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'This is Not The Free India I've Lived In': Another Writer Return Award

What does mallu and bong mean?

Both mean the same "Communists" :D
What happened? India has seen much worse time in past. 5 lakh Pundits were cleansed. Shikhs were killed.

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh I forgot that they were Hindus and shikhs and not Muslims and Christians . My bad.
What happened? India has seen much worse time in past. 5 lakh Pundits were cleansed. Shikhs were killed.

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh I forgot that they were Hindus and shikhs and not Muslims and Christians . My bad.

Soon other realize it too .

now typical urine drinkers is ko kuch na kich bura bana de gey . jo rss ko na manay wo ghadar .
Both mean the same "Communists" :D

What an enlightened Indian.
What happened? India has seen much worse time in past. 5 lakh Pundits were cleansed. Shikhs were killed.

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh I forgot that they were Hindus and shikhs and not Muslims and Christians . My bad.

How many Hindu's cleansed from the land of the Pure ? ....... and the "seculars" want to hear kafir hater Gulam Ali sing :lol:

The wonders of "secularism" never cease.
Soon other realize it too .now typical urine drinkers is ko kuch na kich bura bana de gey .:D

Are muslims not camel urine drinkers? I suggest refrain from insults. It will get you nowhere. Look at the state of islam .It would not be in such a sorry state if it was not for the levels of intolerance of islamic societies.
Soon other realize it too .

now typical urine drinkers is ko kuch na kich bura bana de gey . jo rss ko na manay wo ghadar .

Please stop it, @Xenophon. :suicide: We are going through a bad enough time without someone sitting and gloating over our condition.
yawn ...who cares ?

according to these fools if you abuse hindu gods you are a liberal and if you return a award you would go down in history as a great thinker ...they say they are under attack by hindu extremists , well i wouldn't waste a bullet if i was one :coffee: , too bad kalburgi was killed they got an excuse to make the world remember that they exist.
What if i drag u out of your house . beat u with bat until u die ?

rss do so and then u ask why educated people hate them .
What if i drag u out of your house . beat u with bat until u die ?

rss do so and then u ask why educated people hate them .

And this is the same that muslims in muslim majority areas do to others.
What an enlightened Indian.

Well that is the tragedy. Isn't? Competitive politics were suppose to allow people to put pressure on the political parties to perform and deliver better. Unfortunately, what we have is Politicians dividing the people on political, religious and caste lines for their narrow ends.
Well that is the tragedy. Isn't? Competitive politics were suppose to allow people to put pressure on the political parties to perform and deliver better. Unfortunately, what we have is Politicians dividing the people on political, religious and caste lines for their narrow ends.

Are you sure that is what is happening ?

Its Hindutva politics that is uniting people divided over caste lines and forcing them to see the big picture. Its Nationalist politics that is uniting people over religious lines (wishful thinking).
Well that is the tragedy. Isn't? Competitive politics were suppose to allow people to put pressure on the political parties to perform and deliver better. Unfortunately, what we have is Politicians dividing the people on political, religious and caste lines for their narrow ends.

Where is the connection between your ethnic insult and the passage above? I take it that you are neither a Mallu nor a Bong.
What happened? India has seen much worse time in past. 5 lakh Pundits were cleansed. Shikhs were killed.

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh I forgot that they were Hindus and shikhs and not Muslims and Christians . My bad.
Shush..that doesn't count...'cause it happened when sickular govt was at the helm!
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