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Time Is Up: Millions Of Afghan Refugees In Iran, Pakistan Fear Return To Ba

I am shorter than my sis and all my aunts - and I am 6 feet :D


Khan Sahib, did someone tell you guys that we invented 'ladders' a while back, you guys didn't need to evolve to be able to change light-bulbs ! :D
Facts are facts , Afghans need to return back to their home land , after that they should be provided with visas , other thong 1st interest of PAKISTANi PAKHTOONS need to be secured.
FATA need to be granted provincial status so that law and order will prevail and smuggling will be controlled up to quite an extent.
sending afghans back is very complex issue , now most of them have deep roots inside our society and are integral part of our society, SOPs need to be followed , it,s true they are burden up to some extent and even nationalist parties like ANP are talking about their safe return.
Read above - They always had deep roots inside Pakistan - example for me and my tribe which is split equally between Pakistan and Afghanistan and several dozen other such tribes.

My great great great grand dad came to what has now become the federation of Pakistan in 1750 - So, who gets to decide that who is more of a Pakistani - or who needs to be thrown out - you or me?
Pakistan is partly responsible for the country's current situation... Now shrugging their refugees because they didn't chose either US or Pakistans strategic depth philosophy..

Nope they themselves are...... We wanted to be a peaceful neighbor but not them. Dont cherry pick from history. History between Pakistan and afghanistan starts from 1947 not from 1980.
Read above - They always had deep roots inside Pakistan - example for me and my tribe which is split equally between Pakistan and Afghanistan and several dozen other such tribes.

My great great great grand dad came to what has now become the federation of Pakistan in 1750 - So, who gets to decide that who is more of a Pakistani - or who needs to be thrown out - you or me?

Khan Sahib, unless I'm mistaken I do have a vivid recollection of reading somewhere that FATA joined Pakistan under this explicit understanding that because the Tribes were right on top of the border with families falling on either side, they'd be allowed to move about between what would become Pakistan and what was Afghanistan, unhindered !
Obviously, Pakistan cannot afford these refugees. Also, they are treated quite badly. However, since Pakistan put itself in a position where US does not trust is only natural, given Pakistani establishment to either ignore the terrorists or to support them, Pakistan Should stop crying when others come to help....

How... By free to do whatever they want to do.... Free to come and go whenever they want while a Pakistani needs to get a Visa to goto Afghanistan ..... By not paying tax from last 35 years..... By living here and making palaza in Afghanistan....

Yup they live in a misery....
Read above - They always had deep roots inside Pakistan - example for me and my tribe which is split equally between Pakistan and Afghanistan and several dozen other such tribes.

My great great great grand dad came to what has now become the federation of Pakistan in 1750 - So, who gets to decide that who is more of a Pakistani - or who needs to be thrown out - you or me?
yar still most of my family lives in afghanistan , they are afghan ans i am PAKISTANI ................ point under discussion is how to make bulk of them to return back............

Khan Sahib, unless I'm mistaken I do have a vivid recollection of reading somewhere that FATA joined Pakistan under this explicit understanding that because the Tribes were right on top of the border with families falling on either side, they'd be allowed to move about between what would become Pakistan and what was Afghanistan, unhindered !
yep true ............. still there is demarcation now upto quite an extent...........
Khan Sahib, unless I'm mistaken I do have a vivid recollection of reading somewhere that FATA joined Pakistan under this explicit understanding that because the Tribes were right on top of the border with families falling on either side, they'd be allowed to move about between what would become Pakistan and what was Afghanistan, unhindered !
That is correct - Additionally, there were many other clauses to the tribal-act, which mysteriously everyone forgot over the years :D
Those who were born here if apply for citizenship should be awarded by formal procedure including formal Oath taking ceremony and to stay loyal with PAKISTAN. And later if their parent wants can apply too on basis of their childerns being Pakistani.

It will also give some figures how much they hate Pakistan and how badly they are treated here (as in Indians dream world).
That is correct - Additionally, there were many other clauses to the tribal-act, which mysteriously everyone forgot over the years :D

Khan Sahib, to be honest, this sounds like a mess ! I dunno how the People who live right on the border would be able to distinguish between 'Afghanistan' and 'Pakistan' for them, most probably, its a non issue ! They're probably in a world of their own with Pakistan or Afghanistan just being the names of two different administrative jurisdictions with them effectively living side by side just as they have for hundreds of years !
Khan Sahib, to be honest, this sounds like a mess ! I dunno how the People who live right on the border would be able to distinguish between 'Afghanistan' and 'Pakistan' for them, most probably, its a non issue ! They're probably in a world of their own with Pakistan or Afghanistan just being the names of two different administrative jurisdictions with them effectively living side by side just as they have for hundreds of years !
Make hundreds a couple of Millennia. For us Chengiz Khan, Halako Khan, The Romans, The Russians were all but foot notes in our history. Now think where does Pakistan stand in that equation?
Make hundreds a couple of Millennia. For us Chengiz Khan, Halako Khan, The Romans, The Russians were all but foot notes in our history. Now think where does Pakistan stand in that equation?

Yeah but surely with the advent of a 'Pakistan' there ought to be some kind of a paradigmatic shift ? Perhaps for the first time in so many years we had the opportunity to transcend these mundane differences and find unity in a common collective consciousness i.e in being 'Muslims' ! Surely that ought to be more than just a footnote in your history ?
Yeah but surely with the advent of a 'Pakistan' there ought to be some kind of a paradigmatic shift ? Perhaps for the first time in so many years we had the opportunity to transcend these mundane differences and find unity in a common collective consciousness i.e in being 'Muslims' ! Surely that ought to be more than just a footnote in your history ?
Yups. That is exactly what happened. And that's why we settled for the first time in our history and integrated with the rest of Pakistan and called it our home :D Before that, the only thing we knew was to conquer and pillage :D
Yups. That is exactly what happened. And that's why we settled for the first time in our history and integrated with the rest of Pakistan and called it our home :D Before that, the only thing we knew was to conquer and pillage :D

Khan Sahib, whats your take on Jinnah and separately whats your take on Bacha Khan ?
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