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Time Is Up: Millions Of Afghan Refugees In Iran, Pakistan Fear Return To Ba

Oh dear, even the mainstream media says that the proof is given, who verified the proof, you?

how is it so difficult to understand that your proof is just BS..

First you wanted links to reports that proof of involvement of RAW in Baluchistan unrest was indeed provided to India and now you switch your statement once links were provided that the proof was BS. You also asked me who verified the proof but did you verify the fact that proof was indeed provided?

Atleast be man enough and admit the terrorist activities of RAW in Pakistan especially through BLA & TTP.

Hahaha, now now we know how ignorant you are, dude we went to UN got a ban on JUD, do you think the ban was put just because your Army thought that they got too much money and they felt bad not getting a cut?

WTF???? Here we are speaking of official secret services and you bring in some group? Your country has barked so many times that ISI was involved so why did you not take up that matter with UN? Got JuD banned, what about ISI the real culprit as per your Government?

Similarly we never took up the matter of involvement of RAW in terrorist activities with UN. But the day you take up the matter with UN of involvement of ISI, we shall take up the matter of involvement of RAW in terrorism to the UN!

And seriously, if you do not have a proper response, stop wasting my time!

What, did you just brain fart?

Cannot comprehend simple sentences? It is typical.

No your stupid comment which you yourself do not remember

So what was so stupid about it? really?

Coupled with intelligence your memory is also very sharp, nice.

Or maybe, I am average and you quite below due to which I appear sharp of memory and intelligence ;)? I think my deduction is more logical.
First you wanted links to reports that proof of involvement of RAW in Baluchistan unrest was indeed provided to India and now you switch your statement once links were provided that the proof was BS. You also asked me who verified the proof but did you verify the fact that proof was indeed provided?

Atleast be man enough and admit the terrorist activities of RAW in Pakistan especially through BLA & TTP.
This was the whole point of arguing about the proofs, since you believe that we are involved I say the proof you have or given is useless.. You can go on ranting but what you call proof is far from it dude..

WTF???? Here we are speaking of official secret services and you bring in some group? Your country has barked so many times that ISI was involved so why did you not take up that matter with UN? Got JuD banned, what about ISI the real culprit as per your Government?
A terrorist(American Citizen) which was convicted in the 26/11 attacks did mention ISI explicitly and many times Indian courts asked for the voice samples of many of the officers in ISI but then again why will Pakistan give that data.. is it not plain and simple?
Going to UN with proof against a terrorist organization which was being allowed to survive in Pakistan(proof given by India).. How naive can you get...

Similarly we never took up the matter of involvement of RAW in terrorist activities with UN. But the day you take up the matter with UN of involvement of ISI, we shall take up the matter of involvement of RAW in terrorism to the UN!
Man read up
And seriously, if you do not have a proper response, stop wasting my time!

Cannot comprehend simple sentences? It is typical.
Of people like you.

So what was so stupid about it? really?

Or maybe, I am average and you quite below due to which I appear sharp of memory and intelligence ;)? I think my deduction is more logical.

Stupid thing is that you responded to my statement saying this

You are overwhelming me with blogs mate, i dont call them facts maybe your intellect allows you to consider blogs as facts and you think yourself as sensible.. GOI does not want to either give you Kashmiriis nor the land which you guys are more interested in under the subterfuge. I was merely pointing out the idiotic logic which you had displayed with the help of an example.
Original Post By samantk
You mean my logic of sending Afghans back was idiotic? Or was it the acceptance of your suggestion to accept Kashmiris? To a normal Pakistan, neither is idiotic, nor any is unthinkable.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/u-s-de...-pakistan-fear-return-ba-8.html#ixzz1yc1GUnYk

Then I simply posted what stupid meant by your original idiotic statement
That's actually one hell of an idea. they want to help, help by keeping some of the displaced, or perhaps all of them .(You said this about Afghans originally to which I gave the example of Kashmiris without the land)

You dont even get it do you??
This was the whole point of arguing about the proofs, since you believe that we are involved I say the proof you have or given is useless.. You can go on ranting but what you call proof is far from it dude..

