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Tibetan freedom movement will succeed:Lobsang Sangay.

He is a Chinese.
oye koyee nahi he is oppressed in his native country and also in his country of residence so buy one get one free dollar store type offer i'm giving him...................:rofl:
It is a noble aim - to free the poor Chinese from the tyranny of their communist masters. Unfortunately, they have developed Stockholm Syndrome as a society - perhaps the term itself should be changed to Peking Syndrome.

Don't you think it is even nobler for you to relieve your children from starved to death?

Let them enjoy their "tyranny" where their people are free from worries of starvation, education and are free to live, and stop bring them into your Indian type of freedom: religious suppression, communal violence, child starvation, human illiteracy, official corruption, ...
Don't you think it is even nobler for you to relieve your children from starved to death?

Let them enjoy their "tyranny" where their people are free from worries of starvation, education and are free to live, and stop bring them into your Indian type of freedom: religious suppression, communal violence, child starvation, human illiteracy, official corruption, ...
So the origin of the commentator determines the type of freedom available.

Got it.
China will fall from its inside . As it is now. its Strong and the political system is strong and ppl oriented. But Corruption and power is rotting it . with time either it will adopt democracy or will reform from inside the system itself....but all this wont happen in this century

Lucky you are Chinese history illiterate, otherwise you would be horrified to know that China has been broken numerous times in history. Each time it broke apart, it reunified. And it reunified with bigger territory.

Next time if China breaks and reunifies again, Southern Tibet, 7 sisters, etc. will be China's new territory.
Ha ha ha ha, you think that you have qualified as an Indian, to say something like this?

Is there a qualification criteria? Or are you typing gibberish again?

Obvious your anti-China mentality skewed your definition of "fact", and twisted your brain in such a blatant way.

The truthful fact is that Seventeen Point Agreement for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet agreed between Tibetan local authorities and central government laid legal foundation that Tibet is an autonomous region of China.

LOL! It has nothing to do with an outsider called India. Zero!

Tibetans today are free to believe what they want to, and they are free to believe or not to believe. Their GDP is many times higher than India's.

Only shameless goons living in a country where religious violence and persecution are daily life and poverty is many times higher than Tibetans' would recklessly pointing fingers to Tibet where either living standard or religious freedom are many times higher.

Telling you in the face, the world doesn't see millions children starved to death every year in Tibet but does see that in India.

I don't see Indians seeking refuge in Tibet. But I do so see Tibetans seeking refuge in India. Clearly they prefer poverty struck India to paved-with-gold China. Why do they do that?

Don't you think it is even nobler for you to relieve your children from starved to death?

Let them enjoy their "tyranny" where their people are free from worries of starvation, education and are free to live, and stop bring them into your Indian type of freedom: religious suppression, communal violence, child starvation, human illiteracy, official corruption, ...

Once again, if they do enjoy such a grand standard of living and are free to practice their faith without fear why do they come in droves into our country? Why establish a Government-in-exile here? Of course, we would much rather spend our meagre resources on the upliftment of our own citizens. But if people come to our nation for help because they suffer from persecution, we will not turn them down.
Is there a qualification criteria? Or are you typing gibberish again?

Qualification criteria?By any qualification criteria, China is much better than India, so, I want to know how you describe India, can you tell me?

Once again, if they do enjoy such a grand standard of living and are free to practice their faith without fear why do they come in droves into our country? Why establish a Government-in-exile here? Of course, we would much rather spend our meagre resources on the upliftment of our own citizens. But if people come to our nation for help because they suffer from persecution, we will not turn them down.

They Slavery religion, India good at brainwashing your people, the so-called "like-minded" satisfied?
I don't see Indians seeking refuge in Tibet. But I do so see Tibetans seeking refuge in India. Clearly they prefer poverty struck India to paved-with-gold China. Why do they do that?

why the Indians did not fight for racial system? Can you find the same reasons from it.

I think it's because the Indians are evil, for example, support for the slave owners, until today, is still willing to accept the racial system, so they know how to use various distortions means slaves continue to be subject to slaveholders.In my opinion, it may be the truth.
Alternatively, it is also the relationship and the mental state of the Indians, you know, I'm really surprised that the Indians are so satisfied with their country.In any case, the Chinese people must not tolerate it, Indians tolerance is really strong, when I saw some Indians like you, I had some mixed feelings.
Isn't this about the so-called tibetian freedom movement???

