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Three attacks in Lahore - Attackers killed, Hostages Rescued, Operation Successful!

NO NO NO NO its NOt Talibans its India we will stick with that till its our turn :hitwall::hitwall:

if you want to be in dark that your problem.
i think that picture clearly explain your.
TTP is behind these attacks but can you explain over night how come they be so organize to attack such well plan attack.

today blast on police station in Peshawar show that there is clearly RAW and mostly CIA behind because of not sign the bill.
Taliban and Al-Qaeeda are friendly to india and US. They are only enimies of Pakistan.

What about recent indian buildup on borders and your history of invading Pakistan in such situations?

that my point
and US do n t want to destroy them both TTP and Al-Qaeeda. if they want they can long time a go in 2003 to 2005 when they got the upper hand . but they were to busy killing Iraqi and Afghanistan freedom fighters which they had nothing to do with Al-Qaeeda.
Read here another spate of attacks by all the terrorist groups combined.


Pakistan Attacks Show Tightening of Militant Links
Published: October 15, 2009

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A wave of attacks against top security installations over the last several days demonstrated that the Taliban, Al Qaeda and militant groups once nurtured by the government are tightening an alliance aimed at bringing down the Pakistani state, government officials and analysts said.

More than 30 people were killed Thursday in Lahore, the second largest city in Pakistan, as three teams of militants assaulted two police training centers and a federal investigations building. The dead included 19 police officers and at least 11 militants, police officials said.

Nine others were killed in two attacks at a police station in Kohat, in the northwest, and a residential complex in Peshawar, capital of North-West Frontier Province.

The assaults in Lahore, coming after a 20-hour siege at the army headquarters in Rawalpindi last weekend, showed the deepening reach of the militant network, as well as its rising sophistication and inside knowledge of the security forces, officials and analysts said.

The umbrella group for the Pakistani Taliban, Tehrik-e-Taliban, claimed responsibility for the attacks in Lahore, the independent television news channel Geo reported on its Web site.

But the style of the attacks also revealed the closer ties between the Taliban and Al Qaeda and what are known as jihadi groups, which operate out of southern Punjab, the country’s largest province, analysts said. The cooperation has made the militant threat to Pakistan more potent and insidious than ever, they said.

The government has tolerated the Punjabi groups, including Jaish-e-Muhammad and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, for years, and many Pakistanis consider them allies in just causes, including fighting India, the United States and Shiite Muslims. But they have become entwined with the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and have increasingly turned on the state.

The alliance has now stepped up attacks as the military prepares an assault on the Taliban stronghold of South Waziristan, where senior members of the Punjabi groups also find sanctuary and support.

“These are all Punjabi groups with a link to South Waziristan,” Aftab Ahmed Sherpao, a former interior minister, said, explaining the recent attacks.

In a rare acknowledgment of the lethal combination of forces, Interior Minister Rehman Malik said that a “syndicate” of militant groups wanted to see “Pakistan as a failed state.”

“The banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, Jaish-e-Muhammad, Al Qaeda and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi are operating jointly in Pakistan,” Mr. Malik told journalists, pledging a more effective counterstrategy.

In Washington, senior intelligence officials said the multiple coordinated attacks were a characteristic of operations influenced by Al Qaeda. But the officials said they were still sifting through intelligence reports to determine whether the attacks indeed marked an attempt by Al Qaeda to assert more influence over the Pakistani Taliban’s operations.

They said the assaults also might have been orchestrated by the Taliban to avenge the death of Baitullah Mehsud, the Pakistani Taliban leader, and send a stark message that the insurgents could still carry out daring attacks without him.

The fresh violence highlights the expanding challenges as the Obama administration tries to bolster Pakistan’s civilian government and encourage the military to press its campaign against the Taliban.

On Thursday, President Obama signed a civilian aid package for Pakistan of $7.5 billion over five years. The package has prompted friction over conditions for the aid — like greater civilian oversight of the military and demands that Pakistan drop support for militant groups — which army officers and politicians considered infringements on Pakistan’s sovereignty.

The White House issued a statement on Thursday noting the shared interests of the countries. However, in a sign of scant sympathy for the unappreciative reaction to the money, there was no signing ceremony.

