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Time for Shias to leave Pakistan

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just to put some sense into indians and some shia breathens. TTP And all it's sub organizations declared Pakistani sunni men, women and children to be killed. Because we support the infidel system of governance which make us accomplaces. just google it to confirm it.
It is a massacre alright. Sunni extremists, aligned with Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, are killing Shias by the dozens in Pakistan.

I was yet to compile the list of the 106 (mostly Shias) killed in the twin bomb blasts in Quetta last month, that the news of another bomb blast killing yet another 84 (mostly Shias) in Quetta came over the wire. As the Shia massacres in Pakistan gain momentum, the State, including the Superior Courts, appear completely impotent.

In such troubling times some Shias may have a choice. They may sit and wait for a messiah or relocate to a Shia-exclusive enclave elsewhere, or to escape from Pakistan altogether. It may sound harsh, but it is an inescapable truth that Pakistan has been run over by the extremists and life is going to be even tougher for the minorities and moderate Sunnis in the near future.

In the two consecutive months this year, bomb blasts have killed hundreds of Shia Hazaras in Quetta, a Garrison town where each and every street is manned by intelligence operatives. Still, the militants operate with impunity. Saturday’s bomb blast, which has killed over 80 and injured hundreds, occurred almost within a month of the last bomb blast that delivered even a higher death toll.

Space is fast running out in Shia graveyards in Quetta. It may be the time for Shias to relocate to protect their next generation.

Many naively believe that peace will prevail in Pakistan and Afghanistan after the scheduled withdrawal of Nato troops from Afghanistan in 2014. While I vehemently oppose prolonging the stay of the Nato forces in the region, still I believe this would spell even a bigger disaster for the minorities in Pakistan. The battle-hardened veterans of the Afghan war will return to Pakistan to target Shias, Ahmadis, and other religious minorities. Even Barelvis may not escape the wrath of the mostly Deobandi-led militancy.

There are reasons for my pessimism. I saw the same happen in the late nineties when the Afghan war veterans were pushed into Indian-administered Kashmir. The resulting militancy left over 70,000 dead in Kashmir but failed to make any tangible progress towards the resolution of the dispute that has pitched India, Pakistan, and Kashmiris in a deadly decades old conflict.

What looked like a gory beginning of a new millennium in Indian-administered Kashmir, the security landscape however suddenly transformed in 2002 when the militants started to relocate to Pakistan and Afghanistan to join the Pashtun Taliban. The result was a decline in militancy which is evident from the graph below that shows the drop in the number of news reports about militancy in Srinagar starting after 2002.

A spike in militancy in Pakistan however is observed at the same time when militancy subsided in Indian-administered Kashmir. See the graph below that documents the number of civilians and security force personnel who became victims of terrorist violence in Pakistan. Since 2003, Pakistan has been the target of terrorism orchestrated by the very agents who once afforded the state its strategic depth.

Shias and other religious minorities are the most targeted in Pakistan. No city is safe anymore. The past few weeks saw the targeted killing of Shia lawyers, doctors, and other professionals in Peshawar. Shia legislators were shot dead in Pakistan’s largest city, Karachi. While the State is struggling to suppress violence against Shias, the deep-rooted support for militants in society and the inadequate judicial system in Pakistan has created the situation where hardly any terrorist has been convicted of sectarian or other terrorism in Pakistan. In the past few years, several known militants have been set free by the courts because of the archaic judicial system that is incapable of convicting those involved in the modern-day guerilla warfare.

Some, not all, Shias have a choice. They can abandon the death traps in Quetta and Peshawar by relocating to the Shia majority areas in Karachi, Lahore, and other cities. A better option is to plead with the embassies in Islamabad for asylum for the Shia, especially the Hazara, youth.

Seeking asylum abroad may not win the approval of Pakistan’s superior courts, who have recently mocked those who held dual citizenship. However, it is better to be alive in exile than to be splattered on a wall in Pakistan.

Murtaza_Haider-80-newMurtaza Haider,

Time for Shias to leave Pakistan | Blog | DAWN.COM

Terrible news. The foremost important thing is to understand, terrorism have no religion nor it look whether one is Shia or Sunni.
In my opinion even authors should avoid giving this type of heading to an article. It will only spread hatred and fear. Avoid it.
Its not answer but your inability to read the question, Quetta is a Shia majority region and two powerfull bomb blasts within 2 months does poin to Shia being targeted .. As I said the Govt.(Even being a Shia majority) cannot do **** with the state of Police in Pakistan, it is only the PA which can do something but it seems like either they are incompetent or they are involved.. so think again whether Shia Majority matters in the Govt. or not.

Appreciate your take, my mom and dad are shia and sunni respectively..

Shia's are targeted Sunni's are not.. Sunni and Shias are victims of the the general situation in Pakistan but Shia it seems are giving more than their share of situation..

what you fail to understand is the simple thing! IF you deploy the ARMY into Balochistan the bugttis will cry operation operation! hence army CANNOT WALK IN! it wants the Government to legally call it in! so they have a clean sheet to work with!

secondly as to your claim of shias being "targetted" well guess what try explaining this logic of yours to over a 10000s OF SUNNI FAMILES that lost their loved ones in either fighting the TTP and LeJ and all in NWFP or the families of the sunnis that lost their loved ones in bomb blasts and sucide attacks.

you said your parents are both shia and sunni then i guess you clearly CAN tell that there is NO diffrence between them is there?

shias and sunnis have coexisted and married each other since the inception of Pakistan so please be realistic and don't fall in the exact trap that is being laid out for you!
Bogus list. Most Baluchis are patriotic Pakistanis. And mahajirs ?

