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Thousands mourn Tibetan self-immolator in China


Dec 15, 2011
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Thousands mourn Tibetan self-immolator in China

(AP) – 5 hours ago

BEIJING (AP) — Thousands of Tibetans gathered to mourn a farmer who died after dousing himself in kerosene and setting himself on fire to protest Chinese rule in Tibetan areas, a U.S. broadcaster said.

A London-based rights group said Saturday's funeral turned into a protest march, with thousands calling for freedom and the return to Tibet of the Dalai Lama, their exiled spiritual leader. The incident, as with most reported unrest in Tibetan areas, could not be independently verified.

Nearly 30 Tibetans have set themselves on fire over the past year to protest the suppression of their religion and culture and to call for the return the Dalai Lama, who fled the Himalayan region in 1959 amid an abortive uprising against Chinese rule and is reviled by Beijing.

The communist government has blamed supporters of the Dalai Lama for encouraging the self-immolations.

U.S. broadcaster Radio Free Asia said in an emailed statement that Sonam Thargyal, a 44-year-old farmer and father of four, fastened cotton padding to his body with iron wire and doused himself with kerosene before setting himself on fire Saturday in Tongren, a monastery town in western China's Qinghai province. He also drank kerosene, the broadcaster said.

"The Tibetans who were at the scene attempted to put out the flames, but death was very fast because of the kerosene inside and outside the body," RFA quoted Dorjee Wangchuk, a Tibetan exiled in Dharamsala, India, with close ties to the Tongren community, as saying.

Thargyal called out for an end to Chinese rule in Tibetan-populated areas, the return of the Dalai Lama and Tibetan language rights, RFA said.

As many as 7,000 Tibetans took part in Thargyal's funeral and cremation ceremony, the broadcaster said.

The London-based rights group Free Tibet posted photos on its website of what it said was Thargyal's charred body covered in ceremonial yellow silk scarves and hundreds of people marching up a hill to the local cremation site, where his remains were burned.

Phone calls to the Tongren county government and police rang unanswered Sunday. A man who answered the telephone at the government office of Huangnan prefecture, which oversees Tongren, said he had not heard reports of an immolation or a protest.

"All things here are fine," said the man, who, like many Chinese bureaucrats, refused to give his name.

A man who answered the phone at Tongren's Yunlong Hotel, which is close to the funeral site, said he was unaware of any self-immolation or demonstration.

"Nothing happened here," said the man, who also refused to give his name. "The monastery is still open to visitors today, and I did not notice police presence around the monastery."

Free Tibet said there was a small confrontation between the mourners and Chinese security forces, but that it was mediated peacefully and the security forces withdrew.

"It is believed that the paramilitary forces had to withdraw given the vast numbers of Tibetans present," Free Tibet said.

The Dalai Lama has praised the courage of those who engage in self-immolation and has attributed the protests to what he calls China's "cultural genocide" in Tibet.

The Associated Press: Thousands mourn Tibetan self-immolator in China

Vote 4 sticky plz. :P

Free Tibet , Inner Mongolia and Turkish lands !!
That is really sad. You would think that given their own history of being illegally occupied by Japan, the Chinese would balk at the prospect of illegally occupying Tibet. But they are happy.
:whistle:China becomes more and more clean.

Wish all of them can follow the farmer's way. When I was in UK, some people gathered and shouted Free Tibet. I thought they said' Free to Bed. Relly sounds similar.
How can you be so insensitive, wont it be better if you redress the issue that they are raising after all Tibetian's are your people. Some the language people use in this forum really disgust me.
Some Indians gather here to criticize china again!! it is sad to hear that some monks burned theirselves, But it is politicized. China don't want that, But Dalai like, Why don't you ask him!!! BTW, don't bother us, We have been tired of this, Please tell Dalai, be creative, OK!! all Chinese are sick of him, If you like, keep it!!
Other than fives or six confirmed cases of self-immolation in China, the rest is pure fabrication. The pattern is all too famaliar. Some Tibetan exiles make a claim; Radio Free Asia (US government propaganda outfit) reports it; wire services quote RFA; the rest quotes the wire services. It'll be interesting to see how long Dalai Lama continues with his melodrama.
The majority tibetans are most likely getting used to the chinese way of life and enjoying the benefits of chain's rise. SO why
the hell do indian's think that ordinary tibetans would support these monks and dalai lama. Tibetans are chinese type people and was historically part of ancient china unlike some other parts of asia force fully occupied by a certain big Dada, where the
people of the occupied territories doesn't even look like ruling dadas.
The majority tibetans are most likely getting used to the chinese way of life and enjoying the benefits of chain's rise. SO why the hell do indian's think that ordinary tibetans would support these monks and dalai lama. Tibetans are chinese type people and was historically part of ancient china unlike some other parts of asia force fully occupied by a certain big Dada, where the
people of the occupied territories doesn't even look like ruling dadas.

