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Thousands mourn Tibetan self-immolator in China

This is what intentional ignorance does to you. Tibet is very different from Han China from day one. The language is different and so is the culture. Everyone with oriental features isn't Chinese. get that in your thick head. Tibetans are as different from Hans as you are from the French.
China have 55 minorities, they also have their own language, and many of they also are different with han!! But what about you? There are much more races in india than in china? Why don't you let them go? especially, I know the people in your northeast, Why don't you let them free? and there are many protests against you in kashmir, Why don't you still put strict crack down in there? all the place refered is poor, If you really care about so-called human right, please let them free first, OK!! Stopping action like a human right defender, which disgust me!! The indian think they are human right teacher, like criticizing china, Please stop it, we just see this as a clown. OK!!
In the history, many territory is not yours, British help you unit them, Understand? You just inherit it, not only the earth, But you state system!
That is really sad. You would think that given their own history of being illegally occupied by Japan, the Chinese would balk at the prospect of illegally occupying Tibet. But they are happy.

Illegale occupation of Tibet..even your gorvernment dare not to questioning or you will face the wrath on Brahmaputra and Ganges :lol: ..you think by bringing Japanese into discussion will give you a solid argument about Tibet? Remember your former colonial master that owned you for over 200 years...that allowed India to be Independant lately in 1947..why aren't you give Assamese the same favor as your formal colonial master did..eventhough their land is ingnificantly smaller than Tibet?..Look into your mirror before talk...LMAO

How can you be so insensitive, wont it be better if you redress the issue that they are raising after all Tibetian's are your people. Some the language people use in this forum really disgust me.

First talk about Immolation is on Indian's soil, you guys deliberately allow Tibetan to commit suicide publicly for some political conviction...who you want to blame ? you ask Chinese to be sensitive and emotional for an anti-Chinese demontration? LMAO

As normal human been, when someone is about to commit suicide, we will do everything to stop him and prevent it...you Indians are so pathetically funny: you security force just let a guy to pour oil on himself, immolated and ran accross street bypassing the peoples just stand there and watch, do nothing untill he burned himself to death...You indian just use the life of an yound innocent Tibetan as scapegoat to try to score a political point...you Indians should be hold accountable for this innocent's death.
I'd actually want Dalai Lama to condemn this.

*The Dalai Lama has praised the courage of those who engage in self-immolation and has attributed the protests to what he calls China's "cultural genocide" in Tibet.

*Sonam Thargyal, a 44-year-old farmer and father of four,

The above is a quote from this article.

IMO, both men mentioned above neglected their ultimate duties as human beings, one as a leader of his people and the other as a father of his children.
Solidarity for innocent Kashmirirs, free Kashmir
Solidarity for innocent Assamese, free Assam
Solidarity for innocent North-Easterners, free North East.

Nixon impresses me more and more ;)
Indians also self-immolation

March 26, 2012: An auto rickshaw driver in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh cremated himself in protest of separate statehood for the region of Telangana, according to The Hindustan Times. A youth in the Mahabubnagar district going by B.R. Goud also torched himself on Monday. Two days prior, a student, Bhojya Naik, had killed himself in Warangal.
Another man dies for Telangana, TRS calls for shutdown - Hindustan Times

August 29, 2011: P. Senkodi lit herself on fire to protest the death sentence awarded to Tamil Tigers implicated in the assassination of India's late prime minister, Rajiv Gandhi, according to The Hindu.

February 21, 2010: Subram Yadaiah died in the hospital after setting himself on fire to protest in favor of the region of Telangana gaining autonomy, according to The Times of India.
Student who set himself ablaze for Telangana cause dies - Times Of India

January 30, 2009: Muthukumar, a journalist, self-immolated after putting out a statement about his support for the Tamils in Sri Lanka, according to TamilNet.
TamilNet: 30.01.09 Last statement of Muthukumar
Solidarity for innocent Kashmirirs, free Kashmir
Solidarity for innocent Assamese, free Assam
Solidarity for innocent North-Easterners, free North East.

Solidarity with innocent defense.pk members who have to bear off topic and trolling................Free PDF (From off topic rants and trolls) :tup:
Indians also self-immolation

March 26, 2012: An auto rickshaw driver in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh cremated himself in protest of separate statehood for the region of Telangana, according to The Hindustan Times. A youth in the Mahabubnagar district going by B.R. Goud also torched himself on Monday. Two days prior, a student, Bhojya Naik, had killed himself in Warangal.
Another man dies for Telangana, TRS calls for shutdown - Hindustan Times

August 29, 2011: P. Senkodi lit herself on fire to protest the death sentence awarded to Tamil Tigers implicated in the assassination of India's late prime minister, Rajiv Gandhi, according to The Hindu.

February 21, 2010: Subram Yadaiah died in the hospital after setting himself on fire to protest in favor of the region of Telangana gaining autonomy, according to The Times of India.
Student who set himself ablaze for Telangana cause dies - Times Of India

January 30, 2009: Muthukumar, a journalist, self-immolated after putting out a statement about his support for the Tamils in Sri Lanka, according to TamilNet.
TamilNet: 30.01.09 Last statement of Muthukumar

Those armies or security force are just standing there and watch..how disgusting...so much from freedoom and democrazy...LMAO
Hope sooner than later Tibet will be recognized as an independent country...they really deserve it...I even suspect, its Tibet and Taiwan, which will help Americans to get back to its peak of influence by getting into a conflict with China and paralyzing its economy, the way it did to Germany, Japan and Soviet Union…
Hope sooner than later Tibet will be recognized as an independent country...they really deserve it...I even suspect, its Tibet and Taiwan, which will help Americans to get back to its peak of influence by getting into a conflict with China and paralyzing its economy, the way it did to Germany, Japan and Soviet Union…

No matter how many Indians set the self-immolations...your bollywood dream about Tibet and Taiwan will never come truth. Dream for Americans to do the dirty job you dream off will never be the reality unless you're capable of doing by yourself..so keep dreaming.
No matter how many Indians set the self-immolations...your bollywood dream about Tibet and Taiwan will never come truth. Dream for Americans to do the dirty job you dream off will never be the reality unless you're capable of doing by yourself..so keep dreaming.

Wish you all the best.....afraid, the day ur people start feeling the importance of human rights... ur commie dreams will see a big and real dent! ..So, enjoy ur short film called a "Commie Dream"!

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