Well, those so-called freedom fighters can either burn themselves to death, or jump from the cliffs or give themselves a bullet or whatever way they want to choose to be dead.

They can dream about success when they are dead.
Here is funny part from some insane Indians:

An insane Indian: your Tibet policy svcks. Set them free.

A sane person: Tibetans are free to believe or not to believe, to believe what to believe. They are free from starvation and poverty unlike India where religious violence and prosecution happens on daily basis and millions of children die of huger every year. Tibet GDP is many times higher than your India's.

The insane Indian: "India should not be the standard for you guys. Please aim much higher - India is an extremely poor nation."

The sane person: WTF! Why don't you fix your own @ss before you pointing your f!lthy finger to other people. LOL! You are penniless and you laugh at a person with only million dollar and say he's a pauper?

The insane Indian: you don't know our Indian logic. We Indians always "aim for the living standard of Western Europe or North America" though we have millions die of starvation. Don't you heard our PM Singh said once: in 4 years world forgets Shanghai, talks only Mumbai? Though many 4 years past Shanghai is still shinier than Mumbai, but do you understand our Indian logic? Vee the Indians!

The sane person is speechless and the insane Indian wins with poverty, starvation, illiteracy, religious violence, corruption, and no real freedom.


To fix your hopeless Indian logic: there was a regime change in China and ROC did not dispatch the army to Tibet whereas PRC needed Tibetans to agree for that. Unlike Indians, without any agreement they would occupy Goa, Hyderabad, Kashmir...

Here is funny part from some CCP zombie liars:

Indian: your Tibet policy svcks. Set them free.

CCP zombie liar: Tibetans are free to believe or not to believe, to believe what to believe. They are free from starvation and poverty unlike India where religious violence and prosecution happens on daily basis and millions of children die of huger every year. Tibet GDP is many times higher than your India's.

Indian : Show me statistics for millions of children die of huger every year,
Show me proof that Tibet GDP is many times higher than your India's.
I have proof that as of 2011, 1.696 million children died as per UN child mortality report 2011


*CCP zombie liar refers to red book - no info found - hence runaway * :rofl:

Indian: "India should not be the standard for you guys. Please aim much higher - India is an extremely poor nation."

CCP zombie liar : WTF! Why don't you fix your own @ss before you pointing your f!lthy finger to other people. LOL! You are penniless and you laugh at a person with only million dollar and say he's a pauper?

Indian : CCP zombie liar, its not Indian refuges poring into China.

CCP zombie liar : you don't know our Indian logic. We Indians always "aim for the living standard of Western Europe or North America" though we have millions die of starvation. Don't you heard our PM Singh said once: in 4 years world forgets Shanghai, talks only Mumbai? Though many 4 years past Shanghai is still shinier than Mumbai, but do you understand our Indian logic? Vee the Indians!

Indian : Show me statictisc or proof that we have millions die of starvation in India?

*CCP zombie liar refers to red book - no info found - hence runaway * :rofl:

The Indian is speechless as the CCP zombie liar wins the brainwashed zombie of year award as well as platinum medal in corruption:

Top 10 countries with the highest measured cumulative illicit financial outflows between 2000 and 2009 were:

China: $2.74 trillion
Mexico: $504 billion
Russia: $501 billon
Saudi Arabia: $380 billion
Malaysia: $350 billion
United Arab Emirates: $296 billion
Kuwait: $271 billion
Nigeria: $182 billion
Venezuela: $179 billion
Qatar: $130 billion

Global Financial Integrity - Reports - Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries Over the Decade Ending 2009 - Overview


To fix your hopeless Indian logic: there was a regime change in China and ROC did not dispatch the army to Tibet whereas PRC needed Tibetans to agree for that. Unlike Indians, without any agreement they would occupy Goa, Hyderabad, Kashmir...

There was plebiscite held in Hyderabad, there was no reason in Goa to do so, for Kashmir at least India allowed polls to see how many Kashmirs wish to join India.

In contrast PRC went and gave brilliant benefits to Tibetans starting with ethnic-dilution by injecting alien ethnic groups later some destroying Tibetan culture during cultural revolution.

A simple question to whcih the CCP zombie liar will run away faster than Usain bolt : "show me how many Tibetians consider themselves as Chinese citizens"? :lol:

I can post the voter turnout of every Indian state, even those having session movements, indicating how many wish to be Indian.

I don't see Indians seeking refuge in Tibet. But I do so see Tibetans seeking refuge in India. Clearly they prefer poverty struck India to paved-with-gold China. Why do they do that?