The rise in more penetrating terrorist attacks may now add its own pressure on the Pakistani government to crack down on the Punjabi militants. It is time for the government to come out in public and explain the nature of the enemy, said Khalid Aziz, a former chief secretary of North-West Frontier Province.

“The national narrative in support of jihad has confused the Pakistani mind,” Mr. Aziz said. “All along we’ve been saying these people are trying to fight a war of Islam, but there is a need for transforming the national narrative.”

The jihadi groups were formally banned by the former president, Pervez Musharraf, after the Sept. 11 attacks, when Pakistan joined the United States in the campaign against terrorism.

But the groups have entrenched domestic and political constituencies, as well as shadowy ties to former military officials and their families, analysts said. Even since the ban, they have been allowed to operate in Punjab, often in the open.

Mourners in Lahore viewed the coffins of policemen killed at two police academies and a federal investigations building. More Photos >
Punjab is the major recruiting center for the Pakistani Army and it hosts more army divisions than any other province. Yet “these groups proliferate and operate with impunity, literally under the nose of Pakistan’s army,” said Christine Fair, assistant professor at the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University.

A large congregation of jihadi groups, including Jaish-e-Mohammad and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, met six months ago in Rawalpindi, the city where the army headquarters was attacked last Saturday, said Mr. Sherpao, the former interior minister.

The nature of the Lahore attacks drove home the point that the “war has come to Punjab,” and that the government can no longer hide the alliance between the Taliban in South Waziristan and the forces in Southern Punjab, said Zaffar Abbas, a prominent journalist at the English-language newspaper Dawn.

Until the people are told the real situation, the government will never win the support of the people “to fight this bloody war,” Mr. Abbas said.

In fact, many Pakistanis do not see the jihadi groups as the enemy, said Farrukh Saleem, the executive director for the Center for Research and Security Studies in Islamabad. “They feel America is in the region and the Pakistani Army is fighting for an American army and the jihadis have a right to retaliate,” he said.

The senior personnel in the security forces seem to understand the gravity of the militants’ strength and the durability of their network, Mr. Saleem said. But they cannot bring themselves to say publicly that those whom they created are coming back to bite them, he said.

The ringleader of the assault on the army headquarters on Saturday, identified as Muhammad Aqeel, was a member of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, according to the military spokesman, Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas. Mr. Aqeel, who was captured alive, is also a former soldier in the Army Medical Corps, a background that appeared to have helped in planning the attack.

Two of the facilities attacked in and near Lahore on Thursday — the six-story building of the federal investigations agency, and a police training unit in the suburb of Manawan — were hit by militants in deadly assaults in 2008 and earlier this year.

The coordination of the attacks by three teams between 9 and 10 a.m. startled police officials as they scrambled to send commandos to each of the sites.

The raid on the headquarters of the Punjab elite police training school was seen as particularly insulting because its graduates, trained in counterterrorism techniques, are considered the pride of the province.

Five militants scaled a wall of the elite training school, where more than 800 recruits had just started classes, said Maj. Gen. Shafqat Ahmed, the officer commanding security forces in Lahore.

Six police officers were killed and seven were wounded in a gun battle that lasted more than two hours, police officials said. All five of the attackers were killed, they said.
Mr.AnGrz_Z_K_Jailer, no one forced you to come here. India is supporting terrorism in Pakistan. There are RAW agents embedded in Indian Telecommunication companies. The dynamite previously used to attack ISI Offices in Lahore was traced back to Indian Road Construction Companies in Afghanistan. It matched the same dynamite that Indian companies are using to blast rocks for building roads. Mr. Indian there are many double agents who get trained by RAW, but RAW is not smart enough to know that they can also go and disclose all of the covert oops info. Even Indian Embassy in Kabul is used for covert oops. India will have to pay a heavy price in the coming future.:pakistan:

India is not brave enough to fight Pakistan and that is what it did in East Pakistan through Muqti Bani and that is what it is doing now, but India is forgetting that Maoists are spread on 43% Indian States.:bounce:

Brother please stop pointing fingers at India, this is pakistan's problem created by the taliban and extremist that exist in the country. No one is helping them or anything. It time that Pakistan solve this problem actively and and not blame India or the raw for everything. Please dont give comments like India is not brave enough or something, We have fought many wars and i think bravery from both sides has be beyond words. I think rather than giving stats like 43% you should concentrate more on the how much the extremist have embedded themselves in pakistan, we have problems in India, but they are being tackled actively. We need peace in south asia not pointing fingers at each other without any proof :cheers:
if you want to be in dark that your problem.
i think that picture clearly explain your.
TTP is behind these attacks but can you explain over night how come they be so organize to attack such well plan attack.

today blast on police station in Peshawar show that there is clearly RAW and mostly CIA behind because of not sign the bill.