This is what intentional ignorance does to you. Tibet is very different from Han China from day one. The language is different and so is the culture. Everyone with oriental features isn't Chinese. get that in your thick head. Tibetans are as different from Hans as you are from the French.
However, tibet is under Chinese control since Yuan dynasty.

So China still has firm control over tibet and will for sure will not let tibet out of China territory.

Whoever wants to burn himself/herself alive can go ahead.

Trust me, if you want to burn yourself alive, you can do so as well.

This is what intentional ignorance does to you. Tibet is very different from Han China from day one. The language is different and so is the culture. Everyone with oriental features isn't Chinese. get that in your thick head. Tibetans are as different from Hans as you are from the French.
Thousands mourn Tibetan self-immolator in China

(AP) – 5 hours ago

BEIJING (AP) — Thousands of Tibetans gathered to mourn a farmer who died after dousing himself in kerosene and setting himself on fire to protest Chinese rule in Tibetan areas, a U.S. broadcaster said.

A London-based rights group said Saturday's funeral turned into a protest march, with thousands calling for freedom and the return to Tibet of the Dalai Lama, their exiled spiritual leader. The incident, as with most reported unrest in Tibetan areas, could not be independently verified.

Nearly 30 Tibetans have set themselves on fire over the past year to protest the suppression of their religion and culture and to call for the return the Dalai Lama, who fled the Himalayan region in 1959 amid an abortive uprising against Chinese rule and is reviled by Beijing.

The communist government has blamed supporters of the Dalai Lama for encouraging the self-immolations.

U.S. broadcaster Radio Free Asia said in an emailed statement that Sonam Thargyal, a 44-year-old farmer and father of four, fastened cotton padding to his body with iron wire and doused himself with kerosene before setting himself on fire Saturday in Tongren, a monastery town in western China's Qinghai province. He also drank kerosene, the broadcaster said.

"The Tibetans who were at the scene attempted to put out the flames, but death was very fast because of the kerosene inside and outside the body," RFA quoted Dorjee Wangchuk, a Tibetan exiled in Dharamsala, India, with close ties to the Tongren community, as saying.

Thargyal called out for an end to Chinese rule in Tibetan-populated areas, the return of the Dalai Lama and Tibetan language rights, RFA said.

As many as 7,000 Tibetans took part in Thargyal's funeral and cremation ceremony, the broadcaster said.

The London-based rights group Free Tibet posted photos on its website of what it said was Thargyal's charred body covered in ceremonial yellow silk scarves and hundreds of people marching up a hill to the local cremation site, where his remains were burned.

Phone calls to the Tongren county government and police rang unanswered Sunday. A man who answered the telephone at the government office of Huangnan prefecture, which oversees Tongren, said he had not heard reports of an immolation or a protest.

"All things here are fine," said the man, who, like many Chinese bureaucrats, refused to give his name.

A man who answered the phone at Tongren's Yunlong Hotel, which is close to the funeral site, said he was unaware of any self-immolation or demonstration.

"Nothing happened here," said the man, who also refused to give his name. "The monastery is still open to visitors today, and I did not notice police presence around the monastery."

Free Tibet said there was a small confrontation between the mourners and Chinese security forces, but that it was mediated peacefully and the security forces withdrew.

"It is believed that the paramilitary forces had to withdraw given the vast numbers of Tibetans present," Free Tibet said.

The Dalai Lama has praised the courage of those who engage in self-immolation and has attributed the protests to what he calls China's "cultural genocide" in Tibet.

The Associated Press: Thousands mourn Tibetan self-immolator in China

Vote 4 sticky plz. :P

Free Tibet , Inner Mongolia and Turkish lands !!

Who taught the Tibetan Terrorist to commit suicide ?

Self-immolation in India: A form of protest | GlobalPost

However, The Economist noted that self-immolation as a form of protest has become frighteningly common in India, perhaps losing its efficacy as a shocking and attention-grabbing act. "On March 26th, the same day that Mr Yeshi doused himself in fuel and struck a spark, others were doing the same."

