghan , if you dont agree then you have to search out another name for pakistan as "alif" in Pakistan stands for afghania.

Haiiinn ? :blink:

I thought :

Afghan - Pashtun in Dari !

Pashtun/Pukhtoon - in Pashto !

Pathan - in Urdu !

Calling an ethnic Pashtun as an ethnic Pathan or an ethnic Afghan means the same thing ! However for all intents & purposes an 'Afghan' is now, in political parlance, a native of Afghanistan instead of one of the nomenclatures for an ethnic Pashtun.
In One of your Post you had Mentioned that Pakistan Should Invade Afghanistan??? What would Pakistan Get by Invading Afghanistan??? How would it do it??? If it can do it;then, what is stopping it?????:partay::pop:

Full scale Invasion of Afghanistan by Pakistan would simply bring unity in Afghans against common enemy.
Haiiinn ? :blink:

I thought :

Afghan - Pashtun in Dari !

Pashtun/Pukhtoon - in Pashto !

Pathan - in Urdu !

Calling an ethnic Pashtun as an ethnic Pathan or an ethnic Afghan means the same thing ! However for all intents & purposes an 'Afghan' is now, in political parlance, a native of Afghanistan instead of one of the nomenclatures for an ethnic Pashtun.

The word Pathan has nothing to do with us, desis use it for us. We are Pashtuns or Afghans. And Afghan is nationality as well as an ethnicity, i.e Uzbeks, tajiks, hazaras and others are Afghans by nationality while all Pashtuns are Afghans by ethnicity. You can say that all Pashtuns are Afghans but not every Afghan is Pashtun.
Full scale Invasion of Afghanistan by Pakistan would simply bring unity in Afghans against common enemy.
Only an idiot would invade Pakistan..That country can be taken care off just by pulling the strings..no need to get involved militarily.Afghanistan at least for the foreseeable future is no threat to Pakistan (Militarily at least for 15-20 years..). Even then, Pakistan Nuclear Deterrence should keep enemies at bay.Afghans have a very weak case and they have been trying to use it since 1947- has not worked and will not work in future.It will only result in further destruction of Afghanistan. The lala land of Pashtunistan died after the demise of Soviet Union.You are after all Afghan Refugee so i understand your sentiment but rest assured Pakistan will be able to defend itself from any Afghan Threat for the forseeable future and I think they are well aware of our red lines (To the fella commenting that afghanistan will get nuclear and chemical weapons from their friends well good luck!Nuclear Weapons are not OPIUM lol.).
The word Pathan has nothing to do with us, desis use it for us. We are Pashtuns or Afghans. And Afghan is nationality as well as an ethnicity, i.e Uzbeks, tajiks, hazaras and others are Afghans by nationality while all Pashtuns are Afghans by ethnicity. You can say that all Pashtuns are Afghans but not every Afghan is Pashtun.

that makes no sense , if afghan = pashtun then how is tajik = afghan
Calm down marra. You are over-reacting to taimi khan's posts as if you have seen the first pashtun loyal to Pakistan in your life. Taimi khan is a proper pashtun from Bannu, no need to label him some thing else to make your point. You western Pashtuns/afghans are misinformed about lot of things, one of which is that majority of lar Pashtuns hate Pakistan and want unification with bar pashtuns. There are Pashtuns in every walk of life in Pakistan, in army, bureaucracy, education, business, politics, sports, religious institutions......and every one would oppose your thoughts. Simply because grass is greener on this side of Durand. Make your Afghanistan a developed country , every lar pashtun would declare himself a proud Afghan and would try his best to distance himself from desi identity and would be eager to join Afghanistan...pashtuns were never united as one people( except Ahmad shah baba times) and went any where there were opportunities. You might have declared taimi khan a sell out if there were few hundreds of them, but the problem is that there are millions of them and have incorporated a new pakistani idenity and are in the process of giving up on Afghan/Pashtun ethnic identity.

So what you are saying here is that pashtuns are hate filled opportunists ?!
Full scale Invasion of Afghanistan by Pakistan would simply bring unity in Afghans against common enemy.

Yeah sure, just as the full scale invasion by the United States has brought unity in Afghanistan
Taliban fight not just for religious reasons but also because they see their ethnic groups being marginalized in the new setup that came about in Afghanistan post 9/11.
If Taliban gain the upper hand the other ethnic groups will take up arms
Anyone who wants to attack Afghanistan knows that they can pit one ethnic group against the other so no need to bluff about the nonexistent unity among the various ethnic groups in buffer zone called Afghanistan.
So what you are saying here is that pashtuns are hate filled opportunists ?!

Hate Filled? i did'nt say it. Opportunists? may be.
Millions of Pashtuns are there in Gulf countries, karachi and Punjab for opportunities and making their future. If some how kabul , herat and kandahar offers us (and allow us) more opportunities and jobs than Karachi and Punjab then millions of us would move towards those cities and in return if Afghanistan put the condition of acquiring Afghan citizenship for working there, they would acquire it.
that makes no sense , if afghan = pashtun then how is tajik = afghan

You surely are not that bright. A pashtun of Peshawar would be Afghan/ Pashtun by ethnicity and Pakistani by nationality. While a tajik of Punjsher would be tajik by ethnicity and Afghan by nationality.....
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