People who claim that india and CIA is behind the TTP,must be ignorant or TTP/Alqaeda dodging team agent.

These are same people like imran khan who are still saying that US itself behind 911 attacks,even though Alqaeda had admitted and challenge for more attack on US.
Their is no solution of such people.
Last three days all major attacks are agianst military installation??Is there inside involvement in it??.I mean some one from inside the military giving information to the terrorists??
People who claim that india and CIA is behind the TTP,must be ignorant or TTP/Alqaeda dodging team agent.

These are same people like imran khan who are still saying that US itself behind 911 attacks,even though Alqaeda had admitted and challenge for more attack on US.
Their is no solution of such people.

my question is Pakistan was not involved in 9\11 attacks why we are bleeding ?????
indian were n t there in Afghanistan before 9\11 what are they doing there now?

well some one is proving them with assistance tell me who??
recently types of attacks done in Pakistan clearly shows a high level of intelligence is involved.
There is a lot of significance to how this violence escalated post publication of remarks by Joe Biden, the US VP. Those remarks comparing spending of military budgets asymmetrically between Afghanistan and Pakistan may have emboldened the Army to trigger these attacks and generate an atmosphere of fear that would coax the US politicians to release some sops for Pakistan.

And true to this line of thought, immediately some defense aid that was hanging fire since long has been released, including some military helicoptors (M-17s, if I recall correctly).

PA has perfected the art of milking US aid. Hats off to them! (and to the blindness of US politicians like Joe Biden!)

PS: See I can also be reckless sometimes ;)
They are Taliban no.
They are TTP.... no doubt.
They have indian and US wepons..... no doubt.
They come from Afghanistan..... no doubt.
They go back to Afghanistan....no doubt.
Let me try some different response here!

They are Taliban ..... no. !! See below.

They are TTP.... no doubt. :No Contest here.

They have indian and US wepons..... no doubt.
How are you sure so early?. Is'nt this a knee-jerk response, even without verifying the facts.

They come from Afghanistan..... no doubt.
They go back to Afghanistan....no doubt.

Are u sure about this, this time? I have seen reports in this very forum that, Most of these terrorists are from your very own SWAT & NWFP areas, & some are even from Punjab!

Excerpts from one of earlier posts in this thread itself:
“These are all Punjabi groups with a link to South Waziristan,” Aftab Ahmed Sherpao, a former interior minister, said, explaining the recent attacks.
In a rare acknowledgment of the lethal combination of forces, Interior Minister Rehman Malik said that a “syndicate” of militant groups wanted to see “Pakistan as a failed state.”
“The banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, Jaish-e-Muhammad, Al Qaeda and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi are operating jointly in Pakistan,” Mr. Malik told journalists, pledging a more effective counterstrategy.
Let me try some different response here!

They are Taliban ..... no. !! See below.

They are TTP.... no doubt. :No Contest here.

They have indian and US wepons..... no doubt.
How are you sure so early?. Is'nt this a knee-jerk response, even without verifying the facts.

They come from Afghanistan..... no doubt.
They go back to Afghanistan....no doubt.

Are u sure about this, this time? I have seen reports in this very forum that, Most of these terrorists are from your very own SWAT & NWFP areas, & some are even from Punjab!

Excerpts from one of earlier posts in this thread itself:
all the terrorist support in Pakistan comes from Afghanistan. about the weapons you will find the best US weapon present in tribal area.
“The banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, Jaish-e-Muhammad, Al Qaeda and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi are operating jointly in Pakistan,” Mr. Malik told journalists, pledging a more effective counterstrategy.

This genius Mr. Malik raves and rants against Jaish-e-Muhammad, and then goes and kisses Hafiz Saeed of "Jamat-ud-Dawa" - No one in Pakistani media is ready to connect dots, and JuD is just another Charitable Organization for all official references.

How duplicitous!!
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