March 26, 2012: An auto rickshaw driver in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh cremated himself in protest of separate statehood for the region of Telangana, according to The Hindustan Times. A youth in the Mahabubnagar district going by B.R. Goud also torched himself on Monday. Two days prior, a student, Bhojya Naik, had killed himself in Warangal.

August 29, 2011: P. Senkodi lit herself on fire to protest the death sentence awarded to Tamil Tigers implicated in the assassination of India's late prime minister, Rajiv Gandhi, according to The Hindu.

February 21, 2010: Subram Yadaiah died in the hospital after setting himself on fire to protest in favor of the region of Telangana gaining autonomy, according to The Times of India.

January 30, 2009: Muthukumar, a journalist, self-immolated after putting out a statement about his support for the Tamils in Sri Lanka, according to TamilNet.

The National Post noted that self-immolation might have some roots in the past, in Buddhism and Hinduism's "centuries-old traditions of self-sacrifice, disdain for the body and belief in the ritualistic cleansing of fire."

Another man dies for Telangana, TRS calls for shutdown - Hindustan Times

Student who set himself ablaze for Telangana cause dies - Times Of India

TamilNet: 30.01.09 Last statement of Muthukumar

Thousands mourn Tibetan self-immolator in China

(AP) – 5 hours ago

BEIJING (AP) — Thousands of Tibetans gathered to mourn a farmer who died after dousing himself in kerosene and setting himself on fire to protest Chinese rule in Tibetan areas, a U.S. broadcaster said.

A London-based rights group said Saturday's funeral turned into a protest march, with thousands calling for freedom and the return to Tibet of the Dalai Lama, their exiled spiritual leader. The incident, as with most reported unrest in Tibetan areas, could not be independently verified.

Nearly 30 Tibetans have set themselves on fire over the past year to protest the suppression of their religion and culture and to call for the return the Dalai Lama, who fled the Himalayan region in 1959 amid an abortive uprising against Chinese rule and is reviled by Beijing.

The communist government has blamed supporters of the Dalai Lama for encouraging the self-immolations.

U.S. broadcaster Radio Free Asia said in an emailed statement that Sonam Thargyal, a 44-year-old farmer and father of four, fastened cotton padding to his body with iron wire and doused himself with kerosene before setting himself on fire Saturday in Tongren, a monastery town in western China's Qinghai province. He also drank kerosene, the broadcaster said.

"The Tibetans who were at the scene attempted to put out the flames, but death was very fast because of the kerosene inside and outside the body," RFA quoted Dorjee Wangchuk, a Tibetan exiled in Dharamsala, India, with close ties to the Tongren community, as saying.

Thargyal called out for an end to Chinese rule in Tibetan-populated areas, the return of the Dalai Lama and Tibetan language rights, RFA said.

As many as 7,000 Tibetans took part in Thargyal's funeral and cremation ceremony, the broadcaster said.

The London-based rights group Free Tibet posted photos on its website of what it said was Thargyal's charred body covered in ceremonial yellow silk scarves and hundreds of people marching up a hill to the local cremation site, where his remains were burned.

Phone calls to the Tongren county government and police rang unanswered Sunday. A man who answered the telephone at the government office of Huangnan prefecture, which oversees Tongren, said he had not heard reports of an immolation or a protest.

"All things here are fine," said the man, who, like many Chinese bureaucrats, refused to give his name.

A man who answered the phone at Tongren's Yunlong Hotel, which is close to the funeral site, said he was unaware of any self-immolation or demonstration.

"Nothing happened here," said the man, who also refused to give his name. "The monastery is still open to visitors today, and I did not notice police presence around the monastery."

Free Tibet said there was a small confrontation between the mourners and Chinese security forces, but that it was mediated peacefully and the security forces withdrew.

"It is believed that the paramilitary forces had to withdraw given the vast numbers of Tibetans present," Free Tibet said.

The Dalai Lama has praised the courage of those who engage in self-immolation and has attributed the protests to what he calls China's "cultural genocide" in Tibet.

The Associated Press: Thousands mourn Tibetan self-immolator in China

Vote 4 sticky plz. :P

Free Tibet , Inner Mongolia and Turkish lands !!

Who taught the Tibetan Terrorist to commit suicide ?

Self-immolation in India: A form of protest | GlobalPost

However, The Economist noted that self-immolation as a form of protest has become frighteningly common in India, perhaps losing its efficacy as a shocking and attention-grabbing act. "On March 26th, the same day that Mr Yeshi doused himself in fuel and struck a spark, others were doing the same."

