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Thousands protest in Turkey over Syria mandate


Pathetic bunch of leechers..And some call these backstabbers courageous..None of those so called protestors in Taksim even had 1 Turkish flag but only red worthless rags
They send no terrorists, they are helping Syrians fight a mass murderous terrorist regime in Damascus. If Asad keeps provoking Turkey, he will get the ultimate shaft and Iran, Russia wont be able to do anything to help Asad stand on!

First i am not to sure how you became the spoke person of Turks as from those demonstrations its pretty clear Turks are civilized people and don't want war.

Who can and cant do any thing is to be seen again i hope Turks and Syrian don't fight as Muslims will pay the price on both sides.

A year ago Turkey was flying high: confident of its muscular role in the Middle Eastern region, and optimistic about its “soft power” diplomacy. Now it has come down to earth with a thud, mired in a war not of its own choosing, its efforts for stability stymied, and its risk of a larger conflict looming.

The Syrian mortar attack that killed a family of five in a small Turkish border village Wednesday prompted swift retaliation from Ankara. It launched artillery attacks at the Syrian side and parliament quickly approved the use of cross-border raids, although the government had little appetite for escalation.

But as Syria’s brutal civil war grinds on — with border skirmishes between the Assad regime and opposition rebels and thousands of desperate refugees fleeing toward Turkey — none of Turkey’s options looks good.

“Turkey needs this (the civil war in Syria) to end,” said Howard Eissenstat of St. Lawrence University in New York state, an expert in Turkish politics. “But it doesn’t want to go it alone.”

That’s a huge problem for the government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Ergodan. “The Turks have made lots of phone calls to international organizations,” said Houchang Hassan-Yari of the Royal Military College of Canada. “They seem to be rallying public opinion for future action.”

Turkey’s first stop was the UN Security Council, delivering a letter calling the Syrian mortar attack an “act of aggression,” and a “flagrant violation” of international law — phrases that could open the door to the use of international force against Syria under Chapter VII of the UN Charter. Syria says it was a regrettable accident, and expressed condolences.

A sharply-worded UN Security Council statement, issued late Thursday, condemned Syria’s actions as “violations of international law” with an “impact” on regional peace and stability. But Security Council will go no farther because Syrian allies China and Russia would block any move toward military action.

In recent months Turkey has pleaded for the UN to back a no-fly zone that would create a safe haven for displaced people inside Syria — but could also become an opposition base.

After Wednesday’s border attack, Turkey called on NATO, of which it is a member. Under NATO’s rules, an attack on any member can trigger retaliation by all. But an emergency meeting yielded another statement of condemnation.

“There’s no interest, enthusiasm or willingness at NATO for any military action,” said Stephen Larrabee, an expert in U.S.-Turkish relations at Rand Corporation. He has just returned from Turkey. “They will support Turkey as it returns fire, and call for peace. But they’re not at the point of intervening.”

The U.S., although sympathetic, is loath to wade into a war in a fraught election year. Nor are the financially-challenged European countries eager to jump in — except for France.

Ankara is now in a doubly difficult position. When its efforts to push for a peaceful solution in Syria failed, casualties mounted, and refugees flooded the border, it supported the rebels, some of whom crossed into Turkey and returned with new weapons.

“Turkey was already engaged in a shadow war,” when the mortar attack occurred, Eissenstat said. “And by some reports, Syria is repaying it by giving additional support to the PKK (militant Kurdish separatists).” Their attacks on Turkish targets increased as the war in Syria gathered steam. Scores of suspected dissidents have also been jailed in Turkey.

But in spite of its own ethnic problems, Turkey has sheltered about 120,000 refugees from Syria, and made urgent calls for international aid. If the war in Syria continues, many more will arrive on its doorstep.

Meanwhile, it must show that it can defend its own citizens from cross-border attack. It has a powerful army, and could inflict serious damage on Syria if the conflict escalated. But Turkish public opinion does not favour war.

“Turkey feels hung out to dry,” Larrabee said. “Nobody is willing to step up to the plate and help them. They believed in the degree of influence and ability of Turkey to shape the crisis. But instead it’s exposed their limits.”

