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This is Justice, mob rule Justice


Nov 4, 2009
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A lawyer for one of three men accused of involvement in the deadly Mumbai (Bombay) attacks in 2008 has been shot dead, Indian police say.

Shahid Azmi was gunned down by unknown attackers in his office in Mumbai.

Mr Azmi represented Fahim Ansari, who - along with Sabahuddin Ahmed - is accused of aiding the gunmen who attacked Mumbai, killing 165 people.

It was not immediately known if the shooting was connected to the ongoing high-profile trial in the city.

Mr Ansari and Mr Ahmed are on trial with Mohammad Ajmal Amir Qasab, a Pakistan citizen, who is alleged to be the sole surviving gunman.

Gunmen flee

The unknown attackers shot Mr Azmi in his office in Mumbai's northern suburb of Kurla, police said.

"We have to ascertain the identity of the assailants. We have some clues," police commissioner Deven Bharti was quoted as saying by Reuters news agency.

The lawyer was reportedly shot several times at point blank range by the gunmen, who then fled from the office.

Mr Azmi, said to be in his mid-30s, had been involved as a defence lawyer in a number of high-profile cases, including the 2006 train blasts in Mumbai which left 187 people dead.

Islamabad's admission

Fahim Ansari was arrested in 2008 allegedly carrying maps with details of Mumbai landmarks.

Taj Mahal hotel under attack in November 2008
The November 2008 attacks left more than 170 people dead

He and Sabahuddin Ahmed are suspected of scouting for those who attacked the city in November 2008.

The attacks left 174 people dead, including nine gunmen, and strained ties between India and Pakistan.

Delhi blames the Pakistan-based militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba for the attacks.

Islamabad has admitted they were partly planned on its soil.

BBC News - Mumbai attacks defence lawyer gunned down - police

Mr Ajmal Kasab can really expect justice now.....terrorists win all round :victory:
How was Benazir Bhutto killed ?
Do you want to have the same header for the state of affairs in Pakistan ? Don't start new threads for the sake of grabbing attention. :blah: Please understand the meaning of mob and try and correlate to the article. Do you find that justified?

Please don't worry about justice to Ajmal Kasab. Think about the 10 accused who are undergoing trial + Hafiz Saeed.

I don't think Ajmal needs a lawyer as no one can defend the large incriminating offence caught on camera.:sniper::coffee:
The lawyer was defending Fahim Ansari .. what does this have to do with Ajmal Kasab ?
How was Benazir Bhutto killed ?
Do you want to have the same header for the state of affairs in Pakistan ? Don't start new threads for the sake of grabbing attention. :blah: Please understand the meaning of mob and try and correlate to the article. Do you find that justified?

I'm going to throw my toys out of the pram because your discussing something about India which I don't like........cry cry cry.....

I'm going to defame your leaders and country now, like the Bhutto murder that will make me feel better.............cry cry cry

This seems to be a trend here......anything that is remotely an issue in Pakistan, Indian members jump on the band wagon for abit of bashing, and now that a thread has been started here, they begin with pathetic stupid rants here in the hope that the thread will be eventually deleted or closed........lets discuss the topic at hand.

What justice can anyone expect in India when this sort of terrorism exists where the defence lawyer is shot dead.........whats the point of a trial or attempting to seek justice....

Mr Kasab's lawyers had all been threatened before hand due to the threats from hidden hands in India, and why shoudn;t they, after all, Mr Karkare who was investigating a SERVING Indian military officer Col Prohit is the first to get whacked in this so called terrorists attack fiasco.......what chance do these lawyers have............none
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I thought I will drive some sense into you but I failed. :hitwall:
Anyways, cheap and sub standard post on this forum and needs no explanation why ...

Chill and be happy that India is run by a mob ! Not to mention Pakistan is not run my a mob but by military dictators from time to time. Should we call it a better mob? You will come out of your shell someday and then understand what the reality is. For now continue your rant. I am expecting more of it. :pakistan:
It seems like mobs in India would perfer to have a complete kangaroo court / show trial like the one held in Germany after the Reichstag fire. This, of course, is not the case for all people in India. That said, killing the defense (lawyers) is not progressive at all. It does not bring justice any sooner or is appropriately retributive for the countless innocents who perished on that day.

Of course, normal, modern analogues do not currently exist. (It's not like anyone was remotely left alive after the 7/7 bombings in England that I was a personal victim of -- save for 'masterminds'; and the US has decided to abandon all laws by acting like the KGB and secreting anyone anywhere away to their own gulag -- Gitmo) These are crazy times.

That said, rationality should never be abandoned. It is a failure of our species, and a reason why true ascendance is not possible in this age. (Kali-yuga, or whatever you wish to call it)
There never was any intention of having justice done.....just a show case really
There never was any intention of having justice done.....just a show case really

Are u serious ? If some random person decides to kill someone, does that mean that the country's judiciary is worthless ?

Or do u suggest that everyone related to any case with any link to Pakistan be provided a special commando force protecting him/her ?
There never was any intention of having justice done.....just a show case really
yeah there was no intention of doing justice ,cause if there was that ansari would have been hanged long before,but this is Bharat ,here everybody gets justice ,though sometimes late.Though keep posting how many victimss of karachi target killing got justice.
There never was any intention of having justice done.....just a show case really

Gazzi are you for real mate..no body knows why is he being killed ..may be its personal..you said you work for law enforcement..jsut wait for the investigation to finish then take up your arms :disagree:
he was well know criminal lawyer, so ts obvious that he got many enemy. its also highly possible that he got killed because of some other or previous 'case' BUT the mumbai one.
The law must run its course. There are thousands of lawyers in India. Killing 1 lawyer who is handling the case is stupid and shortsighted if the murder was related to the matter. All of these accuseds including Kasab are entitled to legal representation and a fair trial. The police must investigate the cause of the killing and must take action. By the way , the title of this thread is just as shortsighted and stupid as the assassins if they indeed did kill the lawyer purely because he is representing Ansari.

As an observation, if this is the only relief that Pakistanis can get to satisfy themselves that India has mob rule and a lack of justice then so be it. But honestly, the thread was derailed the moment the poster decided to use the irrelevant title to it. Some of the Pakistani posted threads on India and Kashmir is enlightening and a real pleasure to read. Threads of this sort however makes you feel like it was such a waste of time reading the thread after you realise the irrelevance of the title to the article. Please attach a relevant title and thereafter post a footnote with a question which exposes your point of view.
In my view, if the killing is connected to the 26/11 trial, the the folks behind this killing are the ones who want to prevent the accused from getting sentenced. Think logically..Most people will be thinking on the same lines on which this thread has been started. Who gets to benefit the most.. The accused.. At least the trial will drag on for much longer.. new lawyer.. everything re hashed and so on...
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