March 26, 2012: An auto rickshaw driver in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh cremated himself in protest of separate statehood for the region of Telangana, according to The Hindustan Times. A youth in the Mahabubnagar district going by B.R. Goud also torched himself on Monday. Two days prior, a student, Bhojya Naik, had killed himself in Warangal.

August 29, 2011: P. Senkodi lit herself on fire to protest the death sentence awarded to Tamil Tigers implicated in the assassination of India's late prime minister, Rajiv Gandhi, according to The Hindu.

February 21, 2010: Subram Yadaiah died in the hospital after setting himself on fire to protest in favor of the region of Telangana gaining autonomy, according to The Times of India.

January 30, 2009: Muthukumar, a journalist, self-immolated after putting out a statement about his support for the Tamils in Sri Lanka, according to TamilNet.

The National Post noted that self-immolation might have some roots in the past, in Buddhism and Hinduism's "centuries-old traditions of self-sacrifice, disdain for the body and belief in the ritualistic cleansing of fire."

Another man dies for Telangana, TRS calls for shutdown - Hindustan Times

Student who set himself ablaze for Telangana cause dies - Times Of India

TamilNet: 30.01.09 Last statement of Muthukumar
Chinese authorities should provide free kerosene for these protesters to douse themselves and burn. The earth is running out of resources and its high time the theory of fittest survival be exercised.

In half a decade, China has uplifted millions out of poverty in Tibet, built infrastructure and raised awareness.

During the same time we are seeing this monks do nothing but smoke opium and shout free tibet all day and night. It is no surprise that most of the free tibet trolls in EU, USA and Canada are funded by NGO's for a political purpose.

Let the world see what these monks can do by running a country on temples and praying.

Right now these self immolation are being seen as peaceful protest but the day is not far when these sucide wanna bes are turned into another LTTE type sucide squad. Killing myself is useless I must take down a few Chinese with me. China's "Afghanistan" is being prepared in Tibet by using India as a staging and indoctrination ground. Much like how Afghanistan was prepared for Soviet Union using Pakistan as the breeding ground.

U.S. broadcaster Radio Free Asia said in an emailed statement that Sonam Thargyal, a 44-year-old farmer and father of four, fastened cotton padding to his body with iron wire and doused himself with kerosene before setting himself on fire Saturday in Tongren, a monastery town in western China's Qinghai province. He also drank kerosene, the broadcaster said.

This act itself is savagery and no different in intensity to TTP sucide bombers, just that the Tibetian process is still in seedling stage. No sane person, especially with a family of 5 to feed would engage in such heinous suicide unless he was instigated and brained washed by foreign forces. Think about his poor widowed wife and four children who are left to suffer for a life time. Is that price worth for some stupid Dalai Lama for return to a rural land of Tibet?? This is clearly absolute lack of sanity and sabotage by false indoctrination.

The Dalai Lama has praised the courage of those who engage in self-immolation and has attributed the protests to what he calls China's "cultural genocide" in Tibet.

The criminal wolf in innocent sheep clothing. Pushing thousands of people into destruction to fullful his own perverted greed of power. No different than Osama Bin Laden or Talibans brainwashing young ones to go into sucide bombing. He should be ashamed of this and think of what would happen to his children whose loss of father can never be replaced.

No different than Saddam praising the Palestinian sucide squad and offering 50K USD bounty to the family of suicide bomber. Or TTP luring poor parents with money and falsified doctrines of eternal admission to heaven to coerce them into selling their children for use as suicide bombers.

Spot the difference:



Both of them led thousands of people into destruction for their own perverted greed of power.

By 1961, Chinese occupation authorities expropriated the landed estates owned by lords and lamas. They distributed many thousands of acres to tenant farmers and landless peasants, reorganizing them into hundreds of communes.. Herds once owned by nobility were turned over to collectives of poor shepherds. Improvements were made in the breeding of livestock, and new varieties of vegetables and new strains of wheat and barley were introduced, along with irrigation improvements, all of which reportedly led to an increase in agrarian production.34

Many peasants remained as religious as ever, giving alms to the clergy. But monks who had been conscripted as children into the religious orders were now free to renounce the monastic life, and thousands did, especially the younger ones. The remaining clergy lived on modest government stipends and extra income earned by officiating at prayer services, weddings, and funerals.35

Both the Dalai Lama and his advisor and youngest brother, Tendzin Choegyal, claimed that “more than 1.2 million Tibetans are dead as a result of the Chinese occupation.”36 The official 1953 census--six years before the Chinese crackdown--recorded the entire population residing in Tibet at 1,274,000.37 Other census counts put the population within Tibet at about two million. If the Chinese killed 1.2 million in the early 1960s then almost all of Tibet, would have been depopulated, transformed into a killing field dotted with death camps and mass graves--of which we have no evidence. The thinly distributed Chinese force in Tibet could not have rounded up, hunted down, and exterminated that many people even if it had spent all its time doing nothing else.
the escape of the Dalai Lama from Lhasa to India had freed 95 percent of “serfs” from the clutches of aristocracy headed by the spiritual leader.