Analysis: Border attack by Syria leaves Turkey feeling vulnerable and alone - thestar.com

Civilized People of Turkey want no part of this war but i do Paudies giving out ultimatums on behalf of Turks.
Erdogan took the risk to support the syrian revolution against the minority regime in syria which has a lot of support internationally for the sake of syrian people.
In the end, when the syrian regime fall, he will win very big

Pathetic bunch of leechers..And some call these backstabbers courageous..None of those so called protestors in Taksim even had 1 Turkish flag but only red worthless rags

So in your opinion war is the solution to this and if any body is against what you think is right they are pathetic and courageless, while you promoting death and destruction far far away from border safe and secure some where is a picture of courage and patriotism so to please you and paudies Turkish government should go to war and destroy Syria.

Here is the problem Syrian economy is already done Turkeys economy will go into free fall as you might have not noticed other then turkey most of the Europe is in recession.
it's funny that Turkey didn't do anything when Israel attacked it's ship and killed some citizens :coffee:

Your understanding of "doing something" includes military aggression and other stuff. Show your muscles, bomb something, shoot something.

Fact is, it was an NGO initiative, and despite that Turkey did a lot on the international arena, and on bi-lateral level.

We should have but the thing is you even know our little girly all talk government, how many times did this happen for a response? Plus that wasn't on our soil so it's much different, a bomb fell 8 times inside our country 8 times I think none got killed before just damage to houses, our plane went down and then and only then after another bomb fell we did something with the outrage of people otherwise erdogan will still just be shouting, good that people got angry and made him do something.

What annoys me the most is all the shouting, raging and chestthumbing. "kirip yikarim bu dünyayi" mentality is really crap and not productive at all.

First of all I want Turkey to reach a level, where a miss fire of a mortar would make the enemy go public an apologise before our politicians bother coming out and start yelling and screaming (getting a hissie fit).

And then they should sit tight and pray that we'll only bother with artillery retaliation. Politicians should have dignity in every aspect of their existence, or keep cool so to speak. so Taking a forehammer and ramming it in every PM face and covering it with a permanent cast mask would be the right way to go. Make sure to destroy their vocal cords so that they don't go into the ***** tone level as well.

I think we need genius psychotic PM, who's heart rate doesn't elevate at all, under any circumstances, and of course his cabinet should be the same.

As you can hear, we're far from being on that level of cool and levelheadedness. And AKP is anything but cool and levelheaded, they just have the right guys who are that.
So in your opinion war is the solution to this and if any body is against what you think is right they are pathetic and courageless, while you promoting death and destruction far far away from border safe and secure some where is a picture of courage and patriotism so to please you and paudies Turkish government should go to war and destroy Syria.

Here is the problem Syrian economy is already done Turkeys economy will go into free fall as you might have not noticed other then turkey most of the Europe is in recession.

And where did in my post i mention that i am in favor of war and destruction? Please specify..

The ones who can read Turkish and see whats in that picture will understand what i mean..Please dont comment if you have no idea what you are talking about
Thəorətic Muslim;3470974 said:
Why is Taksim always the site for protests?

Dude, you killed 5 Turks for no reason. A Nation has the RIGHT TO DEFEND ITSELF.

Im pretty sure that these "5,000" protesters are anti-Erdoğan. And pissed off 300 army officers got sent to jail for violating the Turkish Constitution.

Actually, If you keep a few provocative idiot's banners out of the subject, The groups collected in Taksim (No important which ideology they support Leftist, Communist, Right...etc) don't care about a sh@t regime and its leader Assad (All says Syrian regime and its leaders go hell As CHP stated in TBMM) who is killing own nation cause of ideological reasons. The group just want their country not to enter a foreign country in accordance with West wishes for bloodbath. Let them destroy themselves or found their ways...

Pathetic bunch of leechers..And some call these backstabbers courageous..None of those so called protestors in Taksim even had 1 Turkish flag but only red worthless rags

I first thought this was the post of Basbug aka Ottoman-Turk aka Grand-Vizier. I wasn't going to respond but then i noticed it was you. Next time i won't respond to you as well though.

