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Thousands protest in Turkey over Syria mandate

Let me get this straight, Turkey is doing all this for humanitarian reasons....and because their hearts bleed for Syrians who long for democracy just like Turkey, the beacon of human rights, equality, and democracy with zero problems with neighbors.
Mandate for crossborder action is not declaration of war. There is a procedure for declaring war.

Turkey has troops stationed in Iraq and mandate for crossborder action (renewed every year) to bomb PKK targets in Iraq. I don't hear you whine about that... but perhaps it's because you are saying we're at war with Iraq... I guess the trade relations with iraq is just to blow smoke up your arse :)

I think it's hillarious that the banner "savasa hayir" has the logo for the communist party at the bottom, lol....
it's funny that Turkey didn't do anything when Israel attacked it's ship and killed some citizens :coffee:
There is these low life people in every country the same people that say no to nuclear energy, not to this, no to that, no to everything usually communist or left.
it's funny that Turkey didn't do anything when Israel attacked it's ship and killed some citizens :coffee:

We should have but the thing is you even know our little girly all talk government, how many times did this happen for a response? Plus that wasn't on our soil so it's much different, a bomb fell 8 times inside our country 8 times I think none got killed before just damage to houses, our plane went down and then and only then after another bomb fell we did something with the outrage of people otherwise erdogan will still just be shouting, good that people got angry and made him do something.
Real men are the men who have a brain and love peace.... ignorant men are men who love blood and think that strength comes from guns and not THE BRAIN.....

Again i'm really surprised of how many Turkish members here are pro blood and war... i always thought Turkey to be advanced and open minded however members here are displaying something else...

Turkey did what it had to do and it fired back.... why do you people want war now?
while in Reality Syria should ask for war against Turkey since Turkey hosts terrorists and supplies them with weapons..

I dont't want war; but in a time of war i would not act like a hippy and protest; these people are just plain scared.
I dont't want war; but in a time of war i would not act like a hippy and protest; these people are just plain scared.

you are not at war... if Syria wanted war then it would have been constant shelling... then that is act of war.. since it was one shell and God knows who shot it.... then it's not a war... why do you people blame that Syrian government did it... does the Syrian government want more trouble and want to start a war with NATO member ?? Think about it ....
Let me get this straight, Turkey is doing all this for humanitarian reasons....and because their hearts bleed for Syrians who long for democracy just like Turkey, the beacon of human rights, equality, and democracy with zero problems with neighbors.

it also depends who your neighbours are. If your neighbours attack you, youhave every right to defend yourselves. Same way, if Armenia attacked us continually, we would show you to full force of the Ottoman from one side and other side the Azeri will be crashing down on your azzesl
What a joke thread.. This mandate is not a war declaration..Where does this fuss come about? Mandate was meant to serve as an "active deterrent" to prevent possible future aggressions..And these commi kids protest everything, so not a big surprise there
They send no terrorists, they are helping Syrians fight a mass murderous terrorist regime in Damascus. If Asad keeps provoking Turkey, he will get the ultimate shaft and Iran, Russia wont be able to do anything to help Asad stand on!

And how do you know that it was not the al-qaeda terrorists who are fighting against Assad fired those rockets on Turkey. We know USA is supporting these terrorists to bring down the Assad regime. And Assad is doing the same job getting rid of these terrorists from the land which our(Pakistan) army is doing. But only difference is that our army is more powerful and well equipped than Syrian.

And Yes USA is trying to bring Turkey in this fighting circle and let Muslims fight with Muslim. And they will hit two birds with one stone.

USA knows well that turkey's economy is getting good and it doesn't want this to happen, so do the same thing which they did to Pakistan bring em in fighting circle and Today we r paying the very heavy price for that. And if Turkey took the bait than say bye bye to good economy
Sorry but these people are smarter and has more courage than most of you guys.

Mandate for crossborder action is not declaration of war. There is a procedure for declaring war.

Turkey has troops stationed in Iraq and mandate for crossborder action (renewed every year) to bomb PKK targets in Iraq. I don't hear you whine about that... but perhaps it's because you are saying we're at war with Iraq... I guess the trade relations with iraq is just to blow smoke up your arse :)

I think it's hillarious that the banner "savasa hayir" has the logo for the communist party at the bottom, lol....

After this motion, Turkey will have to join the war if the same or similar event repeats. Even if the shell that killed 5 Turkish citizens belongs to Syrian Army, now, there are pretty good reasons for FSA to make a similar provocation against Turkey.

We should have warned Syria about, if a projectile lands across Turkish border, we will retalite no matter where it lands, empty sites or residential area. I believe it would have been enough.

So guys chill your boners, if you are so eager about a war, go and sign up to the army.
Sorry but these people are smarter and has more courage than most of you guys.

After this motion, Turkey will have to join the war if the same or similar event repeats. Even if the shell that killed 5 Turkish citizens belongs to Syrian Army, now, there are pretty good reasons for FSA to make a similar provocation against Turkey.

We should have warned Syria about, if a projectile lands across Turkish border, we will retalite no matter where it lands, empty sites or residential area. I believe it would have been enough.

So guys chill your boners, if you are so eager about a war, go and sign up to the army.

Let me refresh your memory..After Syria shot down our plane, Turkey warned Syria about future aggressions, stated that it updated its engagement rules just to prevent such future aggression and would retaliate if that kind of thing happens again..Was it enough? Obviously not, after killing our 2 soldiers now they killed our 5 citizens( 2 women, 3 children ) What should Turkey do? Issue warnings in every aggression? This mandate will provide Turkish security at the border, whether you accept it or not
Within the framework of that engagement update, we retaliated yesterday. Was it enough? We'll see, according to the news, they have suffered a lot but if it wasn't enough, i'm sure we have plenty more bombs.

Let me refresh your memory, this was the first serious retaliation of Turkey, how do you know it's 'obviously' not enough?
Within the framework of that engagement update, we retaliated yesterday. Was it enough? We'll see, according to the news, they have suffered a lot but if it wasn't enough, i'm sure we have plenty more bombs.

Let me refresh your memory, this was the first serious retaliation of Turkey, how do you know it's 'obviously' not enough?

Would like to sit and wait for another patch of civilians get bombed to see if it was enough or not?
Would like to sit and wait for another patch of civilians get bombed to see if it was enough or not?

It would have been better than risking millions of life by giving the 'detonator' to the hands of FSA and to whoever wants Turkey in this war.
Sorry but these people are smarter and has more courage than most of you guys.

After this motion, Turkey will have to join the war if the same or similar event repeats. Even if the shell that killed 5 Turkish citizens belongs to Syrian Army, now, there are pretty good reasons for FSA to make a similar provocation against Turkey.

We should have warned Syria about, if a projectile lands across Turkish border, we will retalite no matter where it lands, empty sites or residential area. I believe it would have been enough.

So guys chill your boners, if you are so eager about a war, go and sign up to the army.

These guys are cowards, they would hang the communist flag instead of Turkish, these are enemies of the state for every country.
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