As some Pakistanis differentiate : Good Taliban and the Bad Taliban.

We"ll soon see definitions of Good Tibetan and Bad Tibetans :lol:

Next time if China breaks and reunifies again, Southern Tibet, 7 sisters, etc. will be China's new territory.

Why just 7 sisters , why not Vietnam, Mongolia as your fellow CCP zombies claim? :rofl:

and Taiwan will feel so lonely :lol:
China truly has lot to learn from the west, especially the US.

If George W Bush was to deal with tibet issue,

1, Issue license to open casinos to all tibetans.

2, Dalai lama declared as terrorist. declare war on terror on whichever government wants to stash him. send out CIA hit squad the meantime. :smokin:
Qualification criteria?By any qualification criteria, China is much better than India, so, I want to know how you describe India, can you tell me?

They Slavery religion, India good at brainwashing your people, the so-called "like-minded" satisfied?

Yoda - the force is with you. But I can't decipher your lingo. What are you trying to say? Type it in Chinese and then let some other Chinese dude translate.
Dalai Lama sees "encouraging signs" of shift in China

(Reuters) - There are encouraging signs that attitudes towards Tibet are shifting in China, the Dalai Lama said on Wednesday, adding that the exiled Tibetan leadership is ready for fresh talks on his homeland if there was a genuine change of heart in Beijing.

"I can't say for definite, but according to many Chinese friends, they say the new, coming leadership seems more lenient," the Dalai Lama, 77. "If their side ... for their own interest are thinking more realistically we are ready for full cooperation with them.. If their side ... for their own interest are thinking more realistically we are ready for full cooperation with them." These are very, very encouraging signs," he said. "No formal talks, but there are sort of signs among the Chinese officials or top leaders."

The Dalai Lama has refrained from calling for a halt to the self-immolations.

"I will not give encouragement to these acts, these drastic actions, but it is understandable and indeed very, very sad," he said. "Now the Chinese government, they should investigate what are the real causes. They can easily blame me or some Tibetans but that won't help solve the problem."

full story>Dalai Lama sees encouraging signs of shift in China | Reuters

Instead of solving problems, the self immolation create them and it's in his power to stop them so why doesn't he stop them in good faith if he wants negotiations with the government.
And China answers.......

Beijing to stick to Tibet approach

A senior official denied Thursday that China would adopt a new approach to the Tibet issue, in response to the Dalai Lama's reported claim that he had seen "encouraging signs" in China's attitude toward Tibet.

Xu Zhitao, an official with The United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, denied any such recent visits, adding that there would not be any negotiations at least until the end of the year.

"China will continue to be flexible with the Dalai Lama, but it seems that no result will come out if he does not change his attitude toward some fundamental issues," said Xu. "The so-called autonomy of Tibet the Dalai Lama claims to be seeking is actually the independence of Tibet, which is definitely forbidden,"

full story>Beijing to stick to Tibet approach - Globaltimes.cn
"China will continue to be flexible with the Dalai Lama, but it seems that no result will come out if he does not change his attitude toward some fundamental issues," said Xu. "The so-called autonomy of Tibet the Dalai Lama claims to be seeking is actually the independence of Tibet, which is definitely forbidden,"[/B]

full story>Beijing to stick to Tibet approach - Globaltimes.cn

a tibetan can live prosperously insofar as she recognizes the chinese right to her life. this has always been the fundamental issue of contention. this has always been a juridico-political issue. all other stuff about cultural, economic, religious privileges and autonomy are just smokescreen by the lamaists.

now, this chinese power to (take) tibetan life is always there but may or may not be exercised. this potentate is always a potentiality; that is to say, chinese can exercise this power at any point we choose. conversely, however, this potentiality is always the potentate; that is to say, as long as chinese can always potentially exercise our sovereign right (to kill) over the tibetans, we can be made content and may never bother to actually exercise that power. it is nearly always the case that only when a sovereign's rights are challenged is he compelled to kill. else, the potentate is a mere potentiality and always tries to stay that way. the actual killing splits that which is potent and that which is potential; it is this split that spills most blood in humankind’s political history. the necessity of chinese destruction of tibetan lives is the unfortunate consequence of the tibetan's effort to weaken our hold on their lives when the tibetans should have realized that it is this firm chinese hold on their lives that make the latter possible and shielded in the first place from the chinese potency/power to kill.

the tibetans brought this upon themselves.
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