(Note, those news from Taiwan newspaper is telling about what Dalai Lama had done in Tibet and how his government officials enslaved his people)

“Tibet under the Dalai Lama was never the Shangri-la of popular romantic fantasies. Unless you want to call a place where 95 percent of the local people were serfs and household slaves, who could be sold, bought and bequeathed like commodities, paradise on earth anyway. Next time when the Dalai Lama talks of human rights in Tibet, ask him what it was like being a serf under his reign.
“Next time when he preaches for ‘freedom’, ask him what freedom the serfs and slaves enjoyed in the ‘good old days’ "


All you people had heard enough from the so-called ethnic Tibetans who had never set foot in Tibet. Now let’s hear from someone who are really from Tibet.The following is an essay published in a forum in Seattle. I can’t find the original link so that I reproduce the original article here. If the author sees this and objects, please contact us.

An essay by a Tibetan.

During the past month, I’ve witnessed a lot protests here in U.S.and been told about riots back at my homeland. I think it’s my duty to clear on some FACTS that are obviously and selectively omitted by the media and protesters.

1. His Holyness the Dalai Lama DOES NOT represent Tibet.Our Tibetan Buddhism has 4 schools:Gelug, Nyingma, Sakya, Kagyu. HH the Dalai Lama is ONE of the TWO most respected living budda of Gelug (Yellow Hat Sect), another one is Panchen Lama. HH the Dalai Lama can only represent farmers and town living Tibetans from North Central Tibet (Centered with City of Lhasa), which is about 20% of entire Tibetan population at the most. Entire South Central Tibet (Centered with City of Xigaze) worship Panchen Lama only, as well as we who are from Eastern Tibet only believe NyingMa Sect, the Red Hat.

2. Example: If the President of Confederacy, Jefferson Davis, fled to Europe after the Civil War was lost. Can he represent all Americans? I don’t think so. He IS qualified to represent all the slave masters though.

3. Since 1980, We Tibetans have not paid ONE cent of Tax to the central government. We Tibetans have NOT paid ONE cent on fertilizer and seed. We have promotion access to housing, education,birth, employment and all kinds of other social benefits. The name of this promotion policy is called the Affirmative Act in the United States.I don’t know what it’s called in Tibet and honestly I didn’t really care. It’s been there since I was born. When I realized that policy only applies to minority groups in China, I am already 13. I got 10 points raise on my average score when I graduated from elementary school. And I know my brother got 20 points when he graduated from high school. There are 10 Million high school graduates competing to get into college every year. Can you imagine how many advantages this 20 point can make?? BTW, I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters, and there goes so-called “Forced Birth Control among Tibetans”.

4. Just like 95% of other Tibetans,my family was farmer-slaves before 1959. We’ve always been slaves till HH the Dalai Lama and his slavery government escaped from Tibet, along with most slave masters. Though the Chinese Army already stationed in Tibet in 1950,the reform, the abandon of slavery system was not carried out by central government. One story is that in 1954,Chinese Army was hiring in my village to help them building concrete roads. After they found out that their payments to the villagers are all robbed by slave masters, they were angry and started paying merchandise and goods directly,just to make sure the masters can’t take them away. That was 4 years after People’s Liberation Army entered Tibet.

5. I am kinda tired telling these stories now. I don’t know why the world outside Tibet had so many misleadings and understanding to our homeland. I really appreciate that you said you were speaking for Tibetans. But there are 3 million Tibetans living in Tibet now and you are only listening to those around HH the Dalai Lama??? Our living conditions are much better than those in exile and much much better than 50years ago. and none of these was the effort of exile Tibetan government, ZERO.We earned it by our sweat drops and promotion policies from central government.Not a living budda who was randomly picked by HH. And we want our life to be better and better. Talking about moral standards and religion freedom, we Red Hat Sect can practice all traditional customs everyday. I don’t know what happened to Yellow Hat and I don’t understand why they seem like the only trouled ones in Tibet and mostly I don’t see how can HH the Dalai Lama become the Representative of Tibet?!

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