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Three Killed In Ecuador's 2nd HAL Dhruv Crash

how can they. the investigation is not done till now. not every govt. manipulates media like ccp.

And India is the other way around, the media manipulate the gov.

The ALH is in use in 9 countries around the world, last time it was pilot error that's all one can say until a full and proper report is out. But one needs only remember the sh!t that came out the last time one of Ecuador's ALHs crashed and the BS that was spouted- Pak media even tried to make out that the Ecuadorians were trying to return the ALHs to HAL which turned out to be utter baloney.

I thought ALH is build with components from 9 countries around the world with the final assembly of "made in India" label on it.

Do you know, India has all the theoretical science and technology to develop that, we are self sufficient in the knowledge of science. Only the industry to make these part is not in India and that is due to lack of funding. You need to read Economics 101 and do research on IIT and IIsc.

Do you know why China and Japan and Korea Taiwan are ahead in Semiconductor and embedded circuits because the weather there permits it. You cannot develop chips and embedded circuits any where, you need the climate. If you had studied electronic to depth, you would know.

India only lacks in funding of heavy industry, we have the science though!

You need to have some information about engineering and science before you start quoting like that.

you people make me laughf, your al ahlid is indigenous even when everything is imported from outside..... but indian don't?

As for you:-
A) Multi functional Cockpit display is now made in india with Indian company
B) mission computer is designed and developed in India.

Quote from HAL Chief:"
But HAL chief, Ashok Nayak, and his helicopter chief, Soundara Rajan, point out that indigenisation does not mean building every component of an aircraft. Citing the example of the Dhruv’s HAL-built mission computer, Soundara Rajan asks whether the imported microchips inside make the mission computer any less indigenous. He sums up HAL’s helicopter strategy as follows: “We will design our helicopters; develop the critical technologies of helicopter transmissions; manufacture composites; and integrate and assemble the helicopter. We will outsource the manufacture of sub-assemblies and components and structures to any vendor on the globe that offers us cost-effective solutions.”

Like Chinese JF-17/ Jxx etc etc indigenous but run of foreign engines;)
Do you know, India has all the theoretical science and technology to develop that, we are self sufficient in the knowledge of science. Only the industry to make these part is not in India and that is due to lack of funding. You need to read Economics 101 and do research on IIT and IIsc.

Do you know why China and Japan and Korea Taiwan are ahead in Semiconductor and embedded circuits because the weather there permits it. You cannot develop chips and embedded circuits any where, you need the climate. If you had studied electronic to depth, you would know.

India only lacks in funding of heavy industry, we have the science though!

You need to have some information about engineering and science before you start quoting like that.
Very interesting theory, hehe!
You india are self sufficient in the knowledge of science? From this I can say your knowledge is not encough, have you enter into or work for factory? enter into factory first, if you want know more, go to lab, check the equipment, tester and others of manufacturing.

You said because of climate of indian, so your semiconductor suck, don't think reading some book, you know all, you know little!
you people make me laughf, your al ahlid is indigenous even when everything is imported from outside..... but indian don't?

As for you:-
A) Multi functional Cockpit display is now made in india with Indian company
B) mission computer is designed and developed in India.

Quote from HAL Chief:"
But HAL chief, Ashok Nayak, and his helicopter chief, Soundara Rajan, point out that indigenisation does not mean building every component of an aircraft. Citing the example of the Dhruv’s HAL-built mission computer, Soundara Rajan asks whether the imported microchips inside make the mission computer any less indigenous. He sums up HAL’s helicopter strategy as follows: “We will design our helicopters; develop the critical technologies of helicopter transmissions; manufacture composites; and integrate and assemble the helicopter. We will outsource the manufacture of sub-assemblies and components and structures to any vendor on the globe that offers us cost-effective solutions.”

Like Chinese JF-17/ Jxx etc etc indigenous but run of foreign engines;)

Even Airbus / Boing / US Sleath F-X / JSF etc use outside component , dose that make it less indigenous.?

Very interesting theory, hehe!
You india are self sufficient in the knowledge of science? From this I can say your knowledge is not encough, have you enter into or work for factory? enter into factory first, if you want know more, go to lab, check the equipment, tester and others of manufacturing.