Anyway, so we have no right to agree with Kurds, leftists or even seperatists on anything? According to your 'flawless' logic it automaticaly makes us backstabbers because it is against your ideology?
Perhaps Cheetah overlooked that PKK supporters and PKK are all communists and that the red flags there signify the support of PKK, Kurdish sovereign state. The banners says "the government who've approved crossborder action on western kurdish soil, let's stand together against this".

So those people support kurdish state, and don't want Turkey to make any action in the region that'll ruin their plans.
This is Turkey's logic:
Assad is a murderer.so let's arm the gang of murderers to kill the murderer.
People here complain about 5 Turkish citizens who were killed.Ok,RIP to them.
But how many innocent Syrians have been killed by the arms that Turkey sent to wrong hands?Please don't claim that Assad killed all of them,because it's ridiculous.
This is Turkey's logic:
Assad is a murderer.so let's arm the gang of murderers to kill the murderer.
People here complain about 5 Turkish citizens who were killed.Ok,RIP to them.
But how many innocent Syrians have been killed by the arms that Turkey sent to wrong hands?Please don't claim that Assad killed all of them,because it's ridiculous.

How many lives has been taken thanks for Assads support of the PKK ? touché!
I first thought this was the post of Basbug aka Ottoman-Turk aka Grand-Vizier. I wasn't going to respond but then i noticed it was you. Next time i won't respond to you as well though.

Anyway, so we have no right to agree with Kurds, leftists or even seperatists on anything? According to your 'flawless' logic it automaticaly makes us backstabbers because it is against your ideology?

You sure do have the right to agree with separatists or the people who carry "Western Kurdistan" banners..I am just stating the fact that, those people who protest are not sincere in their motives and i was referring to the people who were carrying such banners as backstabbers..
There is a difference between their objection and your objection..You are against this mandate because you worry for Turkey and Turkish citizens lives..But these guys motive is different as you can see from th ebanners, and there were more such banners like that
Communists should be carved and destroyed in our country, they are terrorist supporters and they are BDP supporters.
You sure do have the right to agree with separatists or the people who carry "Western Kurdistan" banners..I am just stating the fact that, those people who protest are not sincere in their motives and i was referring to the people who were carrying such banners as backstabbers..
There is a difference between their objection and your objection..You are against this mandate because you worry for Turkey and Turkish citizens lives..But these guys motive is different as you can see from th ebanners, and there were more such banners like that

Do not twist my words. I agree with them or they agree with us about "this is not our war" not on seperating the country.

Pathetic bunch of leechers..And some call these backstabbers courageous..None of those so called protestors in Taksim even had 1 Turkish flag but only red worthless rags

I don't remember i said, the protestors who carry pan-Kurdist banners are courageous. I said protestors [as a whole] are more courageous than most of you here. At least they are not waiting their hands on their pants for a war, so that they can "relieve" themselves.
Thousands protest in Turkey over Syria mandate
Protesters take to the streets in Ankara and Istanbul after Turkey's parliament approved military operations against targets in Syria.

Around 5,000 people took to the streets of Istanbul on Thursday evening in an anti-war protest which turned into a demonstration against Turkey's ruling AK Party. Protesters chanted slogans against the war as they carried anti-government banners.
"We are going through an ugly provocation of war. The Turkish and Syrian people are not enemies, but the ruling AK Party government is trying to drag our country into a war with Syria in compliance with US interests," said protester Nevzat Evrim Onal.
The Turkish slogan "savasa hayir" ("no to war") was the top trending item on Turkey's Twitter on Thursday morning.
Meanwhile, in Ankara, what started as a peaceful demonstration soon turned violent as protesters clashed with police after they tried to block them from moving around the city.
Contains footage from Reuters and APTN.
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Video: Thousands protest in Turkey over Syria mandate - Telegraph


Demonstrators chanted slogans such as "Don't remain silent! Shout! All people are brothers and sisters!" and held banners emblazoned with "Hands off Syria!" and "Get out of the Middle East".


Thousands protest in Turkey over Syria strikes bill - ITV News

Learn, Mr. Assad. People protest against the government and no one shoots them.
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