Listen Genius, I am a so-called Mahajir ( I hate that term because there are no more mahajirs in Pakistan. I was born in Pakistan). I don't feel discriminated in Pakistan. I am a KING in my country. Who told you Mahajirs are victims in Pakistan ?

Mahajirs are the most Patriotic Pakistanis and I have never felt discriminated in Pakistan.

Do you want me to believe this ? OK then I am dalit - a shudra , I are KING of my country and :blah:
just to put some sense into indians and some shia breathens. TTP And all it's sub organizations declared Pakistani sunni men, women and children to be killed. Because we support the infidel system of governance which make us accomplaces. just google it to confirm it.

come on NOW don't say things that indians can't troll about! its to early to exhaust this thread!
I did not know this, are they being targeted too?

Can you give me any links for you claim?

God...You need link...???...Believe you are not linked with your country.
Next time pick up your lazy arse..go to polling station and try to vote for the right person...

Most people either dont vote or vote for the wrong person..
Then complain..

You are not happy with civil government..You are not happy with Military rule..

What exactly do you want?

Resident Pakistanis are the most confused humans on the planet..some to the level of insane.

That is big talk coming from some one who sees his country from a screen while sitting comfortably in UK and pretends to be all patriotic on internet.:rofl:
How do you know if i cast my vote or not? you seen that on your screen too? :woot:
Whether resident Pakistanis are insane or sane, but what they are not, are deserters like you 'Gora Wanna bees'. The thread is about Shias pogrom in Pakistan, at least show some reverence for the departed.....But that is too much to ask from the likes of you.
Do you want me to believe this ? OK then I am dalit - a shudra , I are KING of my country and :blah:

You can believe what you want. You are also an ignorant man who has never been to Pakistan and have no basis in facts. You just listened to your biased and one sided media and press and think you know something about Pakistan. You don;t know squat so stay in the state of denial and ignorance because as they say ignorance is bliss.

Your ignorance is amply depicted by your compoarison of Mahajirs and Dalits. Mahajirs are amongst the highest educated and most prosperous segment of Pakistani society. Dalits are the lowest rung of Indian society. somehow I get the sense that you are not the sharpest tool in the tool box.
I know you are a shameless and pathetic TROLL, but the Shias of Pakistan created Pakistan. This is their country and they are not going anywhere. Instead we Sunnis and Shias of Pakistan will reeremain UNITED and go after the Extremist together. We have to clean up Pakistan of these Extremist Pests and cockroaches ( SPP and LEJ ).

Yeah, Thats what ideally should happen, the LEJs, SPPs and talibunnies should be exterminated using highest quality baygon spray i e a bullet in between eyes.
But somehow its not happening in Pakistan for last 10 years. May be you know the reasons, why their are no mass protest in Pakistan for 200s of shias killed in quetta while there are mass protests for 5-10 people killed in palestine?

Most important how many palestinies, arabians and iranians came on road to protest killings in Pakistan?

Division of country along religious lines and ethnic lines is not entirely new concept in our subcontinent.
The message is, if two brothers cannot live together in a house, better to establish separate homes and develop and educate next generations and live peacefully.

who said that we dn't want to live with our shia brothers .......yeah maybe you are right but the question is that who is creating misundersatnding between us ofcourse some third party and definitely they are not from us means they even not sunni or shia
if someone is willing to destroy our homeland thn thats not mean we will divide our land into pieces we should become more united and fight them.
Yes by conservative estimates, two Dalits are killed DAILY as a sport by the Brahmins.

I am an Indian and I am coming form a Brahman family... I never saw or I did anything as such what you claim...But I love to kill you dude.... :D
what you fail to understand is the simple thing! IF you deploy the ARMY into Balochistan the bugttis will cry operation operation! hence army CANNOT WALK IN! it wants the Government to legally call it in! so they have a clean sheet to work with!

Looks like they have a reason for everything eh.. wonder why the army did what it did for years illegally!
secondly as to your claim of shias being "targetted" well guess what try explaining this logic of yours to over a 10000s OF SUNNI FAMILES that lost their loved ones in either fighting the TTP and LeJ and all in NWFP or the families of the sunnis that lost their loved ones in bomb blasts and sucide attacks.
Oh I do not deny that many are dying but a minority is where we fail all the time.. I read somewhere that Pakistan did agree that lot of Pakistani Hindus did migrate to India, is it not shameful for our country? What choice they have when the Shia majority govt. itself and the army cannot offer them help.. They are not soldiers to be a man as you expect the army to be. They will get frustrated and I pray to god it does not happen..

you said your parents are both shia and sunni then i guess you clearly CAN tell that there is NO diffrence between them is there?
I was never taught any and I was not taught about Ahmadiyas too, what is your point?

shias and sunnis have coexisted and married each other since the inception of Pakistan so please be realistic and don't fall in the exact trap that is being laid out for you!
I think it is you who are already trapped by hearing such news over and over again, it has desensitized you.. Can't blame you..
Few dys before a Wahibi is died in our city by a shia because he was protesting against the inappropriate act of shias for Sahabah.. But it dosen't mean that we or they are not living here with peace..While community s not respnsble for few people's act neither it means that one should start killing one another .......
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