You said because of climate of indian, so your semiconductor suck, don't think reading some book, you know all, you know little!

Well... before Indian Indian govt , didn't allowed so called chip manufated company to make Semi conductors in india. Now Tiwan 30 companies set up semi conductor making Facility in India, Apart form that ST/ Intel also setup shop in india.
Well... before Indian Indian govt , didn't allowed so called chip manufated company to make Semi conductors in india. Now Tiwan 30 companies set up semi conductor making Facility in India, Apart form that ST/ Intel also setup shop in india.
So indian semiconductor suck is because of indian government, not indian climate?

Stupidity & Hypocrisy at its very best...

1.Design is german? It was designed in India,in collaboration with MBB and tested (both ground tested & flight testing ) in India itself

The Government of India entered into a collaboration agreement
with Messerschmitt Bolkow Blohm (MBB) - West Germany, in July 1984 for design,
development and establishment of production facilities of ALH.

The Article never mentions Indian inputs in Design,Analysis (Crash Analysis,Stress Analysys,FEM&FEA) ,Or the testing done by Indian Engineers ( Flight tests,Ground Tests-Vibration analysis,Fatigue and Endurance Tests,test of components like IDS,Gearbox) .This is why I said this article is hypocrisy at its very best



Engine is Indo French co-developed Shakti now-No mention of this in the article.

For its first application, the Dhruv, a first engine variant christened the Ardiden 1H1 (or "Shakti" in India), offering a power of 1,400 shp, is jointly developed and producted with HAL.

Turbomeca - Ardiden

3.Self-Defense system is foreign?What is brought,is the MAWS sensors that are a part of Indian developed Multi Sensor Warning System used in Dhruv


This is why I said the article is hypocrisy at its very best - They mentioned about import of MAWS sensors but forgot Indigenous development of much advanced Multi Sensor Warning System ,of which the sensor is a part of??

4.fuel tanks, floatation equipment and related gaskets and seals for the ALH are now manufactured locally (article itself states it )

5.MFDs are now manufactured Indigenously.And Israeli Avionics are not a part of every Dhruv,Customer can chose between Indian & Israeli Avionics.This is a fact most of us are well aware of.

HAL also offer the Dhruv with their own avionics package for customers who do not opt for the Israeli one.

Aero India 2003 - Part 6

6.The Guns & Rocket Launcher are not a part of Dhruv,they are for Rudra helicopter.
I guess S 70 Battlehawk is not American,as it uses the same THL 20 gun..Agusta A129 /TAI T-129 is not Indigenous because it uses American M197 Gatling gun..

And these guys forgot about Indigenous ATGM Helina used on Rudra?-Hypocrisy again..


7.AVCS is not present in all Dhruvs,it is a recent addition.

Now The Article overlooks many Indian Achievements...

1.The Co-development ,Indigenous Testing & establishment of production facilities for ALH



2.Shakthi Engine Co development

Indian Army and Air force wanted engines with power higher than TM333-2B2 for
Dhruv helicopters. An agreement was signed with M/s Turbomeca, France in 2002 for the
Co –development of Shakti engine ETBRDC was entrusted with the design and supply of
the oil pumps, oil cooling system, the filter unit and the external dressing
. Engineers of
ETBRDC also took part in casing modelling, rotor dynamics and stress analysis at
Turbomeca, France.
3. Integrated Dynamic System


4.Flight Control System


Audit observed that the collaboration agreement was not extended beyond 1995. At that
time, certain systems like Anti Resonance vibration Isolation System (ARIS), Automatic
flight Control system (AFCS), Retractable Landing Gear, etc., were yet to be developed,
validated and integrated.
This resulted in postponement of the plan to establish
production facilities
. As a result, five prototypes of the basic versions which were to be
certified by 1994 as per PPR were actually flight tested and certified for Military version
in March 2002 and for Civil version in October 2003.

5.SV 2000 RADAR

6. Multi Sensor Warning System

7.KITE ESM (Electronic Support Measures) system

8.Mihir Dunking Sonar



@gslv mk3

Rest in peace.