You can argue with me as much as you want because you can still call conclusive proof to be useless. Anyway I believe the whole point of providing proof to your Government is to give your Government a chance to control RAW. Acts of terrorism must stop from both sides.

Permanent solution to Kashmir issue and water issues would ensure end of hostilities, I guess. But fact is fact, proof of involvement of RAW was provided to India and proof of involvement of CIA was provided to the US.

A terrorist(American Citizen) which was convicted in the 26/11 attacks did mention ISI explicitly and many times Indian courts asked for the voice samples of many of the officers in ISI but then again why will Pakistan give that data.. is it not plain and simple?
Going to UN with proof against a terrorist organization which was being allowed to survive in Pakistan(proof given by India).. How naive can you get...

Big deal, you also summoned ISI chief but that's not gonna happen right? Although I am sure if your Government ever makes a formal request for such, it would be obliged....if the 'alleged' agent does indeed exist!

By the way, would you send us your agents or RAW chief if they are summoned? Besides, your Government did not even allow us to investigate the Mumbai attacks, neither did they allow us to interrogate Ajmal Kasab.

Stupid thing is that you responded to my statement saying this

Then I simply posted what stupid meant by your original idiotic statement

You dont even get it do you??

It's actually you, who does not get it. Both the things are possible, especially the later one.

Kabul Protests After Iran Cages Afghan Detainees

The Afghan government is protesting Iran's decision to blindfold several Afghans and put them in cages in the center of Shiraz this week.

Nearly two dozen handcuffed Afghan refugees were displayed in a large metal cage. Police also exhibited confiscated items, including weapons, explosives, drugs, alcohol and smuggled soft drinks.

The deputy police chief of Shiraz, Nasser Keshawarz, said the refugees were among some 200 foreign nationals who entered Iran illegally and were arrested. Pictures of the public detention went viral on the internet, drawing outrage from Afghans and human rights activists, and an official diplomatic protest from Kabul.

"Afghanistan's Ministry of Refugees and Returnees strongly condemns this inhumane and humiliating treatment and violation of human dignity of Afghan refugees by the Shiraz city police," the Afghan government said in a statement. "This behavior undoubtedly contradicts Human Rights, the 1951 [Refugee] Convention, and the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, and stands against the bilateral refugee agreements between the two countries."

There was no response from Tehran or on official state-run media.

Criticism of Iran

Mohammad Reza Khoshak, an Afghan parliament member from western Herat province, which borders Iran, denounced the Iranian regime.

"In Shiraz, a city well-known for its poet Saadi, who asks for equality for all humans, my fellow citizens are put in cages and mistreated in a way similar to what militants of the Islamic State do to their prisoners," he told an Afghan newspaper.

Well-known Afghan poet Mustafa Hazara criticized Iran on his Facebook page. "How low a human could go?" he asked. "Look, my Iranian friends, if you travel outside your geographic location [country], you would realize that the value of humans is different than what you think of."

‘Systematic prejudice’

Roughly 3 million Afghans live in Iran. Most of them settled there after fleeing war and conflict in their homeland, and many lack basic rights and live without a formal status. About 950,000 Afghans in Iran are classified as refugees.

Iran has sent thousands of Afghan refugees, mainly ethnic Shi'ite Hazaras, to Syria to fight alongside forces of Hezbollah and Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard forces in support of the Syrian government. Dozens of Afghans have died in the Syrian war.

In his online post, Hazara asked educated Iranians to fight what he termed a systematic prejudice by Iran against Afghan refugees.

In general, Afghans living in Iran try to keep a low profile so as to not anger the regime.

"They [Iranian authorities] are very tough on us, and even one of my colleagues got a threatening message to not talk with foreign media about the incident," Afghan journalist Kazem Sharafuddin told VOA from Mashhad.

The caging of Afghans has angered some Iranians, as well. Former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami's spokesperson, Abdollah Ramezanzadeh, condemned the move.

"We are ashamed before Afghan people, ashamed before humanity," Ramezanzadeh said on his Instagram account.
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