Thats no good...I was expecting a statement like ''LCH cancelled program'' ''LRSAM cancelled program'' ''More Mushaks are in service with Pak n foriegn countries than all Indian made aircraft combined''.......:omghaha::omghaha:
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Very interesting theory, hehe!
You india are self sufficient in the knowledge of science? From this I can say your knowledge is not encough, have you enter into or work for factory? enter into factory first, if you want know more, go to lab, check the equipment, tester and others of manufacturing.

You said because of climate of indian, so your semiconductor suck, don't think reading some book, you know all, you know little!

Manufacturing is different and research is different. Manufacturing is done in Industries, research is done in Universities.

I did not say the semiconductor sucks, I said it is costly to make chips, because for that you need FAB which costs Billion dollars and the chip price will go high where as same chip will cost less in Japan or Taiwan.
Manufacturing is different and research is different. Manufacturing is done in Industries, research is done in Universities.

I did not say the semiconductor sucks, I said it is costly to make chips, because for that you need FAB which costs Billion dollars and the chip price will go high where as same chip will cost less in Japan or Taiwan.
In universities, the research is always basic research, very important, but factory, company also have research, Some basic knowledge is known by most of people, but you think that's enough for manufactoring, you are difinitely wrong, do you know, manufacturing one good, not the flow of all factories are same, the parameters also different, all this need be researched and experimented, you say you indian know all the knowledge about manufacturing Semiconductors, just because of Indian climate and Money problem, so you lag behind, you talk too big, and you too self-righteous.

dude get into a University take electronics and then debate.
hehe, My major in University is not electronics, but I had got into several semiconductor factories, electronics need harsh condition, the environment, but all electronics factory will built the special room for manufactruing, not all processes need it, it for some specail processes, the environment can be changed by modern equipment!

Indian climate is not best for semiconductors, but not the determinant, even can be said not the one factor, Indian is huge, not the place that climate similar with China, Japan, SK?
After reading some so-called specilized book, you think you are expert, know the real reason that you suck in semiconductor, very rediculous, now, teach other, that's indian charactors, self-righteous.

Expert, below is another question, why indian machinery industry suck(I my eyes, most industries domains in india suck)? With 5 Why methods.
why indian machinery industry suck?<-----Why?<————Why?<---------Why?<--------Why
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In universities, the research is always basic research, very important, but factory, company also have research, Some basic knowledge is known by most of people, but you think that's enough for manufactoring, you are difinitely wrong, do you know, manufacturing one good, not the flow of all factories are same, the parameters also different, all this need be researched and experimented, you say you indian know all the knowledge about manufacturing Semiconductors, just because of Indian climate and Money problem, so you lag behind, you talk too big, and you too self-righteous.

hehe, My major in University is not electronics, but I had got into several semiconductor factories, electronics need harsh condition, the environment, but all electronics factory will built the special room for manufactruing, not all processes need it, it for some specail processes, the environment can be changed by modern equipment!

Indian climate is not best for semiconductors, but not the determinant, even can be said not the one factor, Indian is huge, not the place that climate similar with China, Japan, SK?
After reading some so-called specilized book, you think you are expert, know the real reason that you suck in semiconductor, very rediculous, now, teach other, that's indian charactors, self-righteous.

Expert, below is another question, why indian machinery industry suck(I my eyes, most industries domains in india suck)? With 5 Why methods.
why indian machinery industry suck?<-----Why?<————Why?<---------Why?<--------Why

1. Companies do most of the research to modify the existing equipment by using tools and they do not develop technology unless until it is a biotech industry. India has very good research profile in electronics, even I am amazed after reading the papers published by Phd Students and Master thesis guys in electronics and material sciences.

2. I am repeatedly saying that manufacturing needs industry which requires funding, and that lacks in India. So do not discuss on it.

3. In India if you develop a semiconductor you need a huge FAB, which is a part of manufacturing. We already know the processes of manufacturing.

4. Please do not debate unnecessarily.
So indian semiconductor suck is because of indian government, not indian climate?

Well Indian Govt policies / economics the strategic Chips is being made in India by govt controlled labs and which India don't make the companies can only use JAPAN made chips and